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All About The 3,000-Year-Old Stone Pyramids Of Mexico

Discover Mexico, where ancient civilisations meet modern vibrancy, creating an engaging blend of culture, adventure, and relaxation

El Castillo (The Kukulkan Temple) of Chichen Itza Photo: Shutterstock

Recent archaeological excavations in central Mexico's state of Puebla have unveiled a fascinating discovery dating back over 3,000 years. A cluster of stone pyramids, numbering over a dozen, has been revealed to have served as ceremonial sites for indigenous people. Led by the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH), researchers have focused on three pyramids forming the central "Great Plaza."

These excavations support the theory that the site was once utilised by the native inhabitants of Sierra Norte for ceremonial astronomical observations, likely between 600 and 200 B.C. The ceremonies centred around tracking celestial bodies to aid in agricultural cycles, a crucial aspect of their livelihood.