
Make Your Mother Feel Special On Mother’s Day

Our mothers are the light of our lives and they deserve special treatment for being the powerhouses they are. With Mother's Day inching closer, make sure your mother receives the best of the best

Make Your Mother Feel Special On Mother’s Day

Mother’ Day is celebrated just one day in a year. But mothers deserve to be celebrated all the time for their selfless love and care. Mothers are always anxious about what their kids are eating.  In a conversation with Dr Madhu Chopra, actor Priyanka Chopra’s mother, she said, “I always ensured that my children ate a balanced diet. We all are busy with our daily routines and so are kids these days. Even when my children were young, I, as a working mother ensured that both my children carried something healthy to eat, always.”

Mother’s days will be celebrated across the world on 12th May this year. So why not make it special for her. Here is what you can do.

Gift her a special gift

Gifts need not be expensive. You can just gift her plant or a bouquet of flowers, maybe her favourite lilies. If you are creative, make her a hand-made card and write what you feel about your mother in your best handwriting.

Give her a day off from the kitchen

For a mother, her day begins in the kitchen. Even if she has a house-help, she is seen making breakfast and lunches because she wants to add that extra touch of love in what you eat. Make her day special by giving her a day off from household chores. Treat you mother with an exquisite Sunday brunch or take her out for a movie.

Make a beautiful dish for her

The mango season is on and you can. Make her a chocolate mango pastry or a mango chocolate mousse for her. Here are some recipes by Chef Avinash Kumar, Novotel Imagica Khopoli.


 Chocolate Mango Pastry

 Ingredients: (Serves 4)

 For mango mousse:

•        Cream whipping —150 ml

•        Mango fresh —122gram

•        Sugar —135 gram

•        Gelatine leaves—12 gram

•        Lemon juice — 4 ml

•        Egg yolk —30 gram

For chocolate sponge:

•        Egg whole—120 gram

•        Sugar —125 gram

•        Flour(Maida)   —45gram

•        Vanilla essence — 3 ml

•        Salt cooking  —1 gram

•        Cocoa powder —20 gram

•        Butter unsalted —31gram

•        Chocolate dark 53%— 13 gram

For chocolate ganache:

•        Chocolate dark —125gram

•        Cream whipping— 125 ml


For mango mousse:

•        Cut mangoes into half, remove the skin and seed and make into a puree. Soak gelatine in cold water (add ice cubes). Bring puree and sugar to boil.

•        Then cool it down; mix egg yolk and add the soaked gelatine, lemon juice and mix well. Fold in the whipped cream.

For chocolate sponge:

•        Sift flour and cocoa powder together. Whisk egg whole, sugar and salt up together. Add the vanilla essence. Fold the sift flour carefully into the egg mixture.

•        Weigh 1000 gm for a sponge onto a baking tray 40 x 60 cm lined with baking paper. Spread the mixture evenly onto the tray. Bake at 200 degree centigrade for 10-12 minutes.

For the chocolate ganache:

•        Boil the cream and add chocolate, leave the mixture for five minutes. And mix well.

For assembling the cake:

•        First, layer chocolate sponge in the frame, followed by chocolate ganache, chocolate sponge, mango ginger jelly, mango mousse, chocolate sponge then mango mousse. Then keep in the freezer overnight.

•        Pour mango glaze on top of the cake and garnish with some fresh mango and chocolate garnish.


Eggless Mango Mousse Cake

 Ingredients: (Serves 2)

 Mango Mousse:

•        Whipped cream—800 gm   

•        Caster sugar—100 gm

•        Mango puree—300 gm

•        Gelatine –50 gm

•        Lemon juice—5ml

•        Cinnamon powder—2gm


•        Put mango puree, cinnamon and sugar into the small pan.

•        Sprinkle the gelatine over water and let it soak. Heat mango mixture over low heat and keep stirring.

•        When warm, add the soaked gelatine and continue stirring till it reaches a coating consistency.

•        Remove from heat, mix in the lemon juice, and allow cooling.

•        Beat the whipped cream double in volume and mix with the mixture.

•        Pour the mixture in the mould and freeze it for four hours.

•        Take out and decorate as required

•        Serve chilled.





