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11 Early Signs & Causes of Liver Failure ( Diet & Treatment Included )

Liver failure can be a serious condition. Learn about the 11 common signs that may indicate liver failure, including symptoms, causes, steps to prevent and diet in this article.


Liver Failure

What is Liver Failure? 

Acute Liver failure refers to a loss of liver function that occurs suddenly, affecting a person who does not have pre-existing liver disease. Several factors can cause liver failure or other liver conditions and ailments. 

Chronic liver failure is a slow development of problems related to the liver, and this is more common than acute liver failure. 

What causes Liver Failure? 

Liver failure occurs when the cells of the liver are damaged to such an extent that they are unable to function. Here are some causes of liver failure:  

  • Acetaminophen overdose: One of the most common causes of acute liver failure is the overconsumption of acetaminophen in the United States. In many countries, acetaminophen is known as paracetamol. Overdose can occur if more than the recommended dosage is consumed on a single day or if this is carried on for several days. In case someone overdoses, immediate treatment is essential so that liver failure can be prevented.  
  • Prescription medication: Certain prescription medications, such as antibiotics, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories, and anticonvulsants, may contribute to liver damage. 
  • Herbal supplements: Some herbal supplements have been associated with liver damage. Such supplements should be avoided.  
  • Hepatitis and other viruses: Three types of Hepatitis can cause liver failure. Some other viruses that contribute to liver failure are Epstein Barr virus, herpes simplex virus, and cytomegalovirus. 
  • Toxins: The wild mushroom amanita phalloides can cause liver failure. Carbon tetrachloride can also contribute to liver failure. This is used as an industrial chemical in waxes, varnishes, and refrigerators among other things. 
  • Autoimmune disease: Autoimmune hepatitis is a disease wherein the immune system attacks the liver cells, resulting in inflammation and injury. Such an attack can cause liver failure. 
  • Vascular diseases: Budd-Chiari syndrome is a vascular disease that can create blockages in the veins of the liver, which can then cause liver failure. 
  • Metabolic disease: Metabolic diseases such as Wilson’s disease and acute fatty liver which are experienced during pregnancy, can sometimes cause liver failure. 
  • Cancer: If the cancer begins in the liver or spreads to it, liver failure is possible. 
  • Shock: Sepsis and shock can obstruct blood flow to the liver, which can result in its failure. 
  • Heat stroke: Too much physical activity in hot surroundings can play a role in liver failure. 


11 Signs of Liver Failure 

Here are some of the major signs of liver damage:  

  • Discoloration of eyes and skin or jaundice:  Poor liver health can cause discoloration of the eyes. This is pretty common among young kids who haven’t been vaccinated and adults who use heavy alcohol frequently. 
  • Vomiting and nausea: The liver plays a role in eliminating toxins from the body. Frequent nausea and vomiting may therefore indicate that the liver isn't functioning efficiently. Although vomiting and nausea are common symptoms, it is important to take it seriously and consult a doctor immediately. 
  • Abdominal pain and swelling: Liver issues can disrupt blood flow. This can create pressure on the intestine and other parts of the body, which may lead to pain and swelling of the abdomen. If you have noticed a sudden swelling in your abdomen that is not getting resolved, contact your doctor immediately. 
  • Change in the color of stools: When your stool appears pale in color, it can be an indication of liver damage. When enough bile is not produced by the liver or when its flow is obstructed, your stool may appear pale or clay-colored. This could also indicate gut health issues or digestive issues, so you must go to a doctor. 
  • Change in the color of urine: The color of your urine provides several indications about your health. Dark urine usually indicates dehydration, but it can also be an indicator of harmful substances being present in the body. Therefore, dark-colored urine can be an indicator of liver problems. 
  • Swelling of the feet: Your ankles and feet can swell up if your liver is unhealthy. If you experience frequent swelling, which seems to have no cause, it may be due to liver problems. Liver disease can be genetic as well. This could indicate edema, which is a sure-shot sign of liver ailments or toxins in the body. 
  • Itchy skin: High levels of bile in the liver can lead to itchy skin. If you are faced with this problem, it may be best not to ignore it. It is often a result of toxins accumulated in the liver. 
  • Loss of appetite or body weight: The capacity of the liver to break down or digest nutrients diminishes when it faces problems. This may result in a loss of hunger. When the liver doesn’t work very well, it can often disrupt normal functions of the body and cause weight loss.  
  • Fatigue: This symptom occurs most commonly. Fatigue can have many reasons but if you experience it too frequently, it can indicate liver damage. If you lose weight due to liver conditions, you may often feel lethargic or fatigued. 
  • Bruising easily: If the liver is not functioning efficiently, your liver is unable to make proteins that help eliminate blood clots. This may lead to your body bruising very easily and frequently. 
  • Vomiting blood or having black stools: If you notice either of these two conditions, you should immediately consult your doctor. This could be an emergency as well, so please consult a doctor immediately. In some cases, people may have to rush to the ER, so don’t delay at all. 


