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Mounjaro Weight Loss UK - Get Mounjaro UK, Cost, NHS, Pharmacies, Chemists That Sell (Boots)

There are some caveats with Mounjaro - it is expensive, it can cause side effects and when users stop the treatment all the weight lost is regained! For these reasons UK dieters are turning to recommended, cheaper and safer alternatives to lose weight.


Mounjaro Weight Loss UK

Mounjaro is the new weight loss injection that is said to be more effective than Ozempic and Wegovy. It is not yet available in the uk for weight loss, but watch this space it may soon be in 2024.

This article reviews Mounjaro from a UK perspective, giving its legal position, cost, availability and efficacy.

There are some caveats with Mounjaro - it is expensive, it can cause side effects and when users stop the treatment all the weight lost is regained! For these reasons UK dieters are turning to recommended, cheaper and safer alternatives to lose weight.

Cheaper and Safer Alternatives Available in the UK


Here are the two recommended over the counter diet pills alternatives that can help you lose weight safely and cost effectively.

#1 - PhenQ


PhenQ is an over-the-counter diet pill that aims to help with weight loss through multiple mechanisms.

It contains a blend of natural ingredients such as capsicum, caffeine, niacin, chromium picolinate, and L-carnitine fumarate.

PhenQ works in several ways - it helps suppress appetite and reduce food cravings, prevents new fat formation by inhibiting enzymes, stimulates thermogenesis to burn more calories, provides an energy boost, and elevates mood.


The combined actions of Phen'Qs ingredients aim to make weight loss easier by controlling hunger, boosting metabolism, burning stored fat, improving energy and focus, and aiding mood.

PhenQ is intended to be used alongside a calorie-controlled diet and exercise program for optimal weight loss results.

#2 - Capsiplex


Capsiplex is a diet pill that uses capsicum extract from red hot chili peppers as its active ingredient. It aims to help burn calories and body fat through three key mechanisms.

First, the capsicum provides thermogenic effects, increasing body heat production and energy expenditure.

Second, capsicum suppresses appetite, helping to reduce calorie intake. Finally, capsicum may help break down stored fat and triglycerides.

Additionally, Capsiplex has an outer OmniBead coating designed for controlled release to avoid oral irritation from the chili extract.

Capsiplex is intended to be taken daily alongside regular exercise and a balanced, calorie-controlled diet to amplify fat burning and facilitate weight loss.

What is Mounjaro (Overview)

Here is an overview of Mounjaro weekly injection from a UK perspective:

  • Mounjaro is a brand name for tirzepatide, a new injectable prescription medication. It is not yet approved for use in the UK by the MHRA (or European Medicines Agency) as a weight loss treatment.
  • Mounjaro is a GLP-1 receptor agonist, similar to diabetes medications like Ozempic, Victoza, and Trulicity already available in the UK.
  • It helps lower blood sugar by increasing insulin production and decreasing glucagon secretion.
  • Mounjaro is given via a prefilled pen injector under the skin once per week. The dose is gradually increased over 16 weeks from 2.5mg to 15mg.
  • Common side effects of the injectable treatment may include nausea, diarrhea, decreased appetite, and constipation. It may also lead to weight loss by suppressing appetite.
  • In trials, people taking Mounjaro lost around 25% body weight over 68 weeks compared to placebo groups. However, long-term safety and efficacy still needs further study.
  • Mounjaro is currently only approved in the US for treating type 2 diabetes, not licensed for weight loss in the UK market yet.
  • Off-label use for weight loss should only be attempted under close medical supervision.
  • The cost of Mounjaro is high, likely £800-1200 per month. It would not be covered by the NHS unless approved for diabetes treatment.


Why Was Mounjaro Created - Diabetes Treatment Option

Mounjaro (tirzepatide) was developed specifically to treat type 2 diabetes and control blood glucose levels. As a GLP-1 receptor agonist, it helps lower blood sugar levels by stimulating insulin release from the pancreas and suppressing glucagon secretion when blood sugar is high.

The manufacturer of Mounjaro, Eli Lilly, designed the medication to provide sustained glucose control for type 2 diabetic patients when taken once weekly by injection. It binds to GLP-1 receptors in tissues like the pancreas, liver, and brain to improve glycemic regulation.


In clinical trials for FDA approval, Mounjaro was shown to effectively lower HbA1c levels, a key marker of long-term blood sugar management, in people with type 2 diabetes. However, a significant side effect observed was weight loss.

Mounjaro Weight Loss Treatment

On average, participants taking Mounjaro lost approximately 25% of their body weight over the 68-week trials compared to placebo groups. While not an intended effect, this pronounced appetite suppression and weight reduction is leading many doctors in England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales to now prescribe Mounjaro off-label for weight management, especially in the UK, USA and Canada where it is available.


But it's important to note Mounjaro is not yet approved for chronic weight loss treatment and further research is still needed on its long-term safety and efficacy specifically for obesity. Consult a doctor before using it for non-diabetes purposes.

