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S23 SARM Guide: Results, Dosage, Side Effects, & More

If you want to use S23 to grow a ton of lean muscle mass, improve your bone density, shred a ton of body fat off, and feel amazing about your body, then keep on reading this guide.



The S23 SARM is a popular selective androgen receptor modulator which has grown in popularity lately, due to its ability to give users results similar to anabolic steroids. 

Many people have taken S23 to pack on 20-25 pounds of muscle mass in just a few months, and many people say it's one of the best SARMs out there. But, is that really the case? 

In this ultimate S23 SARM guide, you'll discover: 

  • What is S23? 
  • S23 Benefits 
  • S23 Dosage 
  • S23 Before and After Results 
  • S23 Cycle Examples 
  • S23 Side Effects 
  • Where to Buy S23 
  • ...and more 

So, if you want to use S23 to grow a ton of lean muscle mass, improve your bone density, shred a ton of body fat off, and feel amazing about your body, then keep on reading this guide. 


What is S23? 


S23 belongs to a class of drugs known as SARMs, short for selective androgen receptor modulators, which were initially developed to help cancer patients suffering from muscle loss. 

Very quickly however, researchers discovered that if normal, healthy adults took SARMs like S23, they experienced rapid muscle mass growth and accelerated fat loss. 

Here are some of the benefits of S-23

  • Increased Muscle Mass 
  • Rapid Muscle Growth 
  • Accelerated Fat Loss 
  • Prevent Muscle Wasting 
  • Accelerates Metabolic Functions 
  • Improves Physical Endurance 
  • ...and more 

We'll go over all of the S23 SARM benefits later in this article, but for now, the big picture is this. S23 is a highly potent anabolic drug that offers the same benefits of anabolic steroids, with almost none of the side effects in return. 


How Does S23 Work? 

S23 Work

So, how is it that S23 can accelerate fat loss and enhance muscle gains, but not lead to any side effects? How is this selective androgen receptor modulator so powerful, with so few sides? 

The magic lies in its mechanism of action. Similar to Ostarine (MK-2866) and other selective androgen receptor modulators, S23 is very "selective" in what androgen receptors it binds to. 

Steroids bind to all androgen receptors in the body, which leads to a lot of muscle growth, but many problems such as prostate enlargement, hair loss, testicle shrinkage, and more. 

SARMs like S23 (or Testolone RAD 140 for example), only bind to the androgen receptors in skeletal muscle cells, and ignore the "bad" ones in organs that lead to side effects. 

This allows SARMs to help you shred off body fat, build more lean muscle mass, and build strength, without experiencing any of the side effects you'd experience with anabolic steroids. 

Is S23 Legal? 

Is the S23 SARM legal? Thankfully, yes - it is 100% legal to buy and sell online. 

It is perfectly legal to buy SARMs online, including S23, but it's important you get it from a good source. We will talk more about this later, but for now, we recommend Chemyo

S23 is legal in the following regions/countries: 

  • North America (USA, Canada, Mexico) 
  • Asia (India, Japan, Thailand, etc.) 
  • South America (Brazil, Venezuela, etc.) 
  • Europe (UK, Germany, France, etc.) 
  • South Africa & Australia 


The only place that S23 is not legal is in Australia, where it is currently classified as a prescription medication by the Therapeutic Goods Administration, the FDA of Australia. [R

Keep in mind if you're an athlete, you may get tested for S23 and other potent SARMs, since they lead to increased muscle mass, which gives you an unfair advantage in competition. 

S23 Benefits 

S23 Benefits 

Now, let's talk about the S23 benefits you can expect to get from this selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM). In many ways, they're comparable all the benefits you'd get from traditional anabolic steroids, with much less of the side effects. 


Here's some of the amazing benefits of the S23 SARM: 

  • Build Tons of Lean Muscle Mass 
  • Increased Bone Mineral Density 
  • Rapidly Accelerated Fat Loss 
  • Can Be Used As Male Birth Control Pill 

As we'll soon discuss, researchers are actually studying the S23 SARM to be used as a form of male birth control, because it lowers sperm production while on it, then when you get off your natural testosterone production and sperm levels will go back to normal. [R

Faster Muscle Growth 

One of the best benefits of S23 is increasing muscle mass. This SARM was initially developed to treat muscle wasting in cancer patients, so it excels at helping users build muscle tissue. 


Most people can expect to increase muscle mass by around 10-15lbs from one cycle of S23, however it's not unheard of for people to put on as much as 20-25 pounds of muscle mass. 

