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Andarine (S4) Guide: Dosage, Results, Benefits, & More

Andarine, also known as S4 or S-4, is a selective androgen receptor modulator that was developed to treat muscle wasting diseases, and cancer patients who were wasting away.


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Andarine S4 is quickly becoming one of the most popular SARMs due to its ability to help users pack on lean muscle mass, accelerate fat loss, and build a ton of muscle strength.

In fact, many users claim Andarine S4 is one of the best SARMs for sale on the market right now, but does this hold up to the light? What does the clinical evidence suggest?

Today in our Andarine S4 guide we will cover:

•    What is Andarine S4?
•    Andarine S4 Benefits
•    Andarine S4 Dosage
•    Andarine S4 Before and After Results
•    Andarine S4 Cycle Examples
•    Andarine S4 Side Effects
•    Where to Buy Andarine S4
•    ...and more


So, if you want to learn more about Andarine S4 and how you can use it to increase muscle mass, accelerate fat burning, and get a better body, then keep on reading this post.

What is Andarine (S4)?


Andarine, also known as S4 or S-4, is a selective androgen receptor modulator that was developed to treat muscle wasting diseases, and cancer patients who were wasting away.

It was theorized that by having a similar structure to anabolic steroids, researchers could develop the "perfect anabolic environment" where patients would build muscle rapidly, lose fat rapidly, and do so without any of the side effects of traditional anabolic steroids.


Here are some clinically proven benefits of Andarine:

•    Pack on Pounds of Muscle Mass [R ]
•    Quickly Shred Off Body Fat [R]
•    Increased Muscle Strength [R ]
•    Less Water Retention
•    Improve Bone Density [R ]
•    ...and more
In a nutshell, Andarine S4 is an investigational drug, that leads to a huge amount of muscle growth and fat loss in the body. Think of it as steroids without the side effects.

How Does Andarine Work?


Andarine S4 belongs to a class of chemicals known as SARMs, short for selective androgen receptor modulators. These SARMs are basically like "legal steroids" without side effects.

But, how is this possible? The magic lies in something called "androgen receptors," which your body has in abundance throughout your body, mainly on muscles and organ tissues.

When steroids bind to these androgen receptors, it tells them to grow. The problem is, you don't want your organ tissues to grow - this is why steroids cause so many side effects.

However, SARMs like Andarine or Ostarine MK 2866 for example, selectively target the right androgen receptors - the ones you WANT to grow - and ignores the ones that would cause side effects. [R ]

This is how Andarine is able to help users pack on so much muscle mass, and shred off so much excess fat, with almost no side effects whatsoever. It was designed to do so.


Is Andarine Legal?

Is Andarine S4 legal? Many people wonder how it's legal it if causes muscle building that's similar to anabolic steroids. Thankfully yes, Andarine S4 is fully legal to buy and sell!

Currently, the legal status of Andarine is that it's classified as a research chemical, which means that it's fully legal to buy and sell online, despite being an unapproved drug.

Andarine is legal in the following countries:

•    United States
•    United Kingdom
•    Germany
•    France
•    India
•    South Africa
•    Canada
•    Singapore
•    South America
•    Most of Europe

The only place where Andarine is illegal to buy online is Australia, because the Therapeutic Goods Administration has classified it as a medication that requires a prescription. [R ]


In short, Andarine S4 is legal to buy and sell in almost every country around the world. If you're an athlete however, keep in mind you may be tested for this compound.

Andarine S4 has been banned from professional sports competitions by:

•    World Anti Doping Agency (WADA)
•    United States Anti Doping Agency (USADA)
•    National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA)
...and no wonder. Just one cycle of Andarine has the potential to help most users pack on 20-30 pounds of muscle mass, and shred off 10-15 pounds of fat, so it gives athletes a huge edge.

Andarine Benefits


Now, let's talk about all the benefits this selective androgen receptor modulator has. Andarine S4 is generally known to be a powerful bulking compound, for lots of lean muscle gains.


In fact, here's some of the benefits of Andarine S4 :

•    Rapid Muscle Growth
•    Fight Muscle Wasting on Cutting Cycle
•    Great for Body Recomposition
•    Shred Off Tons of Fat
•    Increased Bone Density
•    Enhanced Muscle Strength
•    ...and more

Now let's take a look at what the clinical trials and evidence say.

