
The Ultimate Guide On Health Insurance Top-Up 

Is your health insurance enough to cover all medical contingencies? How do top-up plans work and what do they offer? Know more. 

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Health insurance is more important than you think – that's a lesson we've certainly learned during the COVID-19 era. Within no time, the rug was pulled under our feet by a virus that shook not just India, but also every corner of the world. It also made us realise how exigencies can strike at any moment, which is why it is always better to be prepared.

Our lifestyles, too, have seen a drastic change over the years. As we continue hustling, our eating patterns have gone for a toss, and so has our sleep routine. This has also triggered a host of lifestyle diseases that have become increasingly common, not just amongst the older generation, but also among the younger lot. 

Moreover, with inflation on the rise, it's hard to pay medical expenses out of your own pocket. That's exactly where a health insurance plan steps in. But is your plan enough to meet all your health needs? Let's find out. 

A little more about health insurance top-up plans

As the name suggests, a plan like this is a top-up, in addition to an existing health insurance policy. This means that an individual can get their medical expenses covered, even if they have exhausted the sum insured by their regular policy. But here's what you need to remember – when you go for a top-up plan, you need to pay a certain deductible. Only then can you avail the coverage! 

These top-up plans are quite affordable and can help you tide through emergencies. You can also opt for it alongside the medical coverage provided by your employer. All in all, if you think that your existing health insurance policy is not enough to cover your needs, you must get a top-up plan without fail. 

Benefits of health insurance top-up plans

By now, we already know what top-up plans really do. Here are a few advantages you should be aware of: 

●    In case the coverage offered by your existing health insurance policy has been utilised completely, you can still heave a sigh of relief, because the top-up plan will step in. It will cover you for the remaining duration!

●    With a top-up plan, you always have the option to get additional medical coverage, while renewing your existing policy.

●    Here's the good news – you can get yourself a top-up plan, even if you don't have a health insurance policy. Now that's why it's going to have many more takers!

Highlights of a top-up plan 

Of course, there are several advantages offered by a top-up plan. But it also helps to know the specific benefits. Are you ready to find out?

●    It's easy to switch to a regular health insurance plan, in case you have a top-up plan with you. 

●    Such top-up plans can provide protection for your entire family. Say, for instance, your parents are covered as part of the plan, you can now include your children too, without any hassle.

●    What's more, when you opt for a top-up plan, there are no restrictions on hospitalisation expenses including the doctor consultation fee, room rent, and more. 

●    There's no pre-medical screening required to get top-up plans, up to a certain age.

●    You can renew the plan as long as you want – there are no restrictions at all.

●    Some plans also offer a family discount, in case you include yourself, your spouse, your children, as well as your parents, as part of the same plan. 

●    The policy is generally issued anywhere between 1-2 years. But you can check with your chosen insurance provider for more details. 

The last word

In a nutshell, your health needs must be given priority, no matter what. Try and get yourself a top-up plan to always stay protected from medical emergencies. As they say, prevention is always better than cure!




