United States

Elephant Escapes Circus, Takes A Stroll Through Montana Street

Viola, a circus elephant from the Jordan World Circus, broke free from her trainer in Butte, Montana and took a stroll through the city streets.

Viola, a circus elephant

A circus elephant named Viola made headlines on Tuesday with an unexpected performance that left Butte, Montana, residents both astonished and concerned. Viola, a star performer at the Jordan World Circus, took an impromptu stroll through the city streets, causing a stir among locals.

According to city officials, Viola's escapade occurred just before her scheduled appearance at the circus. J.P. Gallagher, the county's chief executive, informed CBS News that the mammoth animal managed to break free from her trainer and meandered onto Harrison Ave, a bustling thoroughfare in Butte.

Witnesses captured the extraordinary sight on social media, with videos showing Viola calmly traversing through traffic, passing by the town's casino, and even venturing into a storage facility. Despite the commotion caused by her unexpected journey, no injuries were reported.

However, Viola's excursion did result in some minor damage to the Civic Center's storage area. Gallagher expressed gratitude that everyone remained unharmed despite the incident.

After a brief period of freedom, Viola's trainers successfully regained control and restrained her. This isn't the first time Viola has made a bid for freedom, according to statements from animal advocacy groups PETA and PAWS. Both organizations highlighted concerns about the treatment of circus animals, with PETA alleging a history of mistreatment and violations of the federal Animal Welfare Act by the circus suppliers.




