
Geminid Meteor Shower Tonight: How And When To Watch

To experience the celestial show, you do not need to have a telescope or binoculars. Although the showers should be visible to naked eyes after 9 p.m. on Thursday, they are likely to peak after midnight with as many as 120 meteors per hour.

Geminid Meteor Shower Tonight: How And When To Watch

Get ready for a celestial show on Thursday as the Geminid meteor shower is scheduled which  will be the last spell of the year, according to NASA.

The sky is expected to witness yellowish streaks of light. Just for a reminder, Google has made a dedicated Doodle for people to watch this celestial show tonight after 9pm.

To experience the celestial show, you do not need to have a telescope or binoculars. Although the showers should be visible to naked eyes after 9 p.m. on Thursday, they are likely to peak after midnight with as many as 120 meteors per hour.

This phenomenon was first recorded in 1862 and causes a show each December, as reported  by CNN.

"If the weather is clear, 2018 should be the best year ever to watch the Gemenides -- so named because they seem to originate from the constellation Gemini," Google said.

For a better view, get as far away from city lights as possible, face South, and remember to dress warmly as you enjoy one of the greatest shows on -- or above -- earth, recommends Google.

First discovered via satellite data 35 years ago, an asteroid called "3200 Phaethon" is responsible for bringing the spectacular Geminid meteor showers to Earth's atmosphere each December.

The so-called "rock comet" came within 10.2 million km of Earth this past December, although last year's supermoon made it harder to appreciate the celestial light show.

That won't be a factor this year, Google said.

The cosmic dust may have resulted from a crash with another flying object, but there's little danger of any Geminids landing on earth as it normally disintegrates in the earth's atmosphere.

The Doodle on Thursday follows the Geminids' path through Earth's atmosphere as it lights up the sky through a slideshow.

As Phaethon's orbit leads it near the sun, the extreme heat causes it to fracture and leaves a trail of debris in its orbital path.

Every December, Earth's orbit leads us through the trail of 3200 Phaethon and its debris crashes into our atmosphere at 127,000 kms per hour.






