Art & Entertainment

5 Films That Should Be On Every Pet Lover’s Watchlist

If you are a pet lover and want to experience films which depict the same bond and emotion on screen, then here are a few films which should be on your binge-watch list.

A Still From 777 Charlie

It’s often said that pets are the most loyal beings on earth and can go to any extent to safeguard their owners. While they can’t speak their emotions out like humans, they are the most faithful and make better friends than actual human beings. Dogs are the most innocent, loyal, and loving companions one can ask for. Pets are always there for you and a happy place for many, then be it after a hectic day at work, or when you are sad, happy, or angry. They can lift your mood and put you in a happy mood instantly without doing much. It just feels safe and right to have them next to you.

If you are a pet lover and want to experience films which depict the same bond and emotion on screen, then here are a few films which should be on your binge-watch list:

Lakadbaggha’ (Zee5)

A love letter to dogs, ‘Lakadbaggha’ is the story of an animal lover vigilante vs an animal abuser kingpin. Set in Kolkata, the film follows Arjun [Anshuman Jha], a loner who teaches martial arts to children during the day and turns into a savior of the street dogs during the night. During his hunt for a lost dog, he comes across an endangered species of an Indian striped hyena [Lakadbaggha] and learns about an illegal animal trade operation in Kolkata. Will he be able to reunite with his dog while also helping other animals or will he be chased down by crime branch officer Akshara [Riddhi Dogra] who is tasked with the responsibility to find the hooded vigilante whose identity remains mysterious? This action film deals with the underbelly of the illegal animal trade and the inhuman treatment of voiceless creatures. Every animal lover should watch this film to educate themselves and experience the magic that this film is.

‘Entertainment’ (Zee5)

This comedy film centres around Akhil [Played by Akshay Kumar], an underdog and a failure who comes to know that his real father is a rich diamond merchant who has just passed away. When he goes to retrieve his wealth, he learns that the family dog has inherited it. He fights the other gold-digging relatives for the money and eventually teams up with the dog. With unlimited laughter, cuteness, and banter between the golden retriever Tuffy and Akhil, the film is sure to keep you engrossed and entertained.

‘777 Charlie’ (Amazon Prime Video)

The film follows the journey and bonding between a lonely factory worker and a stray Labrador dog. Dharma, a hopeless man, and a loner with antisocial tendencies leads his life in ruins until an abused pup named Charlie walks in and changes it completely for good. This critically acclaimed film is a must watch to see the bond between humans and their dogs finally being translated on screen in the realist form possible.

‘Hachi: A Dog’s Tale’ (Amazon Prime Video)

‘Hachi: A Dog’s Tale’ follows the journey of Young Ronnie who reveals to his classmates that his personal hero is a dog named Hachi. Ribbed by his fellow pupils, Ronnie goes on to tell the remarkable story of his grandfather's friendship with the dog. The endearing tale will tug at your heartstrings and make you curl up on the couch with your furry friend.

‘Marley And Me’ (Amazon Prime Video)

Marley and Me revolves around newlyweds John and Jenny who leave behind snowy Michigan and move to Florida, where they buy their first home and find jobs at competing newspapers. Soon afterward, the Grogans adopt Marley, an adorable yellow Labrador pup. But Marley soon grows up to be a mischievous handful. Still, even while he's destroying the furniture and failing obedience school, he always manages to bring out the best in John, Jenny and their growing family. The delightful film captures how adorable dogs can be and it’s truly a blessing to have them in your life.

Watch these heart melting films for an extra dose of happiness.





