
Set In The Wild: A Few Days In Tipai Wildlife Luxuries

Embraced by the forests of Tipeshwar in Maharashtra, Tipai Wildlife Luxuries is a luxe refuge that has an edge of the unexpected

Inside one of the Pool Villas Photo: Tipai Wildlife Luxuries

A white-throated kingfisher flew over my head as I attempted to take in the spread of the forest resort from my perch on the buggy leading me to my room. A 2.5-hour drive from Nagpur would land you at Tipai Wildlife Luxuries, a wildlife resort smack in the middle of a forest and only a kilometre away from Tipeshwar Wildlife Sanctuary. A narrow dirt path veers off the main road and leads you to the resort. Dotted with towering neem, mulberry and bamboo trees, the property unfurls in forks of slim paths leading towards different sections.