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Best Supplements To Lower Blood Sugar Naturally 2023 - Natural Diabetes Medication Alternative Over The Counter

There are many diabetes medications available - these are usually pharmaceutical drugs administered by injection or pill form and can cause side effects. This article lists the best supplements to lower blood sugar naturally over the counter.


Best Supplements To Lower Blood Sugar

Diabetes is a common problem. It affects more than 37 million people in the USA alone. That's about one in 10 people and 90-95% of them have type-2 diabetes. 

Although type-2 diabetes generally develops in people in their mid-40s, the number of younger adults and children developing the condition is increasing.  

There are many diabetes medications available - these are usually pharmaceutical drugs administered by injection or pill form and can cause side effects. This article lists the best supplements to lower blood sugar naturally over the counter. 

Top 3 Natural Supplements for Lowering Blood Sugar 

If you are planning on lowering your blood sugar with natural supplements, here are the three best options to pick: 


#1) Altai Balance - Click for Best Blood Sugar Supplement 

#2) BeLiv - Click for Drops for Blood Sugar Control 

#3) Limitless Glucose 1 - Click for Natural Glucose Control 

All three of these blood sugar supplements contain natural ingredients that have performed well in clinical trials to regulate blood glucose levels. They are also distributed with money-back guarantees.  

#1. Altai Balance - Ultimate Blood Sugar Formula 

Altai Balance

Our #1 choice for people seeking a supplement that lowers blood sugar, Altai Balance also supports weight loss and helps the body get rid of harmful particulate matter (PM). 


PM is an airborne toxin. In most cases, you will not be able to detect its presence with your naked eye and your nose may not smell it but PM is a problem all over the world and research suggests it's one of the highest-ranking risk factors for the increase in type 2 diabetes. [2] 

Altai Balance is a blood sugar-lowering supplement that offers that little bit more. Not only does it help manage the symptoms of type 2 diabetes, but it may also have the potential to prevent it. It's a hard act to follow and deserves its place at the top of our supplement list. 

Altai Balance Benefits 

  • Supports healthy blood sugar levels 

  • Aids weight management and healthy body weight 

  • Reduce sugar cravings 

  • Detoxes dangerous particulate matter (PM) 

  • 180-Day Money-Back Guarantee 

Altai Balance Ingredients 

Altai Balance provides 19 ingredients. 

Here are a few of the most important inclusions: 


Gymnema sylvestre is a popular herb that's a key player in traditional Indian Ayurvedic medicine. It's often used as a natural diabetes treatment. The Hindu name for Gymnema is gurmar. It translates as "sugar destroyer." That should tell you all you need to know. 

Gymnema worked so well for the patients in one clinical trial, nearly a quarter of the participants were able to stop using their prescription medications and maintain their blood sugar levels using Gymnema instead. [3] 


The results of another study are also particularly noteworthy because they show supplementing with Gymnema resulted in improvements in insulin sensitivity and blood lipids (cholesterol). [4] 

White Mulberry 

White mulberry is another natural ingredient that has been shown to be effective for lower blood sugar and cholesterol. 

Alpha-Lipoic Acid (ALA) 

ALA is a vitamin-like compound and antioxidant produced by the liver. It's also present in many foods including broccoli, spinach, and red meats. 

ALA appears to improve insulin sensitivity and help the cells to absorb sugar from the blood. 

Research shows that, in addition to preventing high blood sugar, ALA may also offer a limited amount of protection from oxidative stress. [5] 


Licorice Root 

In addition to being good to decrease blood sugar levels, licorice root extracts also provide many other benefits, including supporting good liver health and helping to purge the body of toxins. [6] 

Bitter Melon 

Bitter melon (Momordica charantia) is an edible vine fruit that's widely cultivated in Africa, Asia, and the Caribbean. Countless studies support using bitter melon for lowering blood sugar. 

Data from one clinical trial shows bitter melon produced significant increases in insulin secretion (but not insulin sensitivity). The data also shows bitter melon delivered reductions in BMI and waist circumference. [7] 


Research shows banaba plant extracts enhance the cells' ability to take in sugar. This appears to be largely due to a compound called corosolic acid, which can bring down blood sugar levels within an hour of consumption and also provide appetite suppression and weight loss support. [8] 


How to Use Altai Balance to Control Blood Sugar Levels 

If you choose to use this blood sugar-lowering supplement, you will only need to take one capsule per day. To aid absorption, it's best to take each dose with a large glass of water. 

Where to Buy Altai Balance 

As is the case with all the best options, you can only buy this blood sugar-lowering supplement from the official website. 

