
J&K Guv Satya Pal Malik Transferred To Goa, IAS Girish Murmu To Replace Him

IAS officer Girish Chandra Murmu who will take charge as Lt Governor of Jammu and Kashmir.

J&K Guv Satya Pal Malik Transferred To Goa, IAS Girish Murmu To Replace Him

In a recent reshuffle on Friday, Government has shifted Jammu and Kashmir governor Satya Pal Malik to Goa. He will be replaced by IAS officer Girish Chandra Murmu who will take charge as  Lt Governor of Jammu and Kashmir, an official communication said.

Also, the government has appointed  IAS officer R K Mathur as Lt Governor of Ladakh.

This will be the first time that both newly formed Union territories; Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh will have a Lt. Governor.

While Murmu, a 1985-batch Gujarat cadre officer, is serving as the Expenditure Secretary in the Union Finance Ministry, Mathur, a 1977-batch officer, has served as the defence secretary and is a former Chief Information Commissioner (CIC).

The two Union Territories will come into existence on October 31 .

The Modi government had on August 5 abrogated provisions of Article 370 that granted a special status to Jammu and Kashmir.





