Art & Entertainment

Celebrities Are Ready To Enjoy A Mangolicious Summer

Celebs talk about mangoes, if they wait for its season to come, how they enjoy having their mangoes and if they eat or drink it to their heart's content or follow restrictions. Here’s what they have to say about the mango season this summer.

Katrina Kaif

The mango, often referred to as the King of Fruits, is also India's national fruit. The season of this amazingly sweet and much-loved fruit is here. There are so many dishes prepared with both ripe and unripe mangoes.

Celebs talk about mangoes, if they wait for their season to come, how they enjoy having their mangoes and if they eat or drink it to their heart's content or follow restrictions. Here’s what their plans are:

Monika Singh

I eagerly wait for the mango season every year as it’ my favourite fruit. I love making smoothies, shakes or eating mango as a whole. I make sure to strike a balance between indulgence of its taste and maintaining a healthy diet during the mango season. It is essential to remember that as much as we all adore mangoes, it's crucial to remember not to overindulge and incorporate them in moderation in our daily diet. But nothing beats the simple pleasure of biting into a ripe, juicy mango on a hot summer day. And, I'm looking forward to enjoying some delicious mangoes this season!

Mitaali Nag

Mango is my favourite fruit and I enjoy its royal taste. No wonder it’s called the king of fruits. One of the main reasons I wait for summers is because I get to savour my favourite fruit. Whether its mango shake, mango ice cream, mango smoothie or just the fruit, mango is welcome in any form. I have very fond memories of eating mango and sucking the last bit of it from the seed as a kid. However after I moved to Mumbai I was introduced to another deadly combination - Mango with Malai ice cream and it tops my list. Raw mango pickle is something that I make and enjoy the whole year. In fact I also love raw mango panna because of its tangy and refreshing taste.

Rishina Kandhari

I never leave any seasonal fruits and mango is the fruit that is loved in every form. I love aamras and poori and I make yummy mango delight with dry fruits and cream. I do follow healthy eating habits and my diet includes mangos as well.

Aditi Shetty

I am a mango lover and eagerly wait for the mango season to arrive. As the first mangoes arrive, I make sure I get it and I do not care or count about how many mangoes I have eaten in a day. I can easily eat 4-6 mangoes and there is no diet when it comes to Mangoes. I just like to cut them and eat them but I also like mango milkshakes, lassi, smoothies and even like to add them to my protein. I can skip my lunch or dinner to eat mangoes. Mangoes also give a little heat so I make sure to drink lots of water as I get some boils on my face. But that cannot stop me from eating mangoes. My favourite is Alphonso mangoes.

Mohit Malhotra

I love mangoes so much and every time one of the guys whom I know has his own growing facility, gets me a box of alphonso mangoes. I drink mango milkshakes every day before I go to shoot or take it with me in the car. I adore mangoes and like to add them to my protein shakes and salad. Mangoes are the best fruits and it's the best thing that nature has given us. Mangoes act as a mood-booster for me.

Robin Sohi

My favourite fruit is mango. When we were young, we used to gather raw mangoes from the fields in Punjab, bring them home, and either eat them or have our mother make achar out of them. My mama ji had a mango orchard when I used to visit Lucknow, and we frequently ate mangoes there. I remember a funny incident where I ate 20 to 25 mangoes during the 12-hour train ride home from Lucknow while we had the entire bag of mangoes with us. I am that crazy for mangoes and I love having mango shakes. I feel mangoes come once a year so you can cheat with your diet but since we workout regularly so it gets managed.

Sneha Jain

Mango season is here and it’s the most favourite fruit of everyone and it’s our national fruit too. I am not that foodie and I don’t have the craving for mangoes everyday. I eat sometimes but my family is crazy for mangoes. I never diet to maintain myself, it’s god gifted but whenever I feel like eating mangoes I eat it. I just love eating mangoes raw or I have aamras. I don’t like smoothies or shakes as the taste gets changed. I like the raw taste of mangoes. We are six siblings and in our childhood days when mangoes used to come at home we used to fight for mango guthli and turn by turn my mom used to divide it among us.

Gaurav Singh

The day I saw Katrina Kaif in maaza tvc, I started liking her more just because of the fact that she loves mangoes too...hahaha. Well I just love mangoes and I can’t tell you one way of eating them cause there are many. Fruit salad, pancakes, smoothies with ice cream and what not…but I do follow my diet strictly and I eat mangoes 2 or 3 times in a week only.

Karishma Raj Soni

I am a crazy mango lover and I eagerly wait for the mango season. Sometimes I skip my lunch just to have mangoes or have a refreshing mango shake. One of my favourite go to breakfast receipe is the mango-chia pudding which is super healthy and easy to make. My favourite childhood memories about the mango season would be that when I used to come back home after school, I used to have aamras with every meal. Even the simplest roti or poori became yummy dipped into rich aamras. Also while we used to go to play in the evening, one of my friends used to get pieces of kaccha aam with black salt or mirchi which used to be a lip-smacking treat! As far as diet is concerned, I eat mangoes in a limit but whenever I eat, I eat them guilt free.




