United States

Mysterious WWII Era Shipwreck Found In Lake Superior After 84 Years

The S.S. Arlington sank in a storm shortly after departing from port in Ontario in May 1940. Researchers have now located the wreckage after 84 years.

Great Lakes Shipwreck Historical Society
The SS Arlington, a 244-foot bulk carrier discovered around 35 miles north of Michigan’s Keweenaw Peninsula in Lake Superior. Photo: Great Lakes Shipwreck Historical Society

As the S.S. Arlington, a vessel laden with wheat, battled stormy waters on Lake Superior on May 1, 1940, it encountered a fate that would shroud its final moments in mystery for over eight decades. Now, with the recent discovery of the sunken ship off the coast of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, researchers are closer to uncovering the truth behind this enigmatic maritime tragedy.

Captain Frederick Burke: A Figure of Intrigue

At the heart of the Arlington's saga is its captain, Frederick Burke, affectionately known as Tatey Bug. In a puzzling twist, Captain Burke was spotted waving to his crew from the deck moments before the ship succumbed to the tempestuous waters. His solitary presence amidst the chaos has left investigators and historians baffled, sparking speculation about his actions in the vessel's final moments.

A sketch by Robert McGreevy depicting how the ship sank.
A sketch by Robert McGreevy depicting how the ship sank. Photo: Great Lakes Shipwreck Historical Society

The Unveiling of the S.S. Arlington

Decades after its disappearance, the S.S. Arlington emerged from the depths of Lake Superior, offering a glimpse into a bygone era of maritime history. Discovered by researchers from the Great Lakes Shipwreck Historical Society, the Arlington's wreckage serves as a poignant reminder of the perils faced by sailors navigating the treacherous waters of the Great Lakes.

As the Arlington began to falter in the face of relentless waves, its crew embarked on a harrowing journey to safety. Yet, Captain Burke's actions remain shrouded in mystery. Was his wave a final farewell or a desperate plea for help? The truth may never be known, leaving behind a haunting legacy that continues to intrigue maritime enthusiasts and historians alike.

Shipwreck found in Lake Superior.
Shipwreck found in Lake Superior. Photo: Great Lakes Shipwreck Historical Society
Shipwreck found in Lake Superior.
Shipwreck found in Lake Superior. Photo: Great Lakes Shipwreck Historical Society

Past & Present : Preserving Maritime Heritage

The discovery of the S.S. Arlington offers more than just a glimpse into a tragic chapter of maritime history. It serves as a testament to the resilience of those who braved the unforgiving waters of Lake Superior and the enduring legacy of those who perished in its depths. As researchers strive to piece together the puzzle of the Arlington's demise, they honor the memory of Captain Burke and his crew, ensuring that their story will not be forgotten.

With each new discovery, researchers shed light on the untold stories of ships lost to the depths of the Great Lakes. As the Arlington takes its place among the ranks of other sunken vessels, efforts to preserve these maritime treasures gain renewed importance. Through exploration and conservation, future generations will continue to uncover the mysteries that lie beneath the surface, preserving the rich tapestry of Great Lakes maritime heritage for years to come.





