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Buy Anavar Online Safely - Oxandrolone For Sale

Anavar is categorized as an anabolic androgenic steroid commonly referred to as AAS. Oxandrolone is only available for sale under medical indications. You cannot find this product over the counter, you can also buy Anavar on online shopping sites.



Where to buy Anavar (Oxandrolone)?

Customers may find many online pharmacies selling Anavar steroids. It is sold in several online pharmacies in the USA.  

Anavar is categorized as an anabolic androgenic steroid commonly referred to as AAS. Oxandrolone is only available for sale under medical indications. You cannot find this product over the counter, you can also buy Anavar on online shopping sites.

PrimeSteroids: #1 Anavar Seller in the USA

In terms of quality and pricing, PrimeSteroids is the best online option for you. You may also save 20% on your purchase.

It assures financial security throughout the checkout procedure and provides the expected level of medicine quality. This means that you will have an easier way to stock up on this drug and complete your therapy.


Buy Anavar Online: Legal Oxandrolone for Sale

PrimeSteroids provides high-quality steroids with reasonable prices and fast shipping service.

People buy Anavar online for many different reasons, but it often proves to be the safest and most discreet way to get it delivered.

This is particularly with the PrimeSteroids site which offers Oxandrolone for sale. This allows you to adapt your purchase to your real needs. Also know that you can take advantage of promotions, such as a discount on the purchase of higher quantities of anabolic products.

The delivery of the product is done quickly, anonymously, and securely. Impossible for your neighbours to know what you are buying by seeing the standardized package with no apparent mark. Secure too, because it is delivered directly to your home within days of purchase.


What is Anavar (Oxandrolone)?

Oxandrolone is a steroidal molecule synthesized for the first time in the 1960s in America. In 1964, this molecule initially called oxandrolone, took the name “Anavar” when its manufacturing laboratory became a subsidiary of Pfizer. Doctors prescribe it to facilitate tissue regeneration as part of the treatment of certain disorders such as hepatitis, pathological refraction of bone tissue, or alcoholic hepatitis. Anavar is also prescribed to patients who suffer from anemia, angioedema, or those who have lost weight as a result of an infection such as the AIDS virus. This steroid can also be used to combat weight loss after surgery.

Anavar is one of the most widely used anabolic androgenic steroids as a doping agent in the sports world. This product is used much more by bodybuilders to increase their muscle performance. The effects of Oxandrolone are significantly superior to those of testosterone, a hormone naturally secreted by the body. 
Anavar is recommended for those taking cortisone orally to deal with the breakdown of organic compounds. Oxandrolone has primarily anabolic effects. This is also why it is quite famous in the world of bodybuilding. In particular, it allows you to gain muscle mass while eliminating excess fat.

Use of Anavar in the medical setting


In the medical environment, this steroidal molecule can be used for therapeutic purposes or simply as food supplements. Prescribed as a drug, Anavar is used by people who have lost mass or those with growth disorders. People who suffer from malnutrition or pain from osteoporosis also take this medication. Beyond therapeutic prescriptions, Oxandrolone is also recommended for people who have suffered advanced burns to facilitate their recovery. Finally, Anavar is indicated for cases of hypogonadism or hepatitis caused by alcohol.

Non-therapeutic use of Oxandrolone

Many athletes take oxandrolone for good performance. Used as a dietary supplement, this product promotes mass gain and muscle strength. It has much higher anabolic effects than androgens. Compared to other steroid molecules, Anavar has very little liver toxicity. This is one of the reasons why this molecule is still appreciated by bodybuilders.



The Anavar steroid is quite popular because it offers a number of benefits.

•    Improved muscle mass
•    Possibility of using it in combination with other steroids
•    The steroid Oxandrolone does not cause fluid retention
•    Possibility of using Anavar in combination with other anabolic products to have a synergistic effect

To benefit from the advantages of the steroid Oxandrolone, it is important to make good use of it by respecting the indications taken. It is also necessary to take into account your medical history and to know the products before taking them in combination with this steroid.

Mode of action of Anavar in the body


Anavar's mode of action is similar to that of testosterone. The difference between these two substances is that Oxandrolone has a much higher anabolic effect. On the other hand, testosterone has more androgenic effects than this.

When Anavar is administered in a single oral dose, it is 95% or 97% bioavailable. Otherwise, the active ingredient of the product is completely absorbed into the blood from the intestinal villi in the gastrointestinal tract in about 1 hour. After administration, it takes about 30 minutes for the plasma concentration of oxandrolone to be reduced by half. In an adult, it takes about 10 hours. In pharmacokinetics, this time is called the half-life of the product.


