
Lashkar-e-Taiba Behind Killing Of Kashmiri BJP Leader, His Family Members: Police

The police said a militant fired at a close range at the BJP leader, his father and brother. They were hit at head and died on their way to hospital.

Lashkar-e-Taiba Behind Killing Of Kashmiri BJP Leader, His Family Members: Police

The proscribed terror outfit Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) is behind the killing of BJP leader and two of his family members in North Kashmir's Bandipore district on Wednesday night, Inspector General (IG) Kashmir Vijay Kumar said on Thursday.

The IG spoke to reporters after visiting the home of the slain leader in Bandipore along with senior police officials.

"After watching the CCTV footage, it looks like a pre-planned attack," he said.

He said Waseem Bari had returned home after meeting a relative Wednesday evening. His PSOs (Personal Security Officers) went to their rooms. He went to his shop where his brother and father were present. 

"A militant fired at a close range at them, the three took bullets in the head, they were taken to the hospital, they died on the way," he said.

The IG said the militants responsible for the incident have been identified.

"It is a group of two LeT militants. One of them is a Pakistani militant and a second one is a local, whose name is Abid. Very soon the police, CRPF and the army will neutralise this militant," he said.





