
Cabbie Runs Over 4-Year-Old, Victim Dies After Being Driven Around City For 5 Hours

The incident took place on Friday evening when the victim Rohit was playing outside his Indira Vikas Colony home when the Eeco cab hit him while reversing

Cabbie Runs Over 4-Year-Old, Victim Dies After Being Driven Around City For 5 Hours

A cab driver ran over a 4-year-old boy and allegedly drove him and his mother around Delhi for 5 hours by bluffing that no hospital was ready to admit him. The boy eventually died inside the cab.

The incident took place on Friday evening when the victim Rohit was playing outside his Indira Vikas Colony home when the Eeco cab hit him while reversing. As soon as a crowd started gathering, the 32-year-old accused, Rahul, offered to take the boy and his mom Vasanti to hospital, reports The Times of India.

However, after he left the spot with child and his mother, Rahul tried to negotiate with Vasanti and even allegedly threatened her.

While speaking to the newspaper, Vasanti, who works as a maid, said," Those were five hours of horror. I have three more children who have constantly been asking me where Rohit is. How do I tell them they will never see their brother again?"

The victim's mother Vasanti was not carrying her phone so she was not able to inform the cops. She said that the accused drove them around for five hours and took them to four other hospitals including the AIIMS Trauma Center and Hindu Rao hospital. Each time, he went in and returned with the same answer.

The accused has been nabbed by the police.