Complications associated with liver failure 

Liver failure can, at times, cause complications. A few such complications have been listed below: 

  • Cerebral oedema: This condition refers to the presence of excess fluid in the brain. This excess accumulation creates pressure buildup in the brain, which can cause disorientation, mental confusion, and seizures. 
  • Bleeding disorders or bleeding: When the liver stops working efficiently, enough clotting factors that help the blood to clot cannot be made. Bleeding of the gastrointestinal tract also occurs due to this condition. Managing this can become very difficult. 
  • Infections: Liver failure can make an individual more susceptible to developing infections, particularly those related to blood and the urinary and respiratory tracts. 
  • Kidney failure: Kidney failure is often a consequence of liver failure. This is most common when the individual has experienced an acetaminophen overdose. Such an overdose causes both kidney and liver damage. 

Steps to prevent liver failure 

One can take several personal steps to prevent liver failure. Following are some prevention measures you can take: 

  • Follow instructions on medications: No matter which medication you are taking, always check for the recommended dosage and do not exceed that amount. Always listen to the advice of your healthcare professional carefully. 
  • Tell your doctor about all the medications you take: Any medications, including over-the-counter ones that you consume, should be reported to your doctor. This is done to prevent negative interactions among medications.  
  • Avoid alcohol or drink moderately: Avoiding alcohol is the best way to go but if you choose to drink, do so in moderation. It is suggested to avoid alcohol always, especially if you’re at risk. 
  • Avoid risky behavior: Seek help if you use intravenous drugs. Do not share needles and use protection during activity. While getting tattoos and body piercings, ensure that the chosen shop is safe and clean. Avoid smoking as well. 
  • Get vaccinated: If you have chronic liver disease or have a history of any sort of infection, especially hepatitis, communicate with your healthcare provider to determine whether you need the vaccine. 
  • Avoid contact with other people's blood and body fluids: Hepatitis virus, among other viruses, spreads when blood or body fluids are shared. Avoid sharing razor blades and toothbrushes as well. 
  • Do not eat wild mushrooms: Among wild mushrooms determining which ones are safe and which ones are not may be difficult. One should avoid eating wild mushrooms. 
  • Use aerosol sprays with caution: When such sprays or cleaners are used, ensure that the room is ventilated. Additionally, you can wear a mask to protect yourself. Being careful while spraying other pesticides, fungicides, and other chemicals is essential. Always follow instructions.  
  • Protect your skin: When you use toxic chemicals, always cover your skin with gloves and try to wear long sleeve clothes. Additionally, you can wear a hat as well. Always use a mask. 
  • Maintain your body weight: Obesity can lead to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. This can include hepatitis and cirrhosis. 


When to get immediate medical help? 

Acute liver failure develops very suddenly in a person who is healthy looking. This condition is life-threatening and therefore needs immediate medical attention.  

If you or someone around you suddenly experiences yellowing of the eyes or skin, abdomen pain or tenderness, or other signs of kidney failure, immediately contact a doctor.  

Is liver disease common? 

