
Remembering Dr. B R Ambedkar, Leaders Pay Tributes On Babasaheb's Mahaparinirvan Diwas

December 6th 2018 marks the 62nd Death Anniversary of Dr. B R Ambedkar, our country's social reformer and intellectual who fought for the right of Dalits, untouchables and women.

Remembering Dr. B R Ambedkar, Leaders Pay Tributes On Babasaheb's Mahaparinirvan Diwas

Babasaheb Ambedkar, a founding father of the modern Indian Republic passed away on 6th December 1956. This day marks the 62nd Death Anniversary of our country's social reformer and intellectual who fought for the right of Dalits, untouchables and women.

An economist, political reformer and jurist, he argued for a broad Civil Rights Organisation which would focus on gaining civic rights for Dalits—entry into public places, use of public facilities, broad civil liberties under the control of the Dalits themselves.

Ambedkar inspired the Neo-Buddhism Movement and opened a Buddhism school called Navayana where, following the path to end discrimination, a large number of his Dalit followers converted to Buddhism that challenged and rejected Hinduism and the Caste System.

He was a political reformer who fought for the rights of 'untouchables' and played a key role in not just India's Independence but also in the making of the Constitution of India as the Chairman of the Drafting Committee.

Ambedkar was the first Mahar Dalit (untouchable) who was enrolled into the Bombay University and persued further studies from New York and London.

He has written books that brutally attack the caste system and orthodox Hinduism. In one such book, "Annihilation of Caste", Dr. B R Ambedkar wrote, "The outcaste is a bye-product of the caste system. There will be outcastes as long as there are castes. Nothing can emancipate the outcaste except the destruction of the caste system.”

Prime Minister Modi, President Kovind, Chandrababu Naidu, Sitaram Yechury among others paid homage to Dr. B R Ambedkar on account of his 63rd Death Anniversary on twitter.

PM Modi tweeted, "India bows to Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar on Mahaparinirvan Diwas."

President Kovind paid floral tributes to Babasaheb Dr B.R. Ambedkar on his Mahaparinirvan Diwas at the Parliament House Lawns in New Delhi.

Sitaram Yechury tweeted with a belief that anti-India forces will be defeated that said, "Today is a reminder of many things. On the one hand, of Dr BR Ambedkar and his contribution to India that we cherish. On the other, of the havoc wreaked by the goons of RSS-BJP by demolishing Babri Masjid in 1992. These anti-India forces will be defeated. #DefendTheConstitution

He tweeted further, "India belongs equally to each of its citizens. We will not allow any force to subvert this basic Indian promise to each of its people. #DefendTheConstitution #Secularism #December6 #DrBRAmbedkar"

"Remembering the principal architect of Indian Constitution, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, on his death anniversary. My tributes to Babasaheb for his extraordinary service to the nation, bringing important social reforms," tweeted Chandrababu Naidu.

Mamata Banerjee paid tribute to Dr. B R Ambedkar and tweeted, "Respectful tribute to Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar on his death anniversary. His contribution in framing India’s Constitution will forever be remembered by the generations to come."





