
Gaza War: France, Germany And Italy Unite In Support Of EU Sanctions Targeting Hamas

Hamas is already listed by the European Union as a terrorist organisation, meaning any funds or assets that it has in the EU should be frozen.

Israeli Army Ground Operations in Gaza

Italy, France, and Germany jointly called upon the European Union to implement ad hoc sanctions against Hamas and its supporters. In a letter addressed to the EU's foreign policy chief Josep Borrell, the foreign ministers of these three nations expressed their support for the proposal to establish a targeted sanctions regime.

Ad hoc refers to something that is created or done for a specific purpose or situation as needed, rather than being part of a pre-established, permanent, or routine structure or plan.

Among the possible measures up for discussion at the meeting are a crackdown on Hamas’ finances and travel bans for Israeli settlers responsible for violence in the West Bank.

The ministers emphasised that the prompt adoption of such a sanctions regime would convey a robust political message affirming the European Union's commitment against Hamas and demonstrating solidarity with Israel.

Hamas is already listed by the European Union as a terrorist organisation, meaning any funds or assets that it has in the EU should be frozen.

America and western democracies have been criticised for giving greenlight to Israel in its war in Gaza which has so far killed about 18,000 Palestinians. The daily death toll continues to rise as the war continues.