Build Lean Muscle Mass


So, just how strong is Andarine for muscle building? One study found that Andarine S4 may be stronger than most other SARMs, even the really powerful ones like YK11 or Ligandrol .

In fact, one study found that Andarine treatment on castrated male rats has more anabolic activity, and builds muscle mass faster than taking actual testosterone itself. [R ]


Most users who take Andarine notice they lose much of the stored fat on their belly, end up with increased muscle mass, and notice more energy and strength overall in the gym.

To put it simply, research suggests Andarine is stronger than pure testosterone.

Accelerated Fat Loss

Whether you take high doses or a low dosage of Andarine S4, you can expect to burn fat faster than you ever thought possible. In fact, Andarine rivals Cardarine in its fat burning abilities.

On average, most users will improve their body composition significantly from one Andarine cycle, even if it's just for 4 weeks. The half life of Andarine is short, so it kicks in fast.


In my own experience, as well as the experience of many others, most users report losing around 10-15 pounds of fat on an Andarine cycle, often times up to 30 pounds.

This is confirmed by one clinical trial that administered S4 to lab rats, and noticed increased bone mineral density (stronger bones) as well as a far lower body fat percentage. [R ]

Build Strength Faster

One major benefit that people often notice on Andarine S4 is that it affects strength very quickly, and many people notice an increase in bench press and deadlift strength.

With its high oral bioavailability, shortly after human consumption, Andarine S4 begins working on the body, telling it to increase muscle gains and muscle power overall.


It should come as no surprise then, that people often add a whole plate to their lifts - squats, deadlifts, bench press, etc., after a single cycle of Andarine S4 over a 1–3-month period.

Andarine S4 Before and After Results


You may be wondering what Andarine S4 before and after results to expect, and here's a good example. This guy was able to completely transform his physique in just one 30 day cycle.

As we stated, the Andarine half life is short, so it acts very quickly. The effects Andarine has are evident by this picture - he lost 8 pounds of fat and gained 5 pounds of muscle in 1 month.


Here's the cycle he took for these results:

•    Andarine S4 Dosage: 50mg/day (Buy Here )
•    Cycle Length: 4 Weeks
•    PCT Protocol? Yes (Buy Here )

He also claims that he beat most of his lift records (personal bests for squat & deadlift), and noticed no adverse effects. If you want results like this, consider taking Andarine for 4 weeks.

Andarine S4 Before and After


Take a look at this Andarine results picture. This is how powerful Andarine can be as a lean bulking compound compared to other SARMs. He built 23 pounds of muscle in 3 months.


Here was his cycle he took for these results:

•    Andarine S4 Dosage: 50mg/day (Buy Here )
•    Cycle Length: 12 Weeks
•    PCT Protocol? Yes (Buy Here )

You could get even better results if you took higher doses, but anything over 100mg of Andarine hasn't been researched and may lead to serious side effects (more on that later).

As long as you take no more than 50mg/day you should be fine. To do this, take one full dropper of the Andarine from Chemyo per day, until the bottle runs out.

Andarine Dosage

What's the best Andarine dosage? Well, similar to other SARMs, there's no medically established or recommended dosage, but we can get an idea from anecdotal evidence.


Most of the existing research suggests that you should take no more than 50mg of Andarine per day, or you will start experiencing strange side effects like a yellow tint to your vision.

Here are the Andarine dosage guidelines:

•    Beginner Dosage: 25mg/day
•    Intermediate Dosage: 50mg/day
•    Advanced Dosage: 100mg/day

If you're a beginner to SARMs, we recommend you start with just 50mg/day of Andarine. Anything more than this hasn't been researched a whole lot, and while some bodybuilders take that much, the odds of encountering side effects are much higher.

Does Andarine Require PCT?

Yes, Andarine does require post cycle therapy because it causes mild testosterone suppression while on cycle. Every SARM or anabolic compound will lower testosterone levels on cycle.


This is why you take a post cycle therapy. It's basically just a bunch of natural testosterone boosting herbs and compounds, to get your testosterone production back on track.

For Andarine, which causes testosterone suppression on cycle, we recommend you take Testomax starting the day after your last Andarine dose. Take 4 pills/day for 30 days.

