
Covid-19: NMMC Announces Financial Aid To Orphaned Children, Widows

Women who have lost their husbands as a result of Covid-19 will receive Rs 1.5 lakh in compensation, as well as equipment worth Rs 1 lakh for self-employment

Covid-19: NMMC Announces Financial Aid To Orphaned Children, Widows

The Navi Mumbai Municipal Corporation (NMMC) on Saturday stated that it will provide financial help to local children who have been orphaned as a result of the coronavirus outbreak.  Monetary aid would also be provided to women who lost their husbands as a result of Covid -19

Orphans will receive support ranging from Rs 1,000 to Rs 6,000, depending on their age. Women who have lost their husbands as a result of Covid-19 will receive Rs 1.5 lakh in compensation, as well as Rs 1 lakh in self-employment equipment, according to a statement from the NMMC.

Talking to reporters, Municipal Commissioner Abhijit Bangar said, "The future of many children may become bleak if they don't get support immediately after they lose their parents. However, it is also true that it is impossible to compensate for the loss the children suffer due to the death of their parents and women who lose their husband."
"It is a social commitment of the corporation to provide welfare schemes to such children and women for their education, employment, and financial independence so that they live with dignity" he added.





