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The Blind Side: Here is why Twitter users are calling Sandra Bullock to return the Oscar she received for her role in the movie

Twitter users are demanding Sandra Bullock to return her Oscar for The Blind Side amid allegations from NFL player Michael Oher that his true-life story was exploited for the film. Oher contends that the Tuohy family, portrayed in the movie, gained profits while he was misled into a legal arrangement.

Sandra Bullock Oscar Speech

Twitter users are calling Sandra Bullock to return the Oscar she received for her role in The Blind Side, following allegations of exploitation made by Michael Oher. The NFL player's true-life journey from adversity to triumph, which inspired the 2009 sports drama, has come under scrutiny.

The movie narrates Oher's story of being "adopted" by Sean and Leigh-Ann Tuohy (portrayed by Bullock as Leigh-Ann). However, Oher contends that he was misled by the family into what was essentially a conservatorship– granting them legal control over his business transactions. Just recently, he submitted a legal request to terminate this setup. Additionally, he alleges that the Tuohy family gained profits from the Oscar-winning film, while he did not partake in them.

Amidst the ongoing dispute, several people on Twitter are urging Sandra to relinquish the 2010 Best Actress Oscar she earned for her role in the movie.

However, there has also been a surge of solidarity towards Sandra Bullock. Her advocates argue that she shouldn't bear responsibility for the purported misdeeds of the actual family portrayed in The Blind Side. 

The popular 2009 success derives its storyline from Michael Lewis' factual book detailing the football's transformation and Oher's personal journey. Lewis, known for his integrity as an author and journalist, has maintained his reputation. 

Oher's allegations on August 14, 2023, extend well beyond dramatizing a genuinely inspiring story for the big screen. To begin with, Oher contends that the Tuohys engaged in deception by having him sign conservatorship documents at the age of 18, under the premise that it was essentially equivalent to adoption.

Oher's legal representative further states that the family went on to benefit from the falsehood that he had been adopted, deliberately misrepresenting themselves as his "adoptive" parents to the wider audience. 

Tuohy family responds
Sean and Leigh Anne Tuohy have responded to Michael Oher's allegations that they profited at his detriment, labeling them as “outlandish," "hurtful and absurd" and part of a "shakedown" by the former NFL offensive tackle. Quinton Aaron, known for his role in "The Blind Side," has also come forward to support the Tuohy family following Michael Oher's assertion that the family depicted in the movie took advantage of his story.