In fact, studies have shown that S23 increases muscle in a dose dependent manner, as well as shredding off tons of body fat by enhancing what's known as fat oxidation in the body. [R

While S23 will help you build muscle, it's not what's typically known as a bulking SARM. If your main goal is to bulk up, we recommend you try some Ibutamoren MK 677 instead. 


Accelerate Body Fat Loss 

The best benefit of S23 is its ability to help users shred off fat. Depending on the cycle length, it's not uncommon for people to shred off 10 pounds, 20 pounds, or 30 pounds of fat. 

By accelerating muscle gains and encouraging fat oxidation in the body, S23 is able to boost fat loss to such a degree it's considered a cutting SARM, just like Cardarine (GW-501516)

While many environmental factors play a role in the results you'll get, in general, most people respond very favorably to S23. By speeding up your body's metabolism, S23 is able to not only lead to enhanced muscle gains, but also enhanced fat loss, too. [R


Improved Bone Strength 

Another benefit of S23 is that it leads to stronger bones. It increases the natural production speed for bone building cells, which in turn boosts the growth of various bone tissues. 

This is not surprising, seeing that many other SARMs were also researched for this reason, and clinical trials suggest that certain SARMs could actually be used to treat osteoporosis. 

Research studies found that in postmenopausal rats, which are susceptible to lower bone mineral density, S23 administration was able to significantly improve bone density. [R

In fact, even in rats with a testosterone deficiency, which led to brittle bones, S23 was able to significantly increase bone mineral density, suggesting it could be a potential treatment option for those suffering from osteoporosis. 


Male Birth Control Pill 

S23 is currently under investigation to be used as a potential birth control for men. It's been used in studies, and has been shown to effectively lower sperm production while on cycle. 

More importantly however, upon cessation of human consumption, your sperm levels will go totally back up to normal, making S23 the perfect birth control for men. [R

The half life of this compound is very short, so you need consistent dosing to maintain stable blood levels, in order for it to be a fully effective birth control. More on dosage later, though. 

S23 Before and After Results 



Take a look at the S23 before and after results right there. While your results will vary, looking at other people who have taken S23 is a good gauge of what type of results you can expect. 

According to his log, he lost a nice 32 pounds of fat mass, and experienced no muscle loss at all, but rather experienced a little bit of new muscle development, too. 

Here's the cycle he took for these results: 

  • S23 Dosage: 20mg/day (Buy Here
  • Cycle Duration: 3 Months 
  • PCT Protocol? Yes (Buy Here

It's important to do a post cycle therapy after the S23 SARM, because it does have stronger testosterone suppression than many other SARMs. Nothing permanent, though. 


S23 Before and After 

S23 Before and After 

Look at this guy - he went from being morbidly obese to having a below average body weight, and actually packing on some muscle. This is the power of a SARM like S23. 

He claims he experienced no negative effects or adverse effects, aside from mild testosterone suppression (which is fixed with a PCT), and lost an amazing 42.1 pounds of fat. 

Here was his stack to achieve these results: 

  • S23 Dosage: 20mg/day (Buy Here
  • Cardarine Dosage: 20mg/day (Buy Here
  • Cycle Duration: 3 Months 
  • PCT Protocol? Yes (Buy Here


Your results will vary depending on your workout routine, natural production of testosterone, your dosage, genetics, diet, and more---but most people find their S23 results are superb. 

S23 Dosage 

While there is no professional medical advice on exactly what S23 dosage to take, many bodybuilders and most of the clinical trials suggest that a dosage of 20mg/day is safe. 

You can always take higher dosages than this, but keep in mind the higher dosage you take, the more your hormone levels and other things will be affected. 

The recommended S23 dosage is as follows: 

  • Beginner Dose: 10mg/day 
  • Intermediate Dose: 15mg/day 
  • Advanced Dose: 20mg/day 


Most people do very well on 20mg/day. If you want to try this S23 dosage for yourself, buy a bottle of S23 from Chemyo (our #1 vendor). One full dropper equals 20mg, so if you take one full dropper per day until the bottle is done, that's a full cycle right there. 

S23 has a short half-life of roughly 11.9 hours, meaning it should be taken 3x per day to maintain stable levels. Administration in the morning, with lunch, and at night is best. [R

Does S23 Require PCT? 

Taking S23, and most other SARMs for that matter, will lower your natural testosterone levels, which can have negative consequences if it isn't dealt with. 


