
OT Itinerary: Three Days In Varanasi

From the historical heart of the city the intricate and old handicrafts, explore Varanasi thoroughly with our elaborate 3-day itinerary

A view of a ghat in Varanasi Photo: Shutterstock

As a longstanding busy site, the city of Varanasi is a timeless exhibition of spirituality, culture and history, where every alleyway and every ghat holds a story waiting to be discovered. The city traces its history back over 3,000 years as a cradle of Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism. In a noteworthy take on Varanasi, Mark Twain famously wrote, "Benaras is older than history, older than tradition, older even than legend and looks twice as old as all of them put together." As such, it has been a centre of spiritual and intellectual pursuits.

From the mystical rituals performed on the banks of the Ganges to the intricate craftsmanship displayed in its temples and markets, Varanasi has long drawn visitors to its unparalleled charms. Each day opens up new spectacles of its essence, weaving together moments of serenity, revelation and vibrant energy. Whether wandering through the labyrinthine streets of the old city or cruising along the sacred river at dawn, Varanasi offers an immersive journey. With our carefully curated 3-day itinerary, embark on an exploration of Varanasi that will leave you replete with fulfilment.