
Three Missiles Misfired During Military Exercise In Jaisalmer

No casualty or loss of property was reported. An investigation is underway to determine the cause. 

A missile being launched

Three surface-to-air missiles were misfired during a military exercise at the Pokhran field shooting range in Jaisalmer on Friday due to a technical glitch. 

Going out of range, the three missiles hit three different fields in three different villages. The incident was confirmed by defence spokesperson, Lt Col Amitabh Sharma, who said, "A case of Missile misfire was reported while a unit was undertaking its annual field firing today."

According to sources, the three missiles blew up in the sky and landed outside the shooting range. One missile was discovered in a field near Ajasar hamlet, outside the firing range. The second missile's wreckage was discovered in a deserted area near Satyaya village.

However, no casualty or loss of property was reported. An investigation is underway to determine the cause. 