It's nothing to be afraid of, just be sure you take a good post cycle therapy so you don't get any side effects from having low testosterone after your cycle ends. 

For post cycle therapy, all you need to do is buy one bottle of this stuff . Start taking 4 pills a day, the day after your S23 cycle ends. This will get your natural testosterone production back to levels you can normally get on testosterone replacement therapy (very high levels). 

S23 Cycle & Stacks 

S23 Cycle & Stacks 

If you want to experience even more muscle gains, you should combine S23 with other SARMs that are meant to work synergistically together. This way you get the best anabolic properties of other SARMs, so they fill in the gaps for each other, so to speak. 


S23 is one of my favorite SARMs to stack, because it gives you that harder muscle aesthetic (think being really lean and shredded) that is hard to get from other SARMs. 

S23 Bulking Stack 

S23 is not usually used in a bulking stack, but it would be great for a lean bulk, since it will help you bulk up, and shred fat, so you build muscle without adding any fat. 

Here's the best S23 bulking stack: 

  • S23 Dosage: 20mg/day (Buy Here
  • Yk11 Dosage: 10mg/day (Buy Here
  • Cycle Duration: 3 Months 
  • PCT Protocol? Yes (Buy Here

YK11 is an extremely powerful SARM that will help your body's ability to pack on muscle, lower total body fat, and even improve joint health. You can read more about YK11 Myostine here, in our previous article on it. 


S23 Cutting Stack 

Like we said previously, S23 is one of the best SARMs for cutting that there is, up there with Ostarine, Cardarine, and many others. Clinical trials suggest S23 may be the strongest cutting compound there is, actually. 

Here's the best S23 cutting stack: 

  • S23 Dosage: 20mg/day (Buy Here
  • Cardarine Dosage: 20mg/day (Buy Here
  • Cycle Duration: 3 Months 
  • PCT Protocol? Yes (Buy Here

If you combine this stack with a good exercise routine and a good diet, you can probably expect to get similar results as the before and after pictures we showed above. 

S23 Recomposition Stack 

This is the best stack if you're trying to both build muscle and lose fat at the same time. Here we will combine S23 (a cutting SARM) with Ligandrol (a bulking SARM) for the best results. 


By combining them, we get all the fat shredding benefits of S23, with all the amazing bulking benefits of LGD 4033 (Ligandrol) , so you end up getting an insanely powerful stack. 

Here's the best S23 recomposition stack: 

  • S23 Dosage: 20mg/day (Buy Here
  • Cardarine Dosage: 20mg/day (Buy Here
  • Cycle Duration: 3 Months 
  • PCT Protocol? Yes (Buy Here

This stack will likely get you some very good results, and is best for people who want to both build muscle and lose fat at the same time. For this stack, take a full dropper each day. 

Where to Buy S23 

Buy S23 


It's very important to get any SARMs you buy from a very good source. Most of the SARMs online that are being sold are either totally fake, or filled with dangerous steroids. 

In fact, according to a report by the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) over 48% of the SARMs currently being sold on the entire market don't contain any SARMs. [R

This means it's more important than ever that you get your SARMs from a high-quality source, and that's exactly why the #1 place we recommend you buy from is Chemyo. 

Every one of their SARMs is 3rd party tested for purity, so you know that everything you buy is of the utmost quality. They've been around since 2014, and have an amazing reputation. 


S23 Side Effects 

Thankfully, most of the side effects you would get from steroids (liver toxicity, breast cancer, prostate cancer, heart disease etc.) you won't get from SARMs like S23. 

That being said, there are still some adverse effects you should be aware of. 

Here are the known S23 side effects: 

  • Elevated Blood Pressure Levels 
  • Increased Aggression 
  • Mild Hair Loss (Only 1-2% Experience) 
  • Lower Testosterone Production 
  • Higher LDL Cholesterol 

Some people also experience heightened desire, but for most people, the worst side effect you'll experience is just increased aggression. S23 also has a short half-life, so you can stop taking it if you experience any side effects, and they will go away in less than 24 hours. 




In summary, S23 is basically a miracle drug. It will give you a totally different appearance with just one 2–3-month cycle, having the potential to grow 20-30 pounds of muscle, and shred fat. 

S23 is one of the best natural alternatives to steroids, and is known for giving people very good results with almost no side effects (very few people experience them). 

If you do decide to get some S23, be sure to get it from a good source like Chemyo. We've bought from them dozens of times over the years, and every batch they deliver is golden. 


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