Like other steroids, oxandrolone binds to plasma proteins due to its low molecular weight and the hydrophobic nature of its poles. The molecule is partially metabolized by the sulfation reaction. The product obtained after metabolism is 17-epioxandrolone, an isomeric metabolite of oxandrolone. The derivative product is mainly secreted through the urine in the form of native Oxandrolone and 3% is eliminated in the feces.

The physiological effects of Oxandrolone

When Anavar finds its way into the body, it triggers reactions that involve multiple targets. With its strong anabolic action and very few androgenic effects, Oxandrolone enjoys oral bioavailability. It also benefits from metabolism-related resistance in the liver, which facilitates its breakdown. Its action on the muscles is characterized by protein synthesis. The Oxandrolone molecule improves the uptake of amino acids which enter into the protein synthesis reaction. In addition, it promotes the retention of nitrogen, one of the essential bodies in the synthesis of proteins. Amino acid uptake and nitrogen retention effects lead to the development of muscle mass.


In the bone tissues, Oxandrolone gives a certain density to the bones and improves the availability of mineral salts. In other words, it participates in the consolidation of the bone substance thus conferring hardness on the bones. Besides its anabolic effect, Anavar acts in parallel as an anti-catabolic. This effect is a real advantage for bodybuilding enthusiasts during dry periods. Indeed, the molecule acts as an inhibitor of protein catabolism induced by the secretion of corticosteroids. It also facilitates lipolysis, a lipid degradation reaction. This action leads to the release of glycerol and fatty acids into the blood. These bodies released into the bloodstream participate in protein synthesis in the muscles.


At the blood tissue level, Anavar plays the role of stimulating erythropoiesis. It is a reaction that produces red blood cells from a substance called erythropoietin secreted by the renal cortex.

In general, Oxandrolone has the following physiological effects on the body:

•    Increased protein synthesis in muscle tissue
•    Stimulation of muscle growth and tone
•    Promotes nitrogen resorption
•    Intensification of protein intake
•    Natural Androgen Renewal
•    Decrease in the amount of visceral fat and body fat
•    Consolidation of bone tissue

These different combined physiological effects bring a remarkable change to the body.

The pharmacodynamics of Anavar

Like any steroid derived from testosterone, Oxandrolone binds to androgen receptors. This gives the molecule the ability to cross the cell membrane to penetrate the cell nucleus. Once in the nucleus, the androgen will activate the expression of a certain number of genes. This manifests itself in protein synthesis. At the muscle tissue level, this will lead to muscle enlargement called muscle hypertrophy. Note that this action is essentially done at the level of the skeletal muscle. In the bone tissue, there is an increase in calcified mineral matter.


In general, the pharmacology of Anavar is characterized by the stimulation of protein synthesis in the muscles. It also induces the release of growth factors including IGF-A.

How to use Anavar

The route of administration of Anavar is orally or by injection. It is much more recommended to administer it orally. Athletes can, for example, easily administer the product by taking it in the form of capsules rather than by injection.

Dosage and frequency of intake

For an athlete, the dosage is 20mg to 50mg, twice a day. The catches must be daily since it is a sports cycle. When you exceed the indicated dose, you may be exposed to side effects and some tolerance. This significantly reduces muscle mass gain. It should be noted that a cycle covers six to eight weeks. When a cycle ends, it is necessary to observe about 10 days of break before starting a new one. Prolonged intake without breaks can damage the liver.


The side effects and disadvantages of Anavar

Anavar is a product that has a number of negative effects. It can cause spleen and liver problems, including tumors. With its metabolic action and steroidal nature, Oxandrolone can lead to cardiovascular diseases. Indeed, its steroidal nature and its involvement in the metabolism promote the production of bad cholesterol through an increase in the amount of LDL in the plasma.

Overdose or prolonged use of this product can induce several side effects. In particular, it can cause signs of general fatigue, lack of appetite, increased thirst, stomach aches, vomiting, and nausea. There are other signs, here are a few:


•    Yellowing of the eyes or skin
•    Pain during urination
•    Breathing difficulties
•    Swelling of the throat, lips, face, or tongue
•    Bleeding in the skin
•    Moist skin

In addition to these side effects, the steroid Oxandrolone can cause hormonal disturbances in men with the effect of reducing the secretion of testosterone. The latter being an essential hormone in senuality, the decrease in its production can lead to erectile dysfunction. There may also be permanent lethargy and the appearance of acne. In women, the use of this product can considerably modify the ovarian and uterine cycles. Along with the androgenic effects, the woman can also develop traits of masculinity. In particular, she can cope with the increase in the size of the clitoris and the growth of hair in the chest and chin.


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