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5-Amino-1MQ Review: Weight Loss Miracle – All You Need To Know

In this review we will cover what 5-Amino-1MQ is and exactly how it works. I also talk about something called NNMT, and how it’s associated with a range of health problems including obesity.


5-Amino-1MQ Review

5-Amino-1MQ is a little-known amino acid, sold as a peptide supplement, that’s gaining a reputation for being a significant breakthrough in weight loss. In this 5-Amino-1MQ review I’m going to tell you whether it works, or if it’s just the latest weight loss scam.

If you’d like to check it out right now, these are high quality 5-Amino-1MQ capsules:

In this review we will cover what 5-Amino-1MQ is and exactly how it works. I also talk about something called NNMT, and how it’s associated with a range of health problems including obesity.

Plus, I’ll also discuss whether 5-Amino-1MQ can help you lose weight. All that, plus I’ll tell you exactly where to find high purity 5-Amino-1MQ for sale.


Why It Gets Harder To Lose Weight

As you gain weight, your metabolism slows down, and your body increasingly actually tries to retain the fat it is gained.

As fat cells get larger, the body increases production of an enzyme called Nicotinamide N-Methyltransferase (NNMT). 

It does this for good reason. In days gone by, when food was scarce, when we had food to eat (mostly in the summer), the body didn’t want that all burned so there was nothing left. So by slowing down the metabolism and introducing chemicals to slow down fat burning, it retains more fat for longer, helping us to survive.


But in this modern day when food is not a problem at high calorie diets are commonplace, it just means that weight gain accelerates and becomes increasingly difficult to ever remove.

NNMT And Weight Loss

So at the heart of weight loss, scientists are beginning to target NNMT with a variety of products, and 5-Amino-1MQ has been found to be a core amino acid that can actually help to lower levels of NNMT.

NNMT works by modulating energy balance at the cellular level within fat cells. It does this especially in that difficult to shift tummy area.

It’s a snowball effect as you’ve now realized as well. The more fat you build, the more NNMT is produced, and the slower your metabolism gets.

So attacking this metabolic slowdown through the inhibition of NNMT is now seen as crucial, and many studies (although for 5-Amino-1MQ most so far have been in lab rats) are showing it can reverse the problem.

NNMT has also been linked to some pretty nasty illnesses, and higher levels of it have been observed in people with some serious illnesses such as kidney disease, cancer, metabolic disorders, osteoporosis, and Parkinson’s disease.

That means using 5-Amino-1MQ is not even just about weight loss, but it could have a range of longer term benefits.

5-Amino-1MQ For Weight Loss: How It Works

5-Amino-1MQ seems to block the effectiveness of NNMT in white fat cells, particularly around our middle.


Although it’s still not clear exactly how it works, observed results in animals and humans have shown great promise.

Research done by the University of Texas first observed that NNMT was the cause of this metabolic slowdown in fat cells, and that5-Amino-1MQ seem to be able to slow and reverse it.

So, although we don’t know how it works, it definitely has been observed to help lower body weight, the size of individual fat cells, balance cholesterol levels, and even help with muscle regeneration.

Put all that together, and the benefits of 5-Amino-1MQ are pretty substantial:

  • Can start reversing obesity in weeks
  • Can speed up slowing metabolic rate
  • Helps prevent lip of Genesis
  • Can help to regulate energy expenditure better
  • Effects basal metabolic rate 
  • Has been shown to speed up muscle growth
  • May help fight several serious illnesses


5-Amino-1MQ Dosage Guide

Because there’s been no proper human studies done on this so far, most of the work has been done in vitro and on lab rats, then dosage and cycle length information are scarce.

However, it has been used in humans in small trials, and observable results have allowed us to anecdotally start to pin down a good dosage range.

The dosage range I’m going to give you here is what most people work within when they are using 5-Amino-1MQ to fight obesity. A moderate dose is seen as about 100 mg, while high moderate dose is seen as around 150 mg per day.