Mounjaro Side Effects

Using Mounjaro for weight loss when not indicated for diabetes or obesity treatment may have some potential risks and side effects:

  • Hypoglycemia - Mounjaro can lower blood sugar levels, risking hypoglycemia in non-diabetic patients. Symptoms like dizziness, shakiness, sweating, confusion and palpitations may occur.
  • Nausea - One of the most common side effects is nausea and vomiting, especially when first starting treatment. This may cause loss of appetite.
  • Pancreatitis - There is a risk of developing inflammation of the pancreas. Upper abdominal pain could be a sign of this.
  • Gallbladder problems - Increased risk of gallstones, gallbladder inflammation or need for gallbladder removal.
  • Kidney damage - Cases of acute kidney injury have been reported with Mounjaro use. Kidney function should be monitored.
  • Diarrhea - Frequent loose, watery stools can lead to dehydration and electrolyte imbalance.
  • Injection site reactions - Redness, itching and irritation at the injection site may occur.
  • Unknown long-term effects - The long-term safety of using Mounjaro for weight loss is still unknown and requires further study.
  • High cost - Paying out-of-pocket for an unapproved, off-label use can become very expensive.


It's important to discuss benefits and risks with your healthcare provider. Never share or use off-label prescription medicines intended for another person. Close medical monitoring is key if attempting off-label use.

How to Get Mounjaro in the UK

If you are looking for Mounjaro or any prescription weight loss drugs, the process to get a prescription in the UK generally involves the following steps:

  1. Consultation: Schedule an appointment with your GP or a healthcare provider to discuss your weight concerns. They will evaluate your overall health status, your BMI (Body Mass Index), your lifestyle, and any other existing medical conditions.
  2. Eligibility: In the UK, prescription weight loss medications are typically considered for people with a BMI of 30 or more, or 27 or more if you have a weight-related condition such as type 2 diabetes or high blood pressure.
  3. Evaluation: Your healthcare provider will consider the benefits and risks of prescription weight loss medications. They'll take into account any past attempts at weight loss, your motivation level, and the potential impact on your overall health.
  4. Prescription: If a weight loss medication is deemed appropriate, your healthcare provider will issue a prescription. This will usually be accompanied by advice on diet and physical activity.
  5. Follow-up: Regular follow-up appointments will be scheduled to monitor your progress, adjust the treatment plan if necessary, and check for any side effects.


Remember, medication alone is not a solution for weight loss. It should be used in conjunction with a reduced-calorie diet and increased physical activity. Always consult with a healthcare provider for personalized advice.

Where to Get Mounjaro in the UK

Here are 15 pharmacies in the UK where you can potentially have a valid prescription fulfilled:

  1. Boots: One of the largest pharmacy chains in the UK and Ireland, Boots has pharmacies in many towns and cities across the UK and Ireland. They offer a wide range of health and beauty products, including prescription weight management drugs and medications. Mounjaro is available at Boots in late 2023 and 2024 once approved by the MHRA or European Medicines Agency.
  2. LloydsPharmacy: With over 1,500 pharmacies across the UK, LloydsPharmacy offers prescription services, health checks, and vaccinations. They have locations in community centres, high streets, and inside Sainsbury's stores.
  3. Well Pharmacy: The third largest pharmacy chain in the UK, Well Pharmacy has over 760 pharmacies across England, Scotland, and Wales. They provide a broad range of healthcare services, including private consultations.
  4. Rowlands Pharmacy: A chain of over 500 pharmacies mainly serving communities in the north of England. They provide a variety of services including prescription collection and delivery.
  5. Superdrug: Besides being a beauty and health retailer, Superdrug also operates pharmacies in many of its stores across the UK. Some locations also offer health clinics and possible Mounjaro pens when available.
  6. Day Lewis Pharmacy: A family-owned pharmacy chain with over 270 pharmacies across England. Their services include prescription collection and delivery, health advice, and over-the-counter medications.
  7. Cohens Chemist: Operating over 200 pharmacies across the UK, mainly in community and health centre locations. They offer a range of services, from repeat prescriptions to health checks.
  8. Asda Pharmacy: Located within Asda supermarkets, providing convenience for shoppers. They offer a range of services including prescription medications, health advice, and vaccinations.
  9. Tesco Pharmacy: Found within larger Tesco stores, offering a wide range of services including health checks, vaccinations, and prescription services. Mounjaro could be available at Tesco UK wide.
  10. Morrisons Pharmacy: Located within Morrisons supermarkets, their pharmacies offer a variety of services, including prescription services, health checks, and advice on healthy lifestyles.
  11. Paydens Pharmacy: An independent family-owned company with pharmacies in the South East of England. They offer a variety of services including prescription collection and delivery, health advice, and a range of over-the-counter products.
  12. Jhoots Pharmacy: Operating over 80 pharmacies across the UK, primarily in the Midlands and the South. They offer a variety of services including health checks, prescription services, and health advice.
  13. Weldricks Pharmacy: An independent pharmacy chain with over 60 pharmacies in the South Yorkshire and Lincolnshire areas. They offer a range of services including prescription collection and delivery, health checks, and advice.
  14. Whitworth Pharmacy: A chain of pharmacies located across the North of England, they offer a variety of services including health checks, prescription services, and a range of over-the-counter products.
  15. Dudley Taylor Pharmacies: Operating over 60 pharmacies across the UK, mainly in community and health centre locations. They offer a range of services, from repeat prescriptions to health checks.