One bottle of Testomax is all you need for your post cycle therapy, in order to get your testosterone production back on track after your cycle.

Andarine Cycle & Stacks


If you want to get the best results possible, you need to stack Andarine with other SARMs that will fill in the gaps. By choosing other compounds that pair well with Andarine, you can get exponentially better results and build way more muscle.


So, what should you combine Andarine with? It depends on your goals, so we've made three example stacks for you here, that you can select based on whatever your goals are.

Andarine Bulking Stack

This is a great bulking cycle to run if your main concern is building muscle and you don't have a whole lot of fat to lose. With this stack you can expect to pack on 30lbs of muscle mass.

Here's the best Andarine bulking stack:

•    Andarine Dose: 50mg/day (Buy Here )
•    MK 677 Dose: 50mg/day (Buy Here )
•    Cycle Duration: 12 Weeks
•    PCT Protocol? Yes (Buy Here )


This is an amazing bulking stack that will help you pack on a ton of muscle. We've already written a full guide on Ibutamoren MK 677 , but basically it boosts growth hormone.

So, by combining it with Andarine, the results you get will be massive.

Andarine Cutting Stack

In my opinion, Andarine excels when it comes to cutting. It's considered the "younger cousin" of Ostarine, which is also a cutting compound, so this makes perfect sense.

Here's he best Andarine cutting stack:

•    Andarine Dose: 50mg/day (Buy Here)
•    Cardarine Dose: 10mg/day (Buy Here )
•    Cycle Duration: 8 Weeks
•    PCT Protocol? Yes (Buy Here )


Using this Andarine cutting stack you can expect to shred off around 15-20 pounds of fat in just 2 months, and maybe even more depending on your workout routine and diet.

Andarine Recomposition Stack

This is the best stack for if you want to both burn fat and build muscle at the same time. Many people will benefit from taking this stack, as most people want to lose fat and build muscle.

Here's the best Andarine recomposition stack:

•    Andarine Dose: 50mg/day (Buy Here )
•    RAD 140 Dose: 10mg/day (Buy Here )
•    Cycle Duration: 8 Weeks
•    PCT Protocol? Yes (Buy Here )


Using this cycle you can expect to shred 10-15 pounds of fat and put on 10-15 pounds of muscle in just two months. Be sure to use a post cycle therapy however (more on this later).

Where to Buy Andarine


When you decide to buy Andarine or any SARMs online, it's extremely important that you get them from a good source. The vast majority of SARMs sold online are actually fake.

In fact, according to a report by the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), a whopping 48% of all SARMs sold online nowadays are 100% fake and contain no SARMs. [R ]


That's why the only vendor we buy from is Chemyo. They've been around since 2014 so have a stellar reputation they've built up. Plus, each batch of their Andarine is 3rd party tested.

This means that they send it to an independent laboratory for testing, to verify that it's pure, and they willingly show the results of these tests online. Talk about believing in your product!

If you do buy from them, use the code “MD10” for 10% off your purchase.

Andarine Side Effects

Steroids are known for having many nasty side effects, ranging from hair loss to prostate cancer, swollen prostate gland, and more. Thankfully, SARMs like Andarine aren't.


Most people who take Andarine or other selective androgen receptor modulators experience almost no side effects. According to human trials, most SARMs are very well tolerated.

That being said, you may experience a side effect or two, especially if you take Andarine in very high dosages, or combine it with other substances in very high dosages.

Andarine may cause the following side effects:

•    Slightly Elevated Blood Pressure
•    Mild Cholesterol Increase
•    Increased Aggression & Motivation
•    Yellow Vision (At Very High Dosages)
Andarine works similarly to Testosterone Treatment, but with fewer side effects. Due to its selectivity, most people don't notice a single side effect.



In summary, Andarine is an extremely powerful anabolic compound that will help you shred a ton of fat, pack on slabs of lean muscle mass, and it starts working fast due to a short half life.

Most people can expect to pack on 15-20 pounds and lose around 10-15 pounds of fat in a couple of months, but that's only if you get it from a high quality source, like the one we recommend.

Note - Increased hormone sensitive lipase, luteinizing hormone, and follicle stimulating hormone might be a positive side effect of Andarine, but more research is needed.


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