Megastar Amitabh Bachchan enjoyed his conversation with the 11-year-old 'Kaun Banega Crorepati 14' contestant Vedant Sharma. When the host asked him about a superpower he would love to have, Vedant said that he would love to swap his body with 'Gyannath ji', the computer'.
"I would love to turn into Gyannath ji, memorise the answers and then come back and play the game!"
Later, a video was played showing how Vedant takes care of his elder brother, who suffers with Autism and their father told Big B: "Vedant is Atharva's younger brother but he always behaves like his elder brother. Not just from now but even when Vedant was young, we used to go out for hours leaving Atharva's responsibility on Vedant and he takes complete care of him."
Big B told Vedant's father that as a father, he must be proud looking at how Vedant takes care of his brother, as it is not seen so often.
The host got impressed after hearing how Vedant helps his family and he expressed his happiness by telling Vedant that "he wishes for Vedant to get the superpower which will help him cure his brother and everyone else suffering from the same."
'Kaun Banega Crorepati 14's 'KBC Juniors' will be coming from December 5 on Sony Entertainment Television.
'KBC 14' Contestant Amuses Big B With His Conversation
Megastar Amitabh Bachchan enjoyed his conversation with the 11-year-old 'Kaun Banega Crorepati 14' contestant Vedant Sharma. When the host asked him about a superpower he would love to have, Vedant said that he would love to swap his body with 'Gyannath ji', the computer'.
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