It is said that one in 10 Americans have some sort of liver disease. About 5.5 million U.S. citizens are prey to chronic liver disease or cirrhosis.  

The types of liver disease related to obesity are rising in the US. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease affects 20 to 30% of adults. 


Diagnosis of liver disease 

Liver disease can be diagnosed using various tests. Get in touch with your healthcare professional to determine which tests are best for you. Some common tests are:  

  • Blood tests: The level of liver enzymes in your blood can be tested. A blood clotting test called the international normalized ratio can be administered. Abnormal levels in any of these tests may indicate inefficient liver functioning. 
  • Imaging tests: Your doctor may recommend an ultrasound, MRI, or CT scan. This may be to identify signs of damage or scarring or the presence of tumors in the liver. A special kind of ultrasound called a fibro scan may be used to determine how much fat is present in the liver or how much scarring has occurred. 
  • Liver biopsy: During a liver biopsy a small sample of the liver tissue is removed by the doctor to analyze it for signs of liver damage. 


How to manage liver disease? 

The type of liver disease that you are facing may be essential to determine which treatment option is best suitable for you. Following are some of how liver disease can be treated or managed: 

  • Medications: Certain types of liver disease can be managed using medication. Viral infections like hepatitis or inherited conditions like Wilson's disease are usually treated through medication. 
  • Lifestyle changes: Some types of liver disease can be prevented by altering your lifestyle. If you have fatty liver disease, you must avoid alcohol, limit calorie and fat intake and increase consumption of fiber. Not consuming alcohol can cause an improvement in alcohol-related liver disease. 
  • Liver transplant: If the liver disease has progressed beyond repair, it may lead to liver failure. In such conditions, a liver transplant may be essential. 


Foods that are good for your liver 

  • Coffee: Coffee is said to be one of the best beverages for the maintenance of liver health. Studies have proved that coffee possesses the power to protect the liver from diseases. This beverage can help reduce the risk of irreversible liver damage. Coffee may also help prevent the development of a common type of cancer. Researchers have found that the greatest benefits of coffee are seen among individuals who drink at least 3 cups of coffee daily. 
  • Tea: Tea has several health benefits, but when it comes to liver health, it has a lasting impact. According to a review, green tea can reduce liver enzymes among people with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Another review determined that individuals who consume green tea are less likely to develop cancer. People who consumed 4 or more cups of tea daily were at the lowest risk.  
  • Grapefruit: Grapefruit is packed with antioxidants that help protect the liver. The two most effective antioxidants are naringenin and naringin. Grapefruit is beneficial as it helps eliminate inflammation and protects the cells. Some studies indicate that the antioxidants in grapefruit can prevent the development of hepatic fibrosis. This is a condition wherein a buildup of excessive connective tissue occurs in the liver. 
  • Beetroot juice: It possesses several antioxidants and is a great source of nitrates. Some studies have shown that beetroot juice is capable of eliminating inflammation of the liver and can diminish oxidative stress. 
  • Grapes: Grapes possess various compounds that are essential for good liver health. A study suggests that grapes can help reduce inflammation, can help prevent cell damage, and can increase the level of antioxidants in your body. 
  • Blueberries and cranberries: Anthocyanins are antioxidants that provide barriers to their color. These antioxidants possess numerous health benefits. Some studies suggest that consuming cranberry supplements may help people with fatty liver. Blueberries may help inhibit the growth of cancer cells. Consuming these barriers daily may be excellent for the maintenance of overall health and well-being. 
  • Olive oil: It possesses several health benefits and is healthy for the heart and the maintenance of metabolic health. Consuming olive oil has positive health benefits for the liver. Olive oil can reduce fat accumulation in the liver and can improve blood levels of liver enzymes. Fat accumulation may be one of the starting signs of liver damage, and therefore, olive oil may be a great source of preventing this. 


Final Thoughts: 

Liver failure may happen without too many warning signs, and one should always be ready for an emergency. It is important to take various measures to prevent liver damage.  

Always consult a doctor before opting for any treatment options, including natural home remedies. Look out for signs of liver damage to prevent complications. 

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