#2. BeLiv - Drops for Healthy Blood Glucose Levels 


These days, most of the best natural supplements are produced in pill format. BeLiv is not. It's a liquid supplement you place under your tongue using the dropper attached to the underside of the bottle's lid. 


Although liquid-type supplements are few and far between in comparison to alternative options, some people prefer them because they are nice and easy to swallow. Although we don't rate BeLiv as highly as Altai Balance, it's easily the best blood sugar-lowering supplement for people who have aversions to taking pills. 

BeLiv Benefits 

  • Easy to swallow 

  • Lowers blood sugar 

  • Boosts energy 

  • 60-day Money-Back Guarantee 

Key Ingredients in Beliv  

BeLiv provides eight key ingredients. 

Let's take a look at some of the ingredient highlights: 


Altai Balance has this ingredient too. Gymnema is one of the best herbal ingredients for reducing elevated blood sugar levels and improving insulin sensitivity. [3, 4] 


Grape Seeds 

Another clinically-proven ingredient, grape seed extracts lower blood sugar while also reducing the risk of cardiovascular events in people who have type 2 diabetes. [9] 

Maca Root 

Maca root is a versatile botanical ingredient that's present in many natural products including Viagra alternatives and bodybuilding supplements. 

It's in BeLiv because it provides compounds that may aid blood sugar and lipid metabolism in cells that have become insulin resistant. [10] 

Astragalus Membranaceus 

Astragalus membranaceus is a medicinal herb that has a long history of use in traditional Chinese medicine. 

Although it has value in many other areas, Astragalus is included in BeLiv because of its ability to help keep blood sugar levels on an even track. [11] 


Eleutherococcus Senticosus 

Often called Siberian ginseng, Eleutherococcus senticosus is an adaptogen herb that offers many health benefits. Its presence in BeLiv will contribute to the supplement's ability to provide a natural energy boost. 


Guarana is a tropical berry that's high in caffeine. Unlike other natural sources of caffeine, such as kola nut, guarana provides a slow release of caffeine that can help sustain energy levels for a long time. 

How to Use BeLiv to Lower Blood Glucose Levels 

The dose is one full dropper, once per day. The best time to take BeLiv is just before breakfast. 

Although the easiest way to use BeLiv is to squirt the liquid under your tongue, it's also permissible to mix it with water and then drink it. 


Where to Buy BeLiv 

As with our top choice, BeLiv is only available via its official website. 

#3. Limitless Glucose 1 - Blood Sugar Management 

Limitless Glucose 1

It may have a #1 in its name but we are making Limitless Glucose 1 #3 on our list of best natural supplements for lowering blood sugar. However, every list has to have a final entry and, although the other two supplements are better, Limitless Glucose 1 is still far superior to any of the other blood sugar-lowering dietary supplements that we reviewed. 

In addition to lowering healthy blood sugar levels, Limitless Glucose 1 also provides a few extra whistles and bells including blood pressure regulation and weight loss support. 


Limitless Glucose 1 Benefits 

  • Balances blood sugar 

  • Manages insulin levels 

  • Regulates blood pressure 

  • Supports healthy cholesterol levels 

  • Helps reduce weight and obesity 

Limitless Glucose 1 Key Ingredients to Control Blood Glucose Levels 

Banaba Leaf 

We have covered this ingredient before. Banaba is also a key ingredient in Altain Balance. The manufacturers responsible for developing both supplements favor it because of its clinically proven ability to lower blood sugar and provide weight loss support. [8] 


Chromium deficiency inhibits the body's ability to use sugar for energy. Insulin production also increases the need for insulin. By giving the body a chromium top-up, Limitless Glucose 1 helps your body to use carb-provided glucose more efficiently. [12] 


Cinnamon extract 

A popular cooking spice and versatile medicinal compound, cinnamon comes from the bark of cinnamon trees. Research suggests that, in addition to lowering blood sugar, cinnamon may also reduce blood pressure in type 2 diabetics. [13] 


An important mineral that plays a key role in immune function and tissue repair. Research shows zinc supplements can be good for regulating insulin production and hunger in obese people. [14] 


Thiamine is Vitamin B1. Like other members of the B vitamin family, it supports vitality by helping the body extract energy from food. 

How to Use Limitless Glucose 1 for Reducing High Blood Sugar Levels 


The dose is one capsule per day, taken with a glass of water. 

Where to Buy Limitless Glucose 1 Blood Sugar Supplements 

By this point, you probably won't be surprised to discover you can only buy Limitless Glucose 1 from the official website. 

