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Top 5 Best Premium Mattresses In India 2024

Discover the Top 5 Luxury Mattresses Redefining Comfort in India 2024


Top 5 Best Premium Mattresses In India 2024

Are you fed up of restless nights due to sore muscles because of your outdated mattress? Worry not. It's time to bid farewell to restless nights and greet the experience of waking up rested every morning. This blog post aims to reveal India's top 5 most lavish mattresses in 2024. And guess what! Our top recommendation is Sleepwell's Nexa Mattress – the brand that has changed how we experience sleep. Expect yourself to be enveloped in exceptional comfort, support and luxury you have never imagined as we unveil the best relaxation remedy to give you sound sleep always!

Importance of a good quality mattress for a good night's sleep

Investing in a quality mattress is an important step for deep sleep every night. Aside from that, it helps boost your overall fitness and wellness and acts as a tool for comfort and relaxation.

One of the main characteristics determining whether we will get a good sleep is the best mattress we use. A high-end premium bed can be a game-changer for cosy and refreshing sleep. It gives essential assistance to align your spine and relieves the pressure points on the body.

A low-quality mattress lacking support can cause spine misalignment, resulting in back, neck and shoulder pain. It can also cause long-term affect on posture and further deteriorate your health condition. However, a good quality mattress that provides the proper support can address these issues by keeping your spine in its natural position.

Besides this, a mattress that either gives you discomfort or is worn out is the precursor of sleepless nights, which can disrupt the normal sleep cycle. This may lead to tiredness, irritability and problems with concentration during the day, eventually reducing the productivity level. Research indicates that sleeping on high-quality mattresses translates to better quality sleep, leading to better performance and enhanced cognitive abilities.

Apart from comfort and support, the hygiene factor is another critical element. Old mattresses are known as a haven for dust mites, dirt particles, dead skin cells and allergens that cause allergies and difficulty in breathing during sleep. Continuous use causes the accumulation of more bacteria, thus making the mattress heavier and stiffer. This, in turn, makes it impossible to have a peaceful sleep.

A premium mattress investment will ensure maximum comfort and a hygienic place to sleep. By utilizing such advanced features as hypoallergenic materials, antimicrobial properties, and easy maintenance options; these mattresses maximize your sleep hygiene.

The value of a high-quality mattress for a good night’s sleep is priceless. In addition to adequate comfort and support, it affects our general health and well-being. So, what is the point of compromising something as fundamental as your sleep? Invest in the best premium mattress in India for a comfortable and refreshing sleep each night.

Factors to consider when buying a premium mattress in India

A premium-quality mattress is a forward-looking investment meant to maintain our physical health and well-being. With so many options available in the market, the problem of choosing the best premium mattress in India is a challenging issue. On the other hand, there are also a few things that you should consider before buying it because there is a chance that you will end up getting bad value for your money.

1. Comfort level: Buying an expensive mattress should be linked with comfort and convenience. A good mattress is supposed to set your body in proper alignment and provide support so that you sleep well and wake up feeling refreshed. The best way to select a mattress is to try different types and find the one that suits you perfectly.

2. Material: Mattresses of the premium class are composed of several materials like memory foam layers, latex, hybrid, or coil springs. Each material has unique features and benefits, so you must know which will suit you better based on your sleeping style/position and preferences.

3. Firmness level: The firmness of the mattresses differs from soft to medium to extra-firm. Sleepers' weight and preferred sleeping positions are the most critical parameters in choosing the firmness level. For instance, if you are a side sleeper or have joint issues, softer or medium-firm mattresses will be preferable.

4. Brand reputation: A mattress is a premium product; your money needs to be safe. This implies that you must choose time-tested brands that can provide top-notch products and good customer service.

5. Warranty and return policy: Before any purchase, it's highly recommended to check out the available warranty period that the brand offers and besides, read about the return policy, which describes what to do when there are manufacturing defects or the customer doesn't like the product.

6. Wake-up trial period: Most quality mattress producers suggest a wake-up trial, which you can take advantage of to check out the product's features, and if you don't like it, you may return it. It gives you time to consider all the aspects before making a decision and doing that entirely at your own pace without feeling like you are being rushed or pressured.

