
Why No Bharat Ratna For 'Sanyasis', Asks Yoga Guru Ramdev

Yoga guru Ramdev has lamented that no one from the saint community has been chosen for the country's highest civilian award - 'Bharat Ratna' - in the past 70 years.

Why No Bharat Ratna For 'Sanyasis', Asks Yoga Guru Ramdev

Yoga guru Baba Ramdev has appealed to the government demanding Bharat Ratna for 'sanyasis'.

Speaking to media persons in Uttar Pradesh, he said, "Either the Supreme Court or the government should do something for the construction (of #RamTemple). There aren't many possibilities of a quick judgment by the court. So I think that the government should take an initiative.

A new five-judge bench headed by Chief Justice Ranjan Gogoi was set up on Friday, and will hear the Ramjanmabhoomi-Babri Masjid matter on the next date.

The case has been pending before the top court for the last eight years. Parties in the case and various right-wing organisations have been asking for an early or day-to-day hearing for a long time.

Last year, the Supreme Court had refused to grant an urgent hearing, saying the court had “other priorities and had posted the matter for hearing on January 29 this year before the “appropriate bench.

On January 16, as part of the ongoing Kumbh Mela, a group of religious personalities lit 33,000 earthen lamps in Prayagraj, seeking the construction of Ram Temple in Ayodhya at the earliest.





