
‘Freedom From Diabetes’ Has Weaned 10k Diabetics From Insulin, Medications

Freedom From Diabetes has weaned almost 10k diabetics from insulin and medications

‘Freedom From Diabetes’ Has Weaned 10k Diabetics From Insulin, Medications

In eight years since its inception in 2013 (till July 14, 2021), Freedom From Diabetes has been successful in getting 9,917 diabetics either free of insulin or medication (or both).   

How did we achieve this? What are the principles we follow? Here is an inside story for the benefit of many.

The key lies in understanding, connecting and driving behavioural change in individuals and families. There are many drivers that make this happen. Some are as follows:

Treat an integrated entity in an integrated manner. We are made up of a physical body, containing a fluid-energy system, with fluctuating stress levels, short- and long- term mental patterns, a deeper self that many call a soul etc. Diabetes or any other disorder resides within this integrated entity, through a clear cause-and-effect mechanism. Medications are profoundly useful, but are not the only treatment this entity needs. Hence, from very early on, a lot of time and expertise was invested in developing an integrated protocol around diet, exercise, stress release, developing positivity, relevant medical tests, supplements and medications.

Measurement creates motivation: Go hi-tech, hi-touch. In general, it is said that changing human behaviour is difficult. Here, measurements can become a game changer. It’s like when one gets diagnosed with diabetes. The first blood sugar or Hba1c reading indicating the disease gets imprinted in the patient’s mind and is remembered for life. Participants often tell us: “You know what, my first sugar level when diagnosed was 436 (ideal: below 140); or my Hba1c was 13.4 (ideal: 5.7).” The tension created by these high numbers shakes one up and drives them to make changes in their lifestyle. So do improving numbers make them continue with the changes, afterwards.

We designed a very special app for communication and monitoring, the ‘FFD App’, which integrated all relevant participant information that made things secure and scalable. We clearly colour-coded blood sugar numbers on the app in Red, Orange and Green. Seeing them creates great motivation for change. For example, you ask a participant to climb stairs two hours after a meal, and tell them to measure their sugar levels before and after the exercise. From experience, we can tell you that most of them get addicted to the exercise regime within 1-2 sessions, as the drop in sugar levels afterwards is dramatic (by 20-50 points), and that too, in around 5-10 minutes.

Harnessing the power of group energy. We realised that education, support and inspiration are keys drivers for change, and these can be nicely achieved through group sessions and chats. Delivering key concepts through engaging group sessions, followed by a live Q&A, gets the information across in a manner that creates internal impact and need for change. Formation of various groups across different BMI categories, countries, co-morbidities and athletic abilities, with timely education, answering of queries and motivational content, has been extremely useful. We thrive in a connected world, but traditional medical treatment has usually ignored the power of the group, by continuing to treat patients individually. We intentionally created this shift.


Decoding the formula of human transformation. We have internally arrived at a formula of human transformation. This is used for all internal training purposes, to build that class of service and interaction which will drive human change.

Human Transformation = Loving Attention + Incisive Direction + Relevant Support. Be it kids, spouses, parents — all humans thrive with attention. Without attention, most wither. And if you infuse this attention with love, it becomes a great energy for change.

We understood this early on, and built-in daily interaction through one-on-one messaging between doctor and participant. Participants would submit their blood sugar, weight and BP data through the FFD App, and our doctors would respond to them daily with words of appreciation, even on Sundays. The change is also generated through diet and exercise experts. Participants are also asked to submit diet and exercise details, and the experts express their appreciation of the positives.

Besides loving attention, incisive direction is crucial to create the change. Without it, the attention will have only left the participant with a feel-good factor. Our highly evolved, phase-wise diet, exercise and inner transformation protocols, which are customised for each participant through an assigned team of experts, gives them the incisive direction they need.

Relevant support or push is needed after timely intervals, which is tech and human driven. We have a team of monitors who independently review progress, talk with participants and, through experts or direct interactions, create a support mechanism so that the shift happens.

Making participants medically wiser. Educated participants take a lot more interest in their test parameters and medications. Over the year-long programme, this also serves to make them independent. Making them medically wiser’ by informing them and getting them to own up the ideal levels for HbA1c, fasting insulin, hSCRP, cholesterol ratios, kidney parameters, etc, has been our priority, along with appropriate actions taken after the observations are recorded.

Intangible ingredients which have created a difference are genuine intention, genuine care and getting the team to transfer their energy, for the participants to achieve their goals. Thus far, our journey has been incredible and extremely satisfying. We look forward to reaching our goal of making 1,00,000 diabetics free of medications by 2025.


(This appeared in the print edition as "A No-Jab Shot In The Arm")

Dr Tripathi is Founder, freedom from diabetes, Pune. Views expressed are personal




