United States

Top 5 ways to deal with mental trauma due to gun violence

Gun violence can have a devastating effect on a person’s mental health. However, there are ways through which one can cope with these mental health crises


Mental Health and Gun Violence (Representational Image)

Over the years, gun violence in the United States has become a major concern. According to an online report, as of August 01, 2023, at least 25,198 people in the United States have lost their lives due to gun violence, and thousands of others were left mentally and physically scarred by various mass shooting episodes.

Needless to say, gun violence can have a devastating impact on individuals, families, and communities. Following such violence, the aspect that affects individuals the most is their mental health. Dealing with mental trauma due to gun violence can be incredibly challenging and traumatizing, both for survivors and witnesses.


Those who have been exposed to gun violence may experience a range of mental health problems, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, and depression. These are serious concerns that can profoundly affect an individual's health and personal life.

However, there are various ways through which individuals can cope with the trauma caused by gun violence. Here are five tips that can help individuals boost their mental health after such incidents:

Seek Professional Help: If you have been a victim of gun violence and are experiencing mental health trauma, it's crucial to seek professional help. Visit a nearby therapist who can help you understand the symptoms you need to address and how to cope with them.


Accept Your Feelings: After experiencing a devastating situation, you may feel a wide range of challenging and unexpected emotions, such as shock, anger, and guilt. These feelings are normal in the aftermath of such a disaster, so allow yourself to feel them as a part of the healing process.

Join a Support Group: Numerous support groups are available for people who have been exposed to gun violence. These groups provide a safe environment to share experiences and connect with individuals who have faced similar struggles.

Focus on Self-Care: It's crucial to prioritize self-care after a traumatizing incident. While there may be times when you feel like doing nothing, it's advisable to push yourself a little further. Go for walks, boost your energy and motivation, and engage in activities that bring you happiness.

Talk to Others: Discussing your experiences with loved ones can be beneficial. Opening up about the traumatic incident can help alleviate some of the emotional burden and make you feel lighter.
