
Number Of Good 'AQI' Days Dipped In Kerala's Kochi, Says CSE Study

Analysis of days as per AQI categorisation showed that Kochi city has not been able to sustain the air quality gains of 2020.

Number Of Good 'AQI' Days Dipped In Kerala's Kochi, Says CSE Study

The air quality in Kerala's commercial hub Kochi was worse last year compared to 2020 as the number of good "AQI (air quality index) days" was lesser, according to a recent study. Analysis of days as per AQI categorisation showed that Kochi city has not been able to sustain the air quality gains of 2020, said the air pollution analysis of southern state, released by the Centre for Science and Environment (CSE).

The number of days when the AQI was worse than satisfactory was eight in 2021 -- up by four days compared to 2020, it said. "But 2019 had witnessed 50 days above the satisfactory category. Most significant reduction is noted among ‘good’ AQI days which are down by 43," the CSE analysis said.

Within the city, Vyttila has the worst air with its December average adding up to 56 ug/m3. Udyogamandal has the least polluted air with a 33 ug/m3 monthly average for December, the study, released in New Delhi the other day, added.

The objective of this new analysis is to understand the trend and magnitude of pollution in different regions that have real time air quality monitoring systems, a CSE release said. The analysis covers 63 continuous ambient air quality monitoring stations (CAAQMS) spread across 39 cities in five states and one Union territory, it added.

With PTI Inputs




