
Infiltration Bid Foiled Along LoC In J-K's Poonch

Army troops in Jammu and Kashmir's Poonch district foiled an infiltration attempt by terrorists from across the Line of Control (LoC) and engaged in a gunfight. The area has been cordoned off and a search operation is underway.

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Army troops on Sunday engaged a group of terrorists in a gunfight after they made an attempt to sneak into this side from across the Line of Control (LoC) in Jammu and Kashmir's Poonch district, officials said.

The infiltration attempt was foiled in Shahpur sector when army troops guarding the LoC picked up movement of terrorists and challenged them in the early hours of the day, the officials said.

They said an exchange of fire broke out between the two sides which continued for quite some time. The whole area has been cordoned off and a massive search operation is on, the officials said.




