
Two Tigresses To Be Shifted To Ahmedabad Zoo From Aurangabad

On February 19, an official said on Tuesday, Two 26-month-old tigresses born in the Siddharth Zoo in Aurangabad would be transferred to a zoo in Gujarat's Ahmedabad.

Two Tigresses To Be Shifted To Ahmedabad Zoo From Aurangabad

 Two 26-month-old tigresses born in the Siddharth Zoo in Aurangabad would be transferred to a zoo in Gujarat's Ahmedabad on February 19, an official said on Tuesday.
In return, the Siddharth Zoo will get an emu, jackal, Indian crested porcupine, and a hornbill, he said. 
The Kamala Nehru Zoo of Ahmedabad would be the new home of tigresses Pratibha and Ranjana, said civic veterinary officer Shahid Shaikh.
The zoo decided to send them to Ahmedabad as it has tigresses in excess numbers, Shaikh said.
The zoo will still have ten tigers including three white ones, he said.




