
Which Countries Voted Against UN Resolution Demanding Ceasefire In Israel's War On Gaza?

The United States and Israel were among the ten votes against the draft resolution adopted by United Nations General Assembly on Tuesday that demanded an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in Israel's war on Gaza as well as the unconditional release of all hostages. 

U.S. United Nations Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield speaks before the U.N. General Assembly vote

The United States and Israel were among the ten votes against the draft resolution adopted by United Nations General Assembly on Tuesday that demanded an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in Israel's war on Gaza as well as the unconditional release of all hostages. 

The UNGA adopted the resolution after 153 countries, including India voted in favour of the ceasefire. Ten countries voted against the resolution and 23 abstained from voting. The resolution, demanded an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza and reiterated its demand that all parties comply with their obligations under international law, “notably with regard to the protection of civilians." 

Which countries voted against ceasefire in Gaza?

Austria, Czech Republic, Guatemela, Israel, Liberia, Micronesia, Nauru, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay and United States voted against ceasefire in Israel's war on Gaza. 

Just over 15 days ago, the US had vetoed a resolution in the United Security Council that likewise called for a humanitarian ceasefire. The UNSC resolution, tabled by the United Arab Emirates and backed by over 90 member states, got 13 votes in its favour while the UK abstained. Unlike UNSC resolutions, UNGA resolutions are non-binding.

In the UNGA session yesterday, Austria and the US had each moved an amendment to the draft text. Austria called for the insertion of the line “held by Hamas and other groups” after the word “hostages” in the main draft as well as called for ensuring "immediate" humanitarian access.

The amendment tabled by the US called for the insertion, in the main draft, of the paragraph “unequivocally rejects and condemns the heinous terrorist attacks by Hamas that took place in Israel starting October 7 and the taking of hostages”. India voted in favour of both the amendments.

However, the two amendments to the draft resolution could not be adopted since they failed to get the required two-thirds majority of votes.




