
‘Equip Yourself With Digital Skills; Aspire To Create, Not Just Seek Jobs’

In an exclusive interview with Amit Shanbaug, Associate Editor of Outlook Business, Dr. Ashok Kumar Mittal, Member of Parliament, Rajya Sabha, and Chancellor of Lovely Professional University, discusses the evolution of education in India, the benefits of online learning, LPU’s community initiatives, and the future of digital education, emphasising innovation and inclusivity.

Member of Parliament, Rajya Sabha, and Chancellor of Lovely Professional University, Dr. Ashok Kumar Mittal

You have been an integral part of the education system in India, how have you seen the system evolve in the last 20 years?

Over the past 20 years, India’s education system has seen significant changes: the private sector now educates about 65% of higher education students, there is a stronger emphasis on professional degrees for career readiness, and digitization has transformed many educational activities. This includes the rise of online degree programs and the development of digital content within India.

What challenges have you faced in transforming higher education through regular, distance, and online modes?

Transforming education across regular, distance, and online modes presents unique challenges. In regular education, maintaining high- quality interaction and personalized learning for diverse students is demanding. Distance education must balance effective student support, quality, and affordability. Online education requires adaptability to technology, fostering engagement, and tailoring teaching methods to virtual environments. Overcoming these challenges demands continuous innovation, robust infrastructure, and faculty training to ensure student success across all modes.

Online learning market is booming. Do you think it’s here to stay?

Online education is here to stay and will grow as technology improves and becomes accessible to all. It benefits fields like arts, humanities, social sciences, commerce, computer applications, management etc. but for practical subjects like engineering, agriculture, physical sciences, medical sciences, etc., in-person education remain essential due to hands-on components. We were the first in the country to introduce Online Education in 2002, 20 years ago. While twenty years is a relatively short period for an education system to mature, we have strong faith in the future of online education, both in India and globally. Though it will take time to reach its full potential, online education is poised to grow significantly and may even surpass traditional education in the years to come.

Can you elaborate on LPU’s initiatives to use online education as a means of serving the community or society at large?

LPU leverages online education for community impact through affordable programs, skill workshops, and outreach to underserved groups. We prioritise inclusivity with fee waivers for challenged learners and achievers. This democratises access, fostering societal development and individual empowerment.

Lovely Professional University

How have recent regulatory reforms in online education influenced higher education landscape?

Regulatory reforms in online education have spurred transformative changes, enhancing accessibility and innovation. However, the regulatory reforms should further focus on creating an education system that is academically excellent, morally grounded, and inclusive. The policies should talk about equipping students with skills for the evolving job market and societal needs. To sustain inclusivity, the regulatory bodies must optimize resource utilization and frame policies that benefit both private and government stakeholders for speedy, positive outcomes. Additionally, we advocate for significant weightage to sports and cultural activities in accreditation and ranking processes, ensuring they receive as much attention as academics.

How does LPU ensure the quality and efficacy of online education programs?

LPU upholds quality standards in online education through various measures. We invest in advanced technology infrastructure, offer robust faculty development programs, and prioritize creating interactive and engaging content. Our online programs match the academic rigor and quality of traditional in-person education through a structured approach. Key factors include a well-designed learning management system, high-quality audio-visual content, and effective evaluation methods. Monitoring teacher performance and proctoring assessments ensure integrity. When these elements align with educational objectives, online education becomes a highly effective tool. Moreover, At LPU, we blend online learning with on-campus experiences, encouraging participation in cultural, sports, and co-curricular activities, ensuring a comprehensive educational experience.

How does LPU align its online education strategies with the National Education Policy and Digital India vision of the Central Government?

Policy reforms like the National Education Policy 2020 emphasises skill enhancement, aiming for students to graduate with both a degree and a career. While it will take time to fully implement, this policy prioritises career readiness for every graduating student. We are aligned with both the National Education Policy and Digital India initiatives, among other governmental and regulatory efforts, including those from the University Grants Commission. We follow these guidelines in both letter and spirit, benefiting from the collective wisdom of academia and industry. Adhering to these standards yields positive results, allowing us to evolve with new additions to the Indian education system.

How do you see the future of online education evolving, and what role does LPU envision in shaping this future?

The future of online education is promising, characterized by personalization, interactivity, and lifelong learning. LPU envisions playing a pivotal role in shaping this future by innovating with immersive technologies, fostering global collaborations, and ensuring equitable access to high-quality education. Our goal is to empower learners worldwide with transformative educational experiences.

Lovely Professional University Campus

As a Member of Parliament, Rajya Sabha, do you see greater opportunities for you to reform or transform the higher education system in the country?

As a Member of Parliament, Rajya Sabha, my voice has found a greater platform to effect change and make an impact. Whether it is during Parliament sessions where I have raised questions, provided suggestions, or proposed bills for reforms, or representing India at the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) in Geneva, where I discussed the benefits of youth upskilling and quality education, I have consistently advocated for meaningful advancements in education. Education requires continuous reform as it has largely remained unchanged since independence, reflecting an outdated British-era system. Unlike mature industries, education offers ample scope for improvement and growth. Recognising this, institutions like LPU prioritise quality and innovation, contributing to the sector’s advancement.

Please give a message for today’s learner

Our motto at LPU is to ‘Think BIG’’ and therefore my message to today’s learner is to think big, to embrace continuous learning and adaptability. Equip yourself with digital skills, and cultivate curiosity. Work on your holistic growth and seek out diverse perspectives. Remember that education is a lifelong journey, and success comes not just from what you learn, but how you apply it. Share your knowledge to make a positive impact on society. Moreover, I urge learners to become job creators instead of focusing solely on seeking jobs. By cultivating an entrepreneurial mindset and leveraging your skills to innovate and create opportunities, you can contribute meaningfully to the world around you.