Why Use Natural Supplements to Lower Blood Sugar Levels 

Diabetes is a widespread issue. In the USA alone, it has an impact on more than 37 million individuals. About one in ten of those people develop type 2 diabetes, which affects 90–95% of them.  

Although type-2 diabetes often appears in persons in their mid-40s, younger adults and children are becoming more likely to contract the disease. 


Unfortunately, although pharmaceutical diabetes drugs, medications and treatments such as Byetta and Ozempic can be very useful for keeping blood sugar and insulin levels under control, these medications can cause serious side effects. The risks are so great that they have to be distributed with boxed warnings about the possibility of cancer and organ harm. 

Not surprisingly, many type-2 diabetics prefer to control their blood sugar with natural supplements instead. In addition to providing a safe and effective way to manage high blood glucose levels themselves, the best natural alternatives to diabetes medications are also much cheaper to buy. 

Vitamin D Supplements to Lower Blood Sugar Naturally 


Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that plays an important role in maintaining optimal health. Recent research has suggested that vitamin D may also play a role in controlling blood glucose levels. Here's how: 

  1. Regulation of insulin secretion: Vitamin D helps to regulate insulin secretion in the pancreas. Insulin is a hormone that regulates blood sugar levels by allowing glucose to enter cells for energy. Vitamin D helps to increase insulin secretion, which can help to lower blood glucose levels. 

  • Improved insulin sensitivity: Vitamin D also helps to improve insulin sensitivity, which means that the body is better able to use insulin to regulate blood glucose levels. Improved insulin sensitivity can lead to more efficient glucose uptake by cells and a decrease in blood glucose levels. 

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  • Reduced inflammation: Vitamin D has anti-inflammatory properties that can help to reduce inflammation in the body. Chronic inflammation is associated with insulin resistance, which can lead to high blood glucose levels. By reducing inflammation, vitamin D may help to improve insulin sensitivity and control blood glucose levels. 

    1. Regulation of calcium levels: Vitamin D also plays a role in the regulation of calcium levels in the body. Calcium is important for insulin secretion and glucose uptake by cells. By maintaining optimal calcium levels, vitamin D may help to improve insulin sensitivity and control blood glucose levels. 

    In summary, vitamin D (and in some cases combine with magnesium supplements) may help to control blood glucose levels and treat diabetes by regulating insulin secretion, improving insulin sensitivity, reducing inflammation, and regulating calcium levels. However, it's important to note that vitamin D supplementation should be done under the guidance of a healthcare professional, as excessive vitamin D intake can be harmful. 


    How to Use Diet and Exercise to Regulate Blood Sugar Levels Naturally 

    Regardless of whether you are diabetic, overweight, or in good health, the food choices you make and your activity levels can influence your health for the worse or the better. 

    However, diet and exercise are particularly important for diabetics because of the influence  they have on blood sugar levels. Some type 2 diabetics successfully manage their conditions with diet and exercise alone. 

    Food provides the body with energy. Physical activity increases energy expenditure. Both affect the amount of sugar circulating in the blood. 

    Manage Your Carb Intake for Healthy Blood Sugar Levels 


    Carbohydrates (carbs) are the body's primary source of energy so the amount of carbs you eat greatly influences your blood sugar levels. 

    During digestion, your body reduces carbs to simple sugars, mainly glucose. Then, insulin steps in and helps your body use glucose metabolism or store it to support future energy needs. 

    When you consume too many carbs or have problems with insulin function, it throws a spanner into the works and blood sugar levels rise. That's why it's so important to monitor your carb intake and the way your body responds. Doing these things will make it easier to understand and predict your body's carb requirements. 


    There are strong arguments for following a low-carb diet plan. Research shows this type of eating plan can be very effective for lowering blood sugar levels naturally and preventing blood sugar spikes. [15] 

    However, all carbs are not created equal. Certain foods, such as white bread, pasta, and sugar-laden breakfast cereals can push up blood sugar levels quickly. It's best to go for wholegrain products over ones that have been processed and refined. These options are also the healthiest. 

    Eating More Fiber is Effective for Blood Sugar Control 

    Dietary fiber slows down carb digestion and sugar absorption. By doing this, it prevents blood sugar levels from rising too fast and spiking. 


    Dietary fiber can be soluble or non soluble. Although the ratios may vary, many foods contain both. However, soluble fiber appears to offer the most value to people who are trying to prevent their blood sugar levels from becoming too high. 

    Regardless of the type, high-fiber diets can also improve insulin secretion and blood glucose control and help prevent blood sugar crashes. 

    Vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and legumes are all excellent sources of dietary fiber. 

