Outlook Spotlight

The 6 Best Appetite Suppressant For Women- Natural Weight Loss Supplements, Hunger Suppressants

Choosing the best appetite suppressant pills for yourself is quite hard, which is why we have decided to make this list of the top appetite suppressant supplements for women on the market today.


Best Appetite Suppressant For Women

Natural appetite suppressant supplements are some of the most popular weight loss pills around. A good appetite suppressant will make it easier to reduce your food intake and consume fewer calories, so you can stick to a diet and lose weight naturally, without resorting to prescription diet pills.

The problem is, much like most natural weight loss supplements, hunger suppressants come in a range of different choices that all work in different ways. You even have some hunger control supplements that are made for a very specific group of people, as not everyone will lose weight the same.

An example of this is appetite suppressants for women, as male and female bodies work in very different ways. This can make choosing the best appetite suppressant pills for you quite hard, which is why we have decided to make this list of the top appetite suppressant supplements for women on the market today.


The 5 Best Appetite Suppressants for Women

Hourglass Fit - Best appetite suppressant for women overall

Hunter Burn - Best appetite suppressant for women’s body building and exercise

Instant Knockout - Best appetite suppressant for women wanting to tone

LeanBean - Best appetite suppressant for women with caffeine sensitivity

Trimtone - Best appetite suppressant and metabolism booster

Hourglass Fit - The Best Appetite Suppressant For Women Overall


Hourglass Fit is not only one of the best appetite suppressant supplements on the market in general, but it has also been specifically designed to take the needs of the female body into account. This makes it an ideal choice for women who want to reduce food cravings so they can start losing weight.


The Hourglass Fit formula consists of cayenne pepper extract, black pepper extract, glucomannan, 5-HTP, zinc, chromium, and the essential vitamins vitamin B2, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, and zinc.

While many appetite suppressant supplements rely on one ingredient to suppress appetite, Hourglass Fit contains three natural appetite suppressants, each of which works in a slightly different way. The ingredients in question are glucomannan, 5-htp (5-hydroxytryptophan), and chromium.

Glucomannan is a type of soluble dietary fiber that doesn't contain many calories. It works by significantly expanding in your gut when it comes into contact with water.

This not only takes up space to make you feel full, reduce food cravings, and prevent overeating, but it also causes the nutrients from the food in your gut to be released more slowly, ensuring that they are all fully processed and utilised properly, instead of being converted into stored fat and causing weight gain (1).

5-htp is one of the only amino acids able to cross the blood brain barrier to aid serotonin production. It will boost your mood and curb appetite, to help reduce your calorie intake, as well as your sleep quality, focus, and relaxation, and prevent anxiety and depression, all of which aid weight loss (2).

The chemical element chromium can also boost serotonin production and focus, but will reduce your blood sugar levels, improve nutrient absorption and utilisation, and make all of the other ingredients in the diet pills easier to absorb and far more effective as well (3).

Cayenne pepper extract contains a chemical called capsaicin, which can function as an appetite suppressant to control hunger cravings, to help you stick to a balanced diet and consume fewer calories.


It also promotes thermogenesis, which will raise your internal body temperature and boost metabolism and body fat burning, while reducing inflammation and pain, to prevent you from skipping workouts (4).

Black pepper extract can also trigger thermogenesis and burn fat, but it is mainly used as it contains an alkaloid called piperine, which improves the bioavailability of the other ingredients in a weight loss supplement, considerably improving their absorption and efficacy (5).

The three b vitamins can boost metabolism and improve nutrient absorption, while also enhancing immune and nervous system health, antibody, bone marrow, cell, DNA, nerve sheath, and red blood cell production and functions, accelerating tissue repair, and boosting your overall health and fitness (6)(7)(8).


Finally, the mineral zinc stimulates the pituitary gland and improves your production of luteinizing hormone and testosterone, DNA synthesis, energy levels, immune health and functions, metabolism, recovery time, and vision, reduces inflammation, and slows the signs of aging (9).

