Business Spotlight

PostFinance Bank To Enable Bitcoin And Ethereum Transactions, Signalling Global Acceptance Of Cryptocurrencies And Potential Impact On Dogetti

PostFinance is the fifth-largest retail financial institution in Switzerland, offering financial services such as investment advice, retirement planning, and more.



As the popularity of digital currencies continues to soar, Switzerland is at the forefront of this revolution. Two banks have collaborated to democratise digital finance and make it accessible to the masses. This development is poised to have far-reaching implications for the future of alternative cryptocurrencies (altcoins) and raises the question of how it will impact the fate of Dogetti (DETI) in particular. 

The move towards mainstream adoption of digital currencies signals a seismic shift in the financial landscape, and investors are keenly watching to see how this will unfold. 

PostFinance and Sygnum Bank Collaborate to Bring Crypto Mainstream in Switzerland 


PostFinance is the fifth-largest retail financial institution in Switzerland, offering financial services such as investment advice, retirement planning, and more. However, PostFinance has taken its platform to the next level by teaming up with Sygnum Bank, a digital asset bank that specialises in digital currencies and assets. This partnership marks the beginning of mainstream cryptocurrency adoption in Switzerland. 

PostFinance is owned by the Swiss government, so its move towards decentralised finance is unusual as the government will not be able to monitor digital currencies as it does with fiat currencies. Nevertheless, PostFinance recognizes the need to evolve with the changing financial landscape. By collaborating with Sygnum, PostFinance customers can now buy, store, and sell digital currencies like Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH). This development is likely to attract a large number of investors as PostFinance provides financial services to over 2.5 million users. 


What Could This Mean for Dogetti (DETI) and Other Altcoins? 

Dogetti is a new altcoin characterised by a group of adorable mafia-style dog characters led by Don Eloni Dogetti. The project aims to create generational wealth for all extended family members, and as such, it has introduced several income-generating mechanisms. 

Dogetti (DETI)

Dogetti NFTs are interactive digital companions that users can purchase, trade, and sell in the Dogetti Universe. Owning Dogetti NFTs can create a steady income stream as the tokens can reproduce, creating more opportunities to make money. Additionally, at least 2% of all transactions are directed towards a charity wallet where users can choose the charities they want to support. A further 2% goes back to users' wallets as rewards for staking tokens. Thus, investors can earn just by keeping $DETI in their wallets. 

The partnership between PostFinance and Sygnum Bank is likely to have significant implications for altcoins like Dogetti. As more banks adopt digital currencies into mainstream financial services, cryptocurrencies such as Dogetti stand to gain from increased exposure and adoption. Moreover, Dogetti's innovative income-generating mechanisms and commitment to charitable giving make it an attractive investment opportunity for users. 

The partnership between PostFinance and Sygnum Bank marks a significant step towards mainstream cryptocurrency adoption in Switzerland. As more financial institutions recognize the potential of digital currencies, altcoins like Dogetti may see increased adoption and growth. Investors seeking to capitalise on the potential of cryptocurrency should consider Dogetti as an investment opportunity. 


For More Information On Dogetti (DETI): 