7. Price and budget: Premium mattresses are available at various price points, depending on whether the mattresses are pocket springs, memory foam, or brand manufacturer. Nevertheless, even if choosing a more expensive mattress seemed appealing, you need to take your finances into account and get a mattress which fits both your needs and your budget.

After considering these criteria while buying a high-end premium Mattress in India, you will make the right decision that ensures a proper good night's sleep each night. Invest in your rest now to enjoy better health tomorrow.

5 Best Premium Mattresses In India 2024

1) Sleepwell Nexa Mattress:

The Sleepwell Nexa Mattress is a note-worthy option that tops our Top 5 Best Luxury Sleep Mattresses in India for 2024. It is not just a mattress, but a haven of luxury with advanced Sleepwell Nexa® foam and sidewall technology being incorporated with each other for an unmatched sleep experience. It features an unmatched level of luxury in terms of its blend of new-generation features, such as a soft touch, excellent air circulation, and a plushy feel, delivering a night of restful sleep.


  • Responsive Contour Hugging

  • Anti-skid

  • Superior Air Circulation



2) Sleepwell Pro Nexa Premium Mattress:

The Pro Nexa Premium Mattress from Sleepwell, one of the best luxury and comfort mattresses, ranks 2nd in our list. It incorporates advanced technologies like Neem Fresche antimicrobial technology for optimal support and air circulation. It features a 15.0 cm thickness, Pro Nexa® and Quiltec® foam for a plush, responsive surface and innovative contouring for even pressure distribution. Sleepwell, known for its legacy of quality and innovation, has been a trusted name in improving sleep quality with its wide range of mattresses and sleep products for decades.


  • 3-zoned Contour Cut Profile

  • Enhanced plushness

  • Superior Support


2) Kurl-On Luxurino:

Kurl-On’s Luxurino, a unique blend of luxury and comfort, provides an unmatched sleep experience with its advanced spring technology that guarantees minimal disturbance and memory foam for supreme softness. The mattress with Advanced MSI Technology covered with a plush fabric cover is proof of Kurl-On’s over 60 years of development of sleep solutions that are all about innovation and quality. The legacy of Kurl-On in the mattress industry highlights its dedication to providing comfort and support; therefore, Luxurino is a distinguished option for discerning sleepers.


  • Soft Mattress Feel

  • The Promise of Healthy Sleep

  • 2-inch Memory Foam Quilting



4) Crystal Spring Mattress:

India's fourth-best premium mattress among our list of Top 5 Best luxurious mattress in 2024 is Crystal Spring Mattress by Peps. It combines the strength of Bonnell springs and the comfort of PU foam to ensure a profoundly satisfying sleep. This mattress is constructed to provide the perfect combination of firm support and soft comfort to give you a refreshing sleep. Peps India, one of the brands that stands for innovation synonymous with sleep solutions, ensures that every mattress being made is all about quality and customer satisfaction.


  • Super Edge Plus Technology

  • No Disturbance

  • Perfect body alignment

5) Emma Wave II Mattress:

Securing the fifth spot on our list is the Emma Wave II Mattress, a marvel of sleep technology that blends luxury with innovation. It's celebrated for its groundbreaking nano spring technology and premium textured cover, designed to offer a sleep experience as indulgent as it is supportive. The Emma Wave II is not just a mattress; it's a commitment to unparalleled comfort and spinal support, promising a rejuvenation of both body and mind.


  • Heavy-duty Aeroflex springs

  • Diamond Degree technology

  • Evo+ nano springs


A high-quality mattress is indispensable for having good-quality sleep and enjoying overall health. After thorough research and surveys, we have selected the top 5 premium mattresses that are the best in comfort, support, and durability and provide good value for money. These recommendations make buying a premium mattress easier because you will go home with the perfect mattress for your tastes and preferences. Say ​​bye-bye to those sleepless nights and wake up to a beautiful day by incorporating the best quality premium mattresses from our list.
