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Are You Charged With Criminal Charges In Helsinki? Here Are Defenses You Might Be Able To Use

When you face criminal charges, you need the best criminal lawyer money can buy. Mr. Parviainen provides you with the outstanding representation you desire, in the defense of your case.


Are You Charged With Criminal Charges In Helsinki?

If you are facing criminal charges in Finland, you must depend on the legal representation of a skilled lawyer at Etelä-Helsingin Law firm Oy defense lawyer. A great lawyer can effectively assert available defenses for you.

Criminal defence lawyer In Helsinki

Every criminal case presents different issues and your case will be handled by Mr. Parviainen as his top priority. He listens and asks probing questions to develop the best strategy for your defense. Whether yours is a bribery, assault or white collar criminal defense case. Mr. Parviainen's results are based upon his personal attention to each case. His successful results in and out of the courtroom have established a client base more than a quarter-century old.


Etelä-Helsingin Law firm Oy will help you.

Parviainen is accessible and keeps his clients informed of all important developments in their cases. Mr. Parviainen has achieved successful outcomes in a wide variety of cases including mail and insurance fraud, computer crimes and narcotics/trafficking offenses.

When you face criminal charges, you need the best criminal lawyer money can buy. Mr. Parviainen provides you with the outstanding representation you desire, in the defense of your case.

How an Experienced Criminal Defense lawyer Can Help

Being charged with a criminal offense can have devastating consequences for the accused’s personal life and reputation, with many being unable to focus on work, sleep, or concentrate on day to day activities. Hiring an experienced criminal defense lawyer can go a long way towards alleviating some of these stresses, as they are able to:


- Provide clients with an honest view of their situation and potential defenses.

- Explain the law to their clients in a clear and concise way; Uncover evidence that will support their client’s defense.

- Protect their clients’ legal interests in the courtroom by providing aggressive representation.

Submit appeals in the event of conviction; and The steps our legal team can take to help you with your own charges depends on a number of factors, including where you are in your case, as the stages of criminal prosecution tend to be complex and confusing. For this reason, we dedicate ourselves to helping our clients through each step of their case, from the initial arrest and trial.

Each stage of a criminal prosecution is important and can have major repercussions for defendants, so it is important to obtain legal representation as soon as possible after arrest.

A Track Record of Success in Finland

Our firm’s successes are not limited to cases involving violations and minor misdemeanors, but include well-known felony cases, in which our clients faced stiff penalties. Whether a case is small or large, our legal team is dedicated to using the same strategies and exhibiting the same commitment to all of our clients. Our goal is always the same: to help you get your life back. Please call our legal team today to learn more.


Contact An Experienced Criminal Lawyer in Helsinki

Contact Mr. Parviainen today to work with an criminal lawyer who had experience. Put your future in the hands of someone who can achieve the best outcome for your criminal defense case. Mr. Parviainen is available, contact online Etelä-Helsingin Law firm Oy.

Dealing with the criminal justice system can be incredibly overwhelming. Whether you are the target of an investigation, have been criminally charged with a misdemeanor or felony, or are concerned you may be charged, you need to be confident that you are being both proactive and aggressive in your efforts to protect your legal rights.

Keep in mind, that a criminal record may affect your ability to gain employment. Mr. Parviainen understands how the court system works and aids people facing criminal charges. He knows that those who have been charged with a crime have a lot at stake. That is why he is dedicated to representing clients in a wide variety of matters, from trespassing to sex crimes to white collar crimes and investigations.


As a premier criminal defense firm, the Etelä-Helsingin Law firm Oy is dedicated to providing clients with the highest level of quality representation, no matter what they face. The personal attention we give to each case helps ensure clients have a defense solution tailored to their unique needs with the goal of protecting their legal rights and representing their best interests.

Our criminal lawyers strongly believe that our clients come first and our priority is to always work to achieve the best possible result in their case. We tenaciously fight for these outcomes and leave no stone unturned when helping our clients through trial.

If you’re falsely accused of a crime, then the Law Office can help. We will protect you and fight tooth and nail to obtain a dismissal of the false allegations against you. Our #1 objective is to help win the case against you. We have experience handling a wide array of cases, ranging from petty misdemeanors, to complex cases.


Our firm does everything in it’s power to get the best outcome for you and your family members. If you’re accused of a crime, you should hire a criminal attorney immediately. Our criminal lawyers are available to help you.

We treat each client like a member of our family and we treat their case if it were our own. We take a vested interest in the outcome of every single client.

We believe that each case is unique. There is no cookie cutter strategy when it comes to how cases should be litigated. We work with each and every single client to help them understand what they are facing and to prepare for all possible outcomes. Above all, our #1 objective is to get all charges dismissed, or reduced.


We offer an initial consultation to prospective clients over the phone, or in person at our location. Regardless of how complex your case is, we can help. Our criminal law firm is selective about the number of clients we service each month. We only take on clients who we passionately believe we can help. Our goal is to get each client the best results possible, and to provide the best service possible.

That’s one of the reasons why our client’s refer us to their friends and loved ones. During your initial consultation, you can ask us anything. We can discuss what your case is about, what type of punishments you face, and how you can fight the accusations. Typically, we look at how to get the case dismissed, or how we can get a plea deal that results in an acceptable outcome.


Being charged with a crime or with a serious driving offense can be frightening, overwhelming, embarrassing, and extremely stressful – whether or not the charges are valid. What most people do not realize is that, in many cases, the charges aren’t valid or they are certainly more severe than they should be. Law enforcement officials are human, too, and people make mistakes. Sometimes you are charged with a crime that you did not commit, or in other cases, you are charged with much more than is actually appropriate.

Because the consequences of being convicted of a crime can be serious, long-lasting, and financially devastating, it is imperative that you make certain that you know your rights and secure the best outcome possible for your charges and your circumstances. It is vital for you to have an experienced and proven criminal lawyer by your side. 


Partnering with a knowledgeable, efficient, aggressive, and experienced criminal lawyer means that you can expect that:

- You can tell your side of the story to someone who listens.

- You will be informed of all of your rights under the law and your legal options.

- You will have someone fighting to have your charges dropped or reduced.

- You will have an lawyer to fight for fair sentencing, when applicable.

- You will have someone to navigate you through the legal system, from beginning to end.

When you have been charged with a crime, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed and unsure of what to do next. This is understandable, but you shouldn’t allow it to prevent you from taking action. Depending on your circumstances, there may be many defenses available to you that you are unaware of. Delaying your chance to assert those defenses is dangerous. Mr. Parviainen understands the law. He understands the charges against you and the best defenses to those charges. When you contact Mr. Parviainen you are taking an important step toward defending your rights, your good name, and even your freedom.


What Do You Need to Know If You Have Been Arrested? 

If you have been arrested, you need to be prepared for what comes next. Here’s what you need to know:

  1. The Police Will Try to Get You to Confess
    Once you are arrested, the police will try to get you to confess. Police investigators are very good at what they do, and they might get you to confess without you even realizing it. As a result, the best thing you can do right now is exercise your right to counsel and your right to remain silent.
  2. Being Innocent Might Not Be Enough
    Innocent people get convicted all the time. If you believe you are innocent, you cannot assume this means you will escape a conviction. You need to defend yourself, and you need to get started immediately.
  3. Mistakes Can Be Costly and Irreparable
    From confessing to missing your arraignment, mistakes early in your case can be costly. They can also be difficult, if not impossible, to fix. 
  4. Your First Call Should Be to an lawyer
    As a result, in order to protect yourself, your first call should be to a trusted criminal lawyer. 

