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Thanksgiving Binge: FRIENDS Episodes For Those Warm Festive Feels At Home

Celebrate Turkey Day with a FRIENDS marathon! Binge watch all the Thanksgiving episodes for a cozy, warm festive feel at home.

Snippet From Season 3, Episode 9: The One With The Football

Thanksgiving is indeed a time for family, friends, and great television. Back-to-back football games, the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, the dog show: No matter your interests, there's something on TV for everyone. For a cozy post-feast time, Friends' 10 iconic Thanksgiving episodes are perfect.

From Ross and Rachel's first fight to laugh-out-loud moments, these nostalgic episodes fill the gap between dinner and Black Friday shopping. Even if you're like Chandler and refuse to celebrate the American holiday, watching Friends is never a bad idea.

1. Season 1, Episode 9: "The One Where Underdog Gets Away"

The One Where Underdog Gets Away Courtesy: NBC

Monica hosts her first Thanksgiving, but chaos ensues. Chandler hates the holiday but agrees to join for his preferred meal. Rachel tries to earn money for a skiing trip, while Joey faces a family misunderstanding. The gang gets locked out during an incident with a Macy's parade balloon, ruining dinner. Despite the mishaps, they find comfort in each other and Chandler's grilled cheese sandwiches. Watching the six friends realize they'd rather spend Thanksgiving together than with their respective families sets the stage for many wonderful Thanksgivings to come. It feels real—as is the fact that they arrive at this realization by yelling at each other.

2. Season 2, Episode 8: "The One With the List"

The One With The List Courtesy: NBC

In a pivotal Friends episode, also known as 'The One After Ross and Rachel Kiss,' Ross chooses Rachel over his girlfriend, Julie, using a pros and cons list,  leading to her discovering the list and being upset. Meanwhile, Monica creates Thanksgiving recipes for a synthetic chocolate called Mocklate, which Phoebe thinks tastes like evil. Though important for the series, the Thanksgiving link is minor, and the evil chocolate idea clashes with the holiday spirit.

3. Season 3, Episode 9: "The One With The Football"

The One With the Football Courtesy: NBC

On Thanksgiving, the gang opts for a football game instead of just watching. Monica and Ross, previously banned for fighting over the Geller Cup, get increasingly competitive. Joey and Chandler compete for the affections of a Dutch girl during the game. The teams switch to girls versus boys, intensifying the Geller sibling rivalry. Surprisingly, the coveted Geller Cup is revealed to be a Troll doll nailed to a block of wood. The outdoor activity adds a refreshing touch to the usual couch scenes, and the enduring Geller rivalry remains relatable and entertaining.

4. Season 4, Episode 8: "The One With Chandler in a Box"

The One With Chandler in a Box Courtesy: NBC

Joey punishes Chandler for kissing his girlfriend by making him spend Thanksgiving in a box. Monica, dealing with an eye injury, falls for the on-call eye doctor, who happens to be her ex-boyfriend's son. While Monica and Rachel are out, the rest draw for Secret Santa, and tensions rise when Rachel's gift-returning habits upset Ross, who realizes she exchanged his past gifts. The fallout from Chandler's betrayal leads to funny and touching moments, including Joey giving Chandler permission to pursue his ex-girlfriend as a Secret Santa gift. Monica's attempt to date Richard's son becomes a source of humor, and Ross and Rachel's gift-related conflict tugs at the heartstrings.

5. Season 5, Episode 8: "The One With All the Thanksgivings"

The One With All The Thanksgivings Courtesy: NBC

A round of everyone saying what they're thankful for turns into tales of everyone's worst Thanksgiving. Flashbacks reveal Chandler's parents announcing their divorce, Joey with a turkey stuck on his head, Chandler calling Monica fat, and Monica accidentally cutting off Chandler's toe. To apologize, Monica wears a turkey on her head, prompting Chandler to accidentally confess his love.

6. Season 6, Episode 9: "The One Where Ross Got High"

The One Where Ross Got High Courtesy: NBC

Monica keeps her relationship with Chandler a secret from her parents, who disapprove of him due to a college rumor spread by Ross. Monica and Chandler attempt to persuade Ross to reveal the truth to their parents. Meanwhile, Ross and Joey are scheming to hurry through dinner to spend time with Janine, their attractive roommate. In the midst of it all, Rachel, tasked with dessert, makes a culinary mishap with a half English Trifle, half Shepherd's Pie creation. Ross's comedic struggle to navigate his dual dilemma—keeping his parents uninformed about his past and avoiding hurting Rachel's feelings—shines, emphasizing that "It's Thanksgiving, not TRUTH day."

7. Season 7, Episode 8: "The One Where Chandler Doesn't Like Dogs"

The One Where Chandler Doesn't Like Dogs Courtesy: NBC

Rachel invites her attractive assistant, Tag, to Thanksgiving dinner and considers making a move after learning about his recent breakup. Chandler challenges the group to name all 50 states in six minutes, leading to Ross's self-inflicted torment when he struggles to list them all. The gang discovers Phoebe hiding a dog in Monica and Chandler's apartment, prompting Chandler to confess his dislike for dogs.

8. Season 8, Episode 9: "The One With the Rumor"

The One With The Rumor Courtesy: NBC


Monica invites Ross's old friend, Will (Brad Pitt), to Thanksgiving, unaware of his disdain for Rachel. Joey protests against not cooking a whole turkey, claiming he can eat it all. Despite everyone admiring Will's looks, his hate towards Rachel surfaces. High school history resurfaces, exposing the creation of an "I Hate Rachel" club and a rumor about her. Simultaneously, Rachel reveals that she once spread a rumor about Ross making out with the librarian.

9. Season 9, Episode 8: "The One With Rachel's Other Sister"

The One With Rachel's Other Sister Courtesy: NBC

In this Thanksgiving episode of "Friends," Rachel's sister Amy (Christina Applegate) crashes Monica's dinner, insulting everyone as usual. Rachel and Ross upset her by saying that in case of any accident, they wouldn't leave their daughter with her. Joey misses the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade with the Days of Our Lives cast, and he and Phoebe work together to come up with a lie. Chandler suggests using the wedding china, but Monica goes to extremes to protect it, only to faint after a mishap.


10. Season 10, Episode 8: "The One With the Late Thanksgiving"

The One With The Late Thanksgiving Courtesy: NBC

Monica and Chandler attempt to avoid hosting Thanksgiving due to the adoption process stress, but Phoebe convinces Monica to outdo the previous year's feast. On the day, the guys go to a hockey game, the gals enter Emma in a pageant, making everyone 45 minutes late for dinner. Monica and Chandler are upset and try to punish their late friends. Memorable moments include Emma in Louisa May Emory's cowgirl outfit, Joey's staring trick, and Chandler and Monica FINALLY getting a baby. Nonetheless, it's the last Friends Thanksgiving episode!





