
Covid-19: PM Modi Lauds 150 Crore Vaccine Doses

Covid-19: Prime Minister Narendra Modi said: ‘Our vaccination drive has ensured that many lives are saved. At the same time, let us also keep following all Covid-19 related protocols’.

Covid-19: PM Modi Lauds 150 Crore Vaccine Doses

With India's Covid-19 vaccination coverage crossing the 150 crore doses on Friday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi lauded the feat and said the inoculation drive has ensured that many lives are saved.

"A remarkable day on the vaccination front! Congratulations to our fellow citizens on crossing the 150 crore milestone. Our vaccination drive has ensured that many lives are saved. At the same time, let us also keep following all Covid-19 related protocols," he said.

India is grateful to all those who have been working to make the vaccination drive a success, he said.

"We thank our doctors, scientists, innovators and the health care workers who are vaccinating the people. I urge all those eligible to get their shots. Together, let's fight Covid-19," he added.