Please remember to check with the specific authorised UK pharmacy whether they can fulfill your prescription for Mounjaro Tirzepatide, as availability may vary.

How Does Mounjaro Differ from Ozempic and Wegovy

Mounjaro (tirzepatide) is a new GLP-1 receptor agonist medication that could be MHRA approved soon and offered as a weight loss drug by the NHS. It differs in some key ways from the similar diabetes (weight loss injections)drugs Ozempic (semaglutide) and Wegovy (semaglutide):

Mechanism of Action

  • Mounjaro has dual agonist activity on both GLP-1 and glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) receptors. Ozempic and Wegovy only activate GLP-1 receptors.

Dosing Frequency


  • Mounjaro is taken once weekly by subcutaneous injection. Ozempic is taken once weekly while Wegovy is taken once weekly or monthly.

Dosage Range

  • The maintenance dosage of Mounjaro is 15 mg per week. Ozempic is 1mg and Wegovy is 1.7mg or 2.4mg per week.

Weight Loss Effects

  • In trials, Mounjaro demonstrated about 2-3 times greater weight loss compared to Ozempic and Wegovy. However, head-to-head studies are still needed.

Side Effects

  • Mounjaro has a higher incidence of GI side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea than Ozempic or Wegovy.

Approval Status

  • Mounjaro is only FDA approved for type 2 diabetes, not weight loss. Ozempic is approved for both diabetes and chronic weight management and Wegovy is approved specifically for obesity treatment.



  • Mounjaro is more expensive, around £300-800 per month in the UK without insurance coverage. Ozempic and Wegovy have tiered generic/brand pricing.

In summary, while similar, Mounjaro has some unique properties that differentiate it from Ozempic and Wegovy, particularly its novel dual GLP-1/GIP activity and substantially greater weight loss effects, albeit with more GI side effects. More comparative research is warranted.

How Much Does Mounjaro Cost in the UK

Mounjaro (tirzepatide) is not currently approved for losing weight in the UK, so there is no set pricing available yet. However, based on the US cost and typical drug pricing in the UK, here are some estimates if it becomes available:


  • In the US, the retail cash price for Mounjaro is around $1000-1500 per month's supply without insurance.
  • The NHS list price for newer diabetes medications (weekly injections) like Ozempic, Wegovy and Trulicity is roughly £70-£100 per month supply. However, Mounjaro would likely be priced higher.
  • Privately in the UK, newer injectable diabetes medications often cost £150-£300 per month.
  • Some private weight loss clinics in the UK offer medications like Saxenda and Ozempic for £200-£500 per month.
  • Considering its potential weight loss effects, Mounjaro could potentially be priced closer to £500-£800 per month if made available.
  • The cost could be less if officially approved for NHS use for diabetes treatment, in which case a patient co-pay would apply based on NHS reimbursement.
  • But off-label use for weight loss would likely need to be paid fully out-of-pocket privately at pharmacies or weight clinics.


So in summary, if introduced in the UK market, the monthly cost of Mounjaro could potentially range from £500-£800+ based on US pricing. The MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency) and NHS would have to review Mounjaro's clinical and cost effectiveness.

Mounjaro UK FAQ

Here are 3 common frequently asked questions about Mounjaro from a UK perspective:

Is Mounjaro available in the UK?

Mounjaro is not yet approved for use in the UK. It is currently only FDA approved and marketed in the United States for treating type 2 diabetes. Mounjaro is still undergoing clinical trials and regulatory review before it would become available in the UK market.


Can Mounjaro be prescribed off-label for weight loss in the UK?

While Mounjaro is being prescribed off-label for weight loss in some countries, this practice is not recommended in the UK. Mounjaro does not have approval for weight management and the long-term safety and efficacy for this use is still undetermined. British doctors generally follow regulatory indications and prescribing guidelines.

How can I get Mounjaro prescribed if I live in the UK?

You cannot legitimately get prescribed Mounjaro in the UK currently. It requires regulatory approval and inclusion in NHS formularies before British doctors could consider prescribing it. Any online pharmacies offering Mounjaro without a proper NHS prescription and oversight should be avoided for safety reasons. Speak to your doctor about proven weight loss options available in the United Kingdom.


In summary, while interest in Mounjaro for weight loss is growing, it remains an unlicensed, unapproved new diet drug in the UK market as of now. Always consult your GP or obesity medicine specialist regarding evidence-based weight management treatments.

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