By adding the effects of a fat burner and energy booster to an appetite suppressant supplement, Hourglass Fit can help women lose weight from every angle. Throw in a 14 or 30 day money back guarantee with all purchases, and they are easily the best appetite suppressant pills on the market today.


  • Combines the effects of an appetite suppressant, fat burner, and energy booster in a single weight loss supplement
  • Uses only optimal doses of high quality ingredients proven to promote weight loss
  • Specifically designed to help women lose weight while taking all the needs of the female body into consideration
  • A 14 or 30 day money back guarantee is included with all purchases



Hunter Burn - The Best Appetite Suppressant Supplement To Prevent Weight Gain


Like Hourglass Fit, Hunter Burn is another of the best appetite suppressant supplements on the market today and it also doubles as a thermogenic fat burner. Perhaps its greatest selling point though, is that it can prevent weight gain and body fat storage in the event that you do slip up on your diet.

Hunter Burn diet pills are packed with large doses of two of the best appetite suppressants around, white kidney bean extract and glucomannan, which are aided by vitamin d3, cayenne pepper, green tea extract, and l-theanine.


As we have already seen, glucomannan swells in your stomach to fill you up, suppress hunger, and help you reduce your food intake and consume fewer calories.

White kidney bean extract, on the other hand, prevents your body from absorbing all the carbs in the food that you eat, as it can inhibit the digestion of dietary starches.

Instead, a portion of them will remain undigested and simply sit in your stomach till they are either excreted out in your waste or fermented by the bacteria in your colon (10). This prevents them from entering your blood stream, reducing food cravings and blood sugar spikes and preventing weight gain.


Vitamin D3, cayenne pepper, and green tea extract can all help to boost the absorption and efficacy of the other ingredients in diet pills, however, they also offer additional benefits as well.

Cayenne pepper extract and green tea extract are both thermogenic fat burner ingredients, which can burn stubborn fat directly while reducing inflammation, to keep you pain free and exercising (11).

Vitamin d will then boost your energy levels, workout performance, and overall health, to accelerate your weight loss journey (12).

Finally, l-theanine is an amino acid that improves focus, sleep quality, relaxation, energy levels, and immune health and functions, while reducing stress and anxiety, to help keep your weight loss journey on track (13).


With everything being optimally dosed, Hunter Burn can safely take your mind off of food cravings and give the body's normal fat metabolism a chance to occur. The fat burning ingredients then accelerate your results, to help you lose weight as fast as possible.

Add in its reasonable price tag and 14 or 30 day money back guarantee, and Hunter Burn is easily one of the best appetite suppressant supplements for women who want as much help as possible to curb appetite and prevent excess fat storage and don't need diet pills that are specifically designed for women.


  • Provides a higher level of appetite suppression than almost any other weight loss pill
  • Prevents the creation of stored fat cells if you cheat on your healthy diet
  • Contains only safe, high quality, scientifically proven natural ingredients in their optimal doses
  • Combines the effects of an appetite suppressant and fat burner in one weight loss supplement
  • Customer reviews are all extremely positive
  • A 14 or 30 day money back guarantee is included with all purchases



Instant Knockout Cut - The Best Herbal Appetite Suppressant To Burn Excess Fat


Instant Knockout Cut is the best thermogenic fat burner on the market today, but also doubles as one of the best appetite suppressants as well.

Made to help combat athletes like boxers or MMA fighters burn fat before a fight, it can help you lose weight, boost your energy levels, and preserve lean muscle mass, without using any ingredients that are banned by major sporting bodies.


The Instant Knockout Cut formula consists of glucomannan, green tea extract, black pepper extract, caffeine, cayenne pepper, l-theanine, vitamin b6, vitamin b12, and vitamin d3.

The glucomannan again provides appetite suppression by swelling in your gut and physically filling you up, to prevent food cravings and overeating, keep your calorie intake down, and help you stick to a healthy diet.

