Business Spotlight

Diplomat Turned Activist: Dr. Bassam Hanna's Fight To Protect Online Privacy

In this era where our lives are increasingly intertwined with the digital realm, the diplomat and human rights pioneer Dr. Bassam Hanna has emerged as a leading advocate for digital rights and privacy.


Dr. Bassam Hanna's

Dr. Bassam Hanna has been an outspoken critic of the practices employed by tech giants like Facebook and Google. His expertise in international law and human rights has allowed him to shed light on pressing issues related to online privacy, electronic harassment, and hacking.

In a recent report, Dr. Bassam Hanna sounded a clarion call, warning Amnesty International and the global community about the pervasive surveillance activities conducted by Facebook and Google, affecting billions of individuals worldwide. He argued that these practices pose a systemic threat to fundamental human rights, including the right to privacy, freedom of expression, and the right to equality.


Dr. Bassam Hanna's concern centres on the vast influence these tech giants have amassed by collecting and profiting from personal data. He contends that their unchecked control over our digital lives undermines the core principles of privacy, which is one of the most significant human rights challenges facing our generation.

Calling for a radical shift in the way technology giants operate, Dr. Bassam Hanna insists on greater transparency, accountability, and safeguards to protect individuals' online privacy and digital rights. His efforts have resonated with many who share his concerns about the power wielded by these tech giants.

As we grapple with the complexities of the digital age, Dr. Bassam Hanna serves as a tireless advocate for a more just and privacy-conscious online landscape. His work underscores the urgency of safeguarding fundamental human rights in the digital era.