Most people take this is a single dose at the start of each day, but others split it into two or three smaller doses throughout the day.

I’ve not observed any difference between doing that on myself, and its partly personal choice and partly personal results which will dictate what the best dosing frequency for you.

Note that it will take several weeks to start to see results. Although I’ve seen people report they feel the benefits in as little as three weeks, for me it was eight weeks before I really noticed body fat around my middle disappearing.

All you can do is monitor yourself and see what results you can achieve, but don’t expect much to happen for the first month, and maybe even the second month. This is a longer term commitment that’s easy to do, but does take some time because you are reversing long-term issues.


5-Amino-1MQ Results: How Much Weight Can You Lose?

Unfortunately nobody can tell you what results are realistic. I do know that 5-Amino-1MQ is not a scam, it really can accelerate weight loss dramatically.

Let me just say though, that it’s not a miracle pill. You won’t lose any weight unless you are eating a slight calorie deficit each day.

Some doctors who are already using this on patients advocate an initial week or two 1000 cal days to really kickstart it, but 1500 cal per day should be low enough.

You’ll also have to work out. Do something each day, even if it’s just a long walk. But try to do resistance training a couple times a week, and some cardio, so that you’re doing an all round good routine that alongside a calorie deficit, and the 5-Amino-1MQ, will hit things from all angles.


After about three months, I was averaging 3 or 4 pounds weight loss a week. Usually, I would manage 1 or 2 pounds after the initial dramatic couple of weeks.

It tapered off after that, but was still in my estimation averaging around 50% higher than I could achieve naturally each week, so the results can definitely be significant.

The let me say again, you have to stick with it for at least two or three months to receive the results, you need to have a low carb calorie controlled diet, and you need to burn those calories.

Can 5-Amino-1MQ Help With Building Muscle?


As we get older, muscle mass loss accelerates in a process called sarcopenia. It’s irreversible, even if you work out harder than you ever have before. The gains and the returns for your effort will diminish endlessly.

Chronic inflammation as we get older seems to be one part of the problem, along with general muscle wasting and lack of mobility.

Some of the initial research has shown that NNMT also has a role in muscle cell problems as well, and using 5-Amino-1MQ can help to lower its expression and regenerate ageing muscle cells faster, and in more volume than would be achieved naturally.


But it’s not just about getting older, as 5-Amino-1MQ seems to help to regenerate muscle tissue in any age group.

People are reporting that they are recovering from injuries faster when using it, and seeing better gains when doing resistance training while using it.

It seems to be able to repair damaged muscle tissue as well, and the micro tears are exactly what we cause, and what repairs, to grow muscle tissue harder and larger.

But all that together, and it appears that 5-Amino-1MQ could be something you could stack with SARMs or peptides to increase the returns on your hard work at the gym.


Finding 5-Amino-1MQ For Sale

Because 5-Amino-1MQ has never been through full human testing and is not marketed for any purpose in humans, you can only buy it is a research chemical from grey market retailers.

It’s safe as long as you get a company with a long track record, and who have every single batch they buy in tested by an independent third-party lab to check for purity, and composition.

Behemoth Labz are a company who do just that, and they’ve sold SARMs, peptides, and other grey market research chemicals, for more than a decade successfully.

Right now, 60 5-Amino-1MQ capsules, each dosed at 50 mg, costs $298.


This is becoming a very fashionable supplement, and it’s still relatively affordable, but that price is going to go up as popularity increases and companies realize that supply can’t keep up with demand.

This is really easy to use, being powder in capsules. At 50 mg per capsule, it’s really easy to dose two or three per day and get the full effects.

Just make sure you are working out, keeping moving and exercising, and watching the calorie intake so that you get the most out of your investment.

Disclaimer: The above is a sponsored post, the views expressed are those of the sponsor/author and do not represent the stand and views of Outlook Editorial.