Green tea extract is a mild appetite suppressant itself, but it also contains a natural source of caffeine and an antioxidant catechin called EGCG. This will boost your energy levels and prevent inflammation, injuries, and the bloating that can be caused by appetite suppressants containing fibre, to keep you healthy.


Speaking of caffeine, Instant Knockout Cut has a potent dose of the powerful stimulant and thermogenic fat burner itself. By being able to burn fat cells and boost metabolism directly, while also giving you more energy to help you complete much harder, longer workouts, caffeine will promote rapid weight loss (14).

The amino acid l-theanine then prevents the crashes and sleep problems that stimulants can cause, and reduces fatigue and promotes recovery, to help you train harder and lose weight even faster.

Cayenne pepper and black pepper extracts will both promote thermogenesis and stored fat metabolism, while boosting the bioavailability, absorption, and efficacy of all of the other ingredients in the weight loss pills.


The vitamins then round off the formula by promoting fat burning and appetite suppression, boosting the efficacy of all the other ingredients in the diet pills, and providing various other health benefits to aid your weight loss journey, like reducing blood sugar levels and the risk of heart disease and heart attacks.

By putting hunger suppressants in a powerful thermogenic fat burning supplement, and then including ingredients to neutralise any of the possible side effects that they could cause, Instant Knockout Cut is an ideal weight loss supplement for people trying to optimise their body mass index.

Throw in a very reasonable price tag and a money back guarantee that covers all purchases, and it could well be the top appetite suppressant for women who like to stay physically active.



  • Its formula is completely gluten free, vegan friendly, and FDA approved
  • Will supress appetite while aiding body weight loss from every other angle
  • Uses only natural ingredients and no banned substances
  • Dosages and ingredients have been optimised to offer maximum efficacy without causing side effects
  • A 14 or 30 day money back guarantee covers all purchases
  • Extremely well reviewed by all types of users


Leanbean - The Best Appetite Suppressant Pills For Sugar Cravings


Leanbean is another natural appetite suppressant supplement designed specifically for women. While not as effective as Hourglass Fit, it is great for controlling sugar cravings, gluten free, vegan friendly, and has a lower price tag, so can be a very effective weight loss pill for a variety of women out there.


The Leanbean formula contains glucomannan, green coffee bean extract, zinc, choline, chromium picolinate, chloride, turmeric, piperine, garcinia cambogia, acai berry extract, vitamin b6, and vitamin b12.

Like green tea extract, green coffee bean extract is a great source of natural caffeine and antioxidants, so can boost your energy levels, aid body fat loss, and reduce inflammation in a similar way. The big difference between the two though, is that green coffee bean extract also contains chlorogenic acid.

This allows it to reduce carbohydrate absorption and blood pressure and blood sugar levels, prevent blood sugar spikes, fat storage, and weight gain, and boost metabolism (15).


Chloride is an electrolyte that can improve your blood pressure, gut health, energy levels, and mood, and even prevent or treat a variety of illnesses. Much like choline, this will improve your workouts and ability to lose weight, as you will feel much fitter and healthier (17).

Turmeric contains a chemical called curcumin, which aids weight loss, prevents new fat cells from being created, and reduces inflammation, to keep you healthy and working out (18). Acai berry extract is then said to further reduce and prevent inflammation (19).

Glucomannan, zinc, chromium, piperine, and the b vitamins will then promote weight loss, fat metabolism, and appetite suppression in the same ways that they have in the other non-prescription weight loss pills we looked at.


This includes boosting metabolism, thermogenesis, fat burning, and energy and preventing fatigue and fat storage.

There are, unfortunately, a couple of issues with Leanbean weight loss pills that we do have to point out though.

For starters, while most of the other non-prescription appetite suppressants we have looked at aid body fat burning directly, Leanbean is more about giving you the tools to lose weight by yourself.

Perhaps even more of an issue is that it also provides less appetite suppression than the other hunger control supplements we have looked at. Some of its ingredients also need to be studied much more before their claimed weight loss and health benefits can actually be confirmed to be true.


