Actor Salman Khan’s legal troubles seem to be ongoing. The actor’s 1998 blackbuck poaching case has still not concluded and as per fresh reports, the case has been now been transferred to the Rajasthan High court. The case was being tried at the Jodhpur District and Sessions court.
In a Pinkvilla report, as per ANI, the poaching case will be tried in the High Court. “1998 blackbuck poaching case | Rajasthan High Court allows the transfer petition of actor Salman Khan. The pleas relating to the actor will now be heard in the High Court,” ANI tweeted from their official handle.
The blackbuck poaching case has been ongoing for over two decades now and has been a talking point over the years. Khan was accused of killing two blackbucks in Jodhpur while he was shooting his film ‘Hum Saath Saath Hain’. The shooting took place at Bhagoda ki Dhani located in Kankani village near Jodhpur. Reportedly, Khan was charged under section 9/51 of the Indian Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972. In 2018, a trial court had awarded a five-year prison sentence, convicting him for the same. The actor had, then, challenged this petition in the sessions court, stating that he only had air rifles with him at the time and it was impossible to kill an animal with those. However, the prosecution had argued that the actor was in possession of two firearms.
Besides Khan, the others who were accused in the case were his co-actors Saif Ali Khan, Sonali Bendre, Neelam and Tabu. They were charged under Section 51 of the Wildlife (Protection) Act and under Section 149 (unlawful assembly) of the Indian Penal Code. While Saif, Sonali, Neelam and Tabu were all acquitted, Khan’s is yet to be let off. Two more people - Dinesh Gawr and Dushyant – have been accused in the poaching case as well.