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Amsterdam Bans New Hotels To Fight The Effects Of Overtourism

New measures include a ban on the construction of nearly all new hotels and a cap on the number of tourists allowed to stay overnight in the city each year

Amsterdam has been facing the negative impacts of tourism Photo: Sean Pavone/Shutterstock

Overtourism is currently a major problem in many countries. As the number of visitors to these places increases, the negative effects of mass tourism, such as pollution and damage to tourist sites, are becoming more evident. This puts a lot of pressure on the affected areas to manage an overwhelming number of tourists. For example, to regulate the crowds, Italy is implementing strict procedures and combating the negative consequences of mass tourism by imposing significant restrictions on visitors. Spanish city Seville is considering implementing a fee for tourists visiting the Plaza de Espana to regulate the high number of visitors to this public space. Residents of several cities have been staging protests against overtourism. The latest to join the growing number fed up of tourism of cities is Amsterdam.