Editor’s Picks

OT Holiday Poll Reveals The Summer Preferences Of Travellers

From budget concerns to balmy getaways, the survey focuses on travellers' summer preferences, amidst the ever-evolving travel circuit

The OT Holiday Poll was conducted online on Instagram Photo: Shutterstock

Planning a summer trip brings choices. Whether we love the beach, wildlife, road trips, or spiritual places, there is something for everyone. We think about our budget, weather, and safety as we choose where to stay and what to do. But despite any worries, the excitement of exploring new places and making memories fills us with anticipation. 

To gauge the travel mood of readers, Outlook Traveller conducted a summer holiday poll on Instagram. The 24-hour survey helped us understand travellers' summer preferences as they prioritise budget and balmy getaways amidst the ever-expanding "travelscape," which is replete with options.