All that aside though, if you are shopping for natural appetite suppressant supplements for women on a budget and want something that can help you lose weight and control sugar cravings, Leanbean may still be one of the best appetite suppressants for you to try.


  • Designed to help women suppress appetite and control sugar cravings
  • One of the lower priced dietary supplements for weight loss
  • Can boost metabolism, recovery, energy levels, and weight loss
  • Contains only natural ingredients, with no gluten or animal products


  • Some of the ingredients need far more research to conclusively prove that they are of use in a weight loss pill
  • Will not burn fat cells directly like most of the other weight loss pills we have examined
  • There have been complaints about bloating and stomach pain that made it impossible to exercise
  • Can only be bought directly from the official Leanbean website


TrimTone - The Best Appetite Suppressant Pills For Energy


TrimTone is a herbal appetite suppressant supplement that contains glucomannan, green tea extract, green coffee extract, caffeine, and grains of paradise. It still helps to control hunger pangs, but it differs to the other non-prescription appetite suppressants that we have looked at as it prioritises energy boosting.

Sixty percent of the formula is comprised of the stimulants green tea, green coffee, and caffeine. They will all boost your energy levels and help you train harder, which will enable you to burn off stubborn fat much faster.

They then also offer additional benefits that include boosting metabolism and nutrient absorption, reducing inflammation and blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol levels, enhancing brain, heart, and immune system health and functions, and either preventing or treating a variety of medical conditions.


The glucomannan will help you lose weight by swelling in you gut, making you feel full, and preventing overeating, like it has in all of the other appetite suppressing supplements that we have looked at.

Lastly, there is grains of paradise, a thermogenic herb in the ginger family that is said to activate the brown adipose tissue stores in your body directly (21). As brown adipose tissue promotes better fat absorption, its activation will will lead to greatly increased fat burning and weight loss.

Admittedly, as TrimTone is not made specifically as appetite suppressant pills, it will not suppress appetite as well as some of the other weight loss supplements on this list. Grains of paradise then also requires a lot more research to be done to conclusively prove that it benefits weight loss.


However, if you are after reasonably priced dietary supplements that give you the energy required to burn stubborn fat and promote body weight loss yourself, while being a fairly effective appetite suppressant at the same time, TrimTone may be one of the best appetite suppressant supplements for you to try.


  • A great weight loss pill for people seeking an energy boost
  • May stimulate brown adipose tissue, which can burn fat fast
  • Promotes weight loss through all known mechanisms
  • Offers health benefits beyond being a herbal appetite suppressant that can burn fat and aid weight loss


  • Can cause side effects like crashes, especially in people who are sensitive to dietary supplements containing stimulants
  • Not a good appetite suppressant supplement for vegetarians or vegans as it contains gelatin
  • Does not have the profound appetite suppressing capabilities that some of the best appetite suppressants do
  • One of its five ingredients has not been proven to burn fat or be useful in weight loss pills


Final Thoughts On The Best Natural Appetite Suppressant Supplements For Women To Help You Lose Weight

Appetite suppressant supplements are a great option to help you lose weight if you struggle to keep your calorie intake down. There are a large number of effective appetite suppressant pills on the market today for you to pick from, but the very best appetite suppressant for women overall is comfortably Hourglass Fit.

While its appetite suppressing effects are its core function, Hourglass Fit also boosts energy levels and promotes stubborn fat burning, to help you lose weight as quickly and safely as possible. Throw in its money back guarantee and there really isn't a reason for any women losing weight not to give it a try.


If, for any reason, you do not feel it is the top appetite suppressant for you, one of the other choices on our list of the best appetite suppressants surely will be. For everyone else though, we highly recommend that you give Hourglass Fit a try and see how well it can promote weight loss and suppress appetite for yourself.

Disclaimer: The above is a sponsored post, the views expressed are those of the sponsor/author and do not represent the stand and views of Outlook Editorial.