    Choose Low GI Foods to Manage Blood Sugar Levels 

    The glycemic index (GI) relates to the speed at which your body breaks down carbs and absorbs energy. High GI foods push-up blood sugar levels quickly. Low GI foods do it more slowly. Moderate options sit in the middle. 


    If you want to avoid blood sugar spikes and the associated problems, it's best to choose low to moderate GI foods. 

    some good examples include: 

    • Oats 

    • Bulgur wheat 

    • Barley 

    • Lentils 

    • Beans 

    • Legumes 

    • Wholewheat breads and pastas 

    • Non-starchy vegetables such as cauliflower and kale 

    Sensible Portion Sizes Can Lower Blood Sugar Levels 

    Larger portions of food provide more well balanced blood sugar levels than the same foods would when consumed in smaller portions. It's not rocket science. Watching your portion sizes is one of the best ways to prevent your blood sugar from becoming too high. It's also a good way to lose weight. 

    If you find this a difficult step to take, it may help to serve your food on smaller plates. It's a good way to make your meals seem larger than they are. 


    Eating more slowly can be helpful too. Doing so gives your stomach extra time to produce the hormones that let the brain know there is no longer a requirement for food. 

    Lower Blood Sugar with Exercise 

    Needless to say, exercise can lower blood sugar by lowering insulin resistance and increasing calorie expenditure. However, if you have never done any research on the subject, you may be surprised to learn exercise improves insulin sensitivity. This makes it easier for muscle cells to take up glucose (sugar) during and after exercise activities. 

    In fact, when the muscle contracts during exercise, the cells can draw in glucose and use it for energy regardless of whether insulin is available or not. 


    Better still, exercise can help keep fasting blood sugar low for 24 hours or more after each exercise session has finished. 

    Best Supplements to Lower Blood Sugar 2023 Summary 

    As with pharmaceutical type 2 diabetes treatments, natural supplements for lowering blood sugar work best when used alongside suitable diet plans, regular exercise, and overall healthy living. 

    Although all the top options provide ingredients that have been proven effective for lowering blood sugar, some of them are also capable of providing additional benefits such as weight loss support or detoxification. So, depending on your lifestyle and personal goals, certain choices may be more appropriate than others. 


    Blood Sugar Supplements Research Sources and Clinical Trials 2023 

     1. Type 2 Diabetes:  

    2. Estimates of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Burden Attributable to Particulate Matter Pollution and Its 30-Year Change Patterns: A Systematic Analysis of Data From the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019:  

    3. Antidiabetic Effect of a Leaf Extract From Gymnema Sylvestre in Non-insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus Patients:  

    4. Effect of Gymnema sylvestre Administration on Glycemic Control, Insulin Secretion, and Insulin Sensitivity in Patients with Impaired Glucose Tolerance:  

    5. Glycemic and Oxidative Status of Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Following Oral Administration of Alpha-Lipoic Acid: A Randomized Double-Blinded Placebo-Controlled Study:  

    6. Glycyrrhiza glabra (Licorice): A Comprehensive Review on Its Phytochemistry, Biological Activities, Clinical Evidence and Toxicology:  


    7. Momordica charantia Administration Improves Insulin Secretion in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus:  

    8. Management of Diabetes and Its Complications with Banaba (Lagerstroemia speciosa L.) and Corosolic Acid:  

    9. Effects of Grape Seed Extract in Type 2 Diabetic Subjects at High Cardiovascular Risk: A Double Blind Randomized Placebo Controlled Trial Examining Metabolic Markers, Vascular Tone, Inflammation, Oxidative Stress and Insulin Sensitivity:  

    10. Maca Extracts Regulate Glucose and Lipid Metabolism in Insulin‐Resistant HEPG2 Cells via the pi3K/Akt Signaling Pathway:  

    11. Recent Advances in Astragalus membranaceus Anti-Diabetic Research: Pharmacological Effects of Its Phytochemical Constituents:  

    12. Chromium:  

    13. Effect of Short-Term Administration of Cinnamon on Blood Pressure in Patients With Prediabetes and Type 2 Diabetes:  


    14. Zinc Supplementation Improves Body Weight Management, Inflammatory Biomarkers and Insulin Resistance in Individuals With Obesity: A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blind Trial:  

    15. A Randomised Trial of the Feasibility of a Low Carbohydrate Diet vs Standard Carbohydrate Counting in Adults With Type 1 Diabetes Taking Body Weight Into Account:  

    16. Effective Natural Supplements that Lower Blood Sugar and Control Glucose Levels. 

    Disclaimer: The above is a sponsored post, the views expressed are those of the sponsor/author and do not represent the stand and views of Outlook Editorial.
