
MP Governor Tests Positive For Coronavirus; Admitted To Bhopal AIIMS

Madhya Pradesh Governor Mangu Bhai C Patel tested positive for coronavirus on Sunday and was admitted to the Bhopal-based All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), a bulletin said.

Mangu Bhai C Patel

Madhya Pradesh Governor Mangu Bhai C Patel tested positive for coronavirus on Sunday and was admitted to the Bhopal-based All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), a bulletin said.

Patel's swab sample collected through RT-PCR was sent to the microbiology department on Sunday morning, which is found positive for Covid, the bulletin said.

Patel's CT scan of the chest shows mild pneumonitis, it said. 

The AIIMS also said that the governor is being treated for Covid-19 and an expert group of multi-specialty doctors is continuously monitoring his health.

Patel, 78, continues to be on oxygen support at the rate of one liter per minute and is maintaining an oxygen saturation of 96 percent.

(Inputs from PTI)




