United States

US Pauses Weapons Shipment To Israel Ahead of Rafah Attack, Confirms Pentagon Chief Llyod Austin

US Defence Secretary and Pentagon Chief Llyod Austin has confirmed that the United States paused a weapons shipment to Israel ahead of its looming attack on Rafah in the Gaza Strip.

Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin with Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant Photo: AP

US Defence Secretary and Pentagon Chief Llyod Austin has confirmed that the United States paused a weapons shipment to Israel ahead of its looming attack on Rafah in the Gaza Strip.

With this confirmation, Austin has become one of the first officials from the Biden Administration to publicly explain a shift in US policy towards Israel.

Testifying before by congressional subcommittee on Wednesday, the Pentagon Chief stated that the Biden administration paused "one shipment of high payload munitions over a possible Israeli offensive in Rafah that could put Palestinians civilians at risk".

During the congressional hearing, the defence secretary further stated that US' commitment to Israel's right to defence remains "ironclad" and a decision on suspending the munitions shipment was not final. However, he added that the US' preference would be that "no major combat" takes place in Rafah.

"We've been very clear... from the very beginning that Israel shouldn't launch a major attack into Rafah without accounting for and protecting the civilians that are in that battlespace," Austin told the Senate.

"And again, as we have assessed the situation, we have paused one shipment of high payload munitions. We've not made a final determination on how to proceed with that shipment," the Pentagon chief added further.

Israel expressed its disappointment in response to the pause in shipments. Israeli ambassador to the United National Gilad Erdan stated that US decision was "Very disappointing" and that President Joe Biden cannot call himself Israel's partner.

"[US President Joe Biden] can’t say he is our partner in the goal to destroy Hamas, while on the other hand delay the means meant to destroy Hamas,” stated the UN envoy.

Speaking to NBC News, an official from the Israeli government added that US pause in weapons shipment has "frustrated" the Israeli government.

Since the war resumed in December 2023, Israel moved its operations and military attacks to focus on southern Gaza. After operations in Khan Younis and other Gazan cities, Israeli military is now focusing on pushing into Rafah.

Rafah is one of the cities were millions of Palestinians sought refuge during the first phase of the war. With no date set for the attack, the Israeli military has started to evacuate civilians in the region and taken control of the Rafah Border Crossing with Egypt.




