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10 Books On Self-Help That Are A MUST READ For You In 2022!

While you are on a quest to become a better person, life is about embracing change and growth. Personal growth is on everyone’s bucket list, and the simple hack is to improve daily habits for a promising future.


10 Books On Self-Help

Change is never easy, but change is always good. Be it a change of habits, character traits or personality; it is significant to change with time. And what better than self-help books? They talk about change, self-development and a positive mindset to grow in life. To bring a change, you have to be the change. Every New Year, you commit to being a better version of yourself. Unfortunately, the New Year resolution later goes on a toss. 

While you are on a quest to become a better person, life is about embracing change and growth. Personal growth is on everyone’s bucket list, and the simple hack is to improve daily habits for a promising future. To make it simple, we have summarized the 10 best self-development books of 2022 which can help you succeed and make you a better person.


1.    Set Boundaries, Find Peace: A Guide to Reclaiming Yourself by Nedra Glover Tawwab

For any person to grow in life, it is imperative to draw healthy boundaries. When you master this art, you understand how to create a balance in your personal and professional life. While the book depicts the importance of creating boundaries in life, Nedra Glover Tawwab simplifies what boundaries are, who might need them and the different types of boundaries you need to set in life. As the book throws light on powerful tactics to set boundaries, it also helps readers in building confidence and different ways to express themselves. All in all, Set Boundaries, Find Peace is a must-read for all those who have ever felt obligated to do things in life.


2.    The High 5 Habit: Take Control of Your Life With One Small Habit by Mel Robbins

Ever felt that you have lost your purpose or cannot figure out what to do in life? If waking up in the morning and planning your day gives you worries, we recommend that you read The High 5 Habit: Take Control of Your Life With One Small Habit by Mel Robbins. In the book, the author shares how positive self-talk can help in boosting a person’s confidence. The book has her personal stories and stories of people from all over the world who have changed their life with this positive method. To sum it up, Mel Robbins’ book is a must-read for those who deal with self-limitations and negative talk. 

3.    The Everyday Hero Manifesto: Activate Your Positivity, Maximize Your Productivity, Serve The World by Robin Sharma

One of the world’s top leadership experts and author Robin Sharma has mentored the most successful people from different walks of life. Known for his best-selling book, The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari, the author has transformed many people’s lives with The Everyday Hero Manifesto. The book is a reflection of his journey and the transformational system he imbibed to bring productivity and positivity into daily life. In the book, he speaks about the hidden tactics and habits one can use to avoid distractions in life. Sharing his wisdom on how to build a productive life, the book also emphasizes the need for helping others in any given situation.


4.    Think Like a Monk: Train Your Mind for Peace and Purpose Every Day by Jay Shetty

Jay Shetty, an award-winning storyteller, motivational speaker, podcaster and former monk shares wisdom like no other. His book Think Like A Monk has been the #1 New York Times bestseller, and it talks about the timeless wisdom learnt by him as a monk. The book shows the way a monk thinks and the ancient techniques used in the present time to have a happy and purposeful life. Giving everyday examples, Shetty’s book has been life-changing for readers across the world. If you have read a lot of self-help books, this will not surprise you. However, the way Jay Shetty has presented is unique and fresh with a different perspective of looking at life through ancient methods. For anyone who wants to live a balanced and purposeful life, this book should not be missed at any cost.


5.    Emotional Mastery: Toolkit For Success by Dr. Navana Kundu

Emotions have a great impact on people. We all experience positive emotions like love, satisfaction and serenity, and we experience negative emotions like anger, fear and sadness daily. Knowing how to control your emotions and not letting them overpower you is a life skill. That’s what Dr. Navana Kundu’s Emotional Mastery: Toolkit for Success is all about. The emotional mastery expert and the author has beautifully explained different tips to deal with emotions. The key highlight of this book is the Healing Triad consisting of three levels - The 7-Step Emotions Breakthrough Formula, Inner Child Healing and the Science of Energy Diet. All these levels take readers into the depth of emotions and how to master them through different tactics to succeed in life.


6.    Ikigai: The Japanese Secret To A Long And Happy Life by Francesc Miralles and Hector Garcia

According to the Japanese, everyone has an ikigai—a reason for living. And according to the residents of the Japanese village with the world’s longest-living people, finding it is the key to a happier and longer life. Having a strong sense of ikigai—the place where passion, mission, vocation, and profession intersect—means that each day is infused with meaning. It’s the reason we get up in the morning. It’s also the reason many Japanese never really retire (in fact there’s no word in Japanese that means retire in the sense it does in English): They remain active and work at what they enjoy, because they’ve found a real purpose in life—the happiness of always being busy.


7.    Life's Amazing Secrets: How to Find Balance and Purpose in Your Life by Gaur Gopal Das

Indian monk, lifestyle coach and motivational speaker Gaur Gopal Das has brought a positive impact on people’s lives with his work. His authored book Life's Amazing Secrets does not just talk about the methods to achieve goals or have loads of money. On the contrary, the book delivers a power-packed message that life is all about being happy and keeping monetary status aside. Whether you have money or no money, happiness is the biggest achievement one can attain in life. The escape to life can be in different forms like travel, party or socialising with friends. But if you want to understand the essence of being happy all your life, this book will leave you pleased. As the name goes by, the book contains Gaur Gopal Das’ wisdom on how to live life with sheer joy. If you are on a quest to find the true purpose of life, give this book a read.


8.    Life Is In The Transitions: Mastering Change at Any Age by Bruce Feiler

The New York Times bestselling author, Bruce Feiler in the book Life Is In The Transitions explains how transition periods can affect us. Transitions have been the most vulnerable times in everyone’s life. After collecting life stories of people experiencing a major change in their lives, the author spent a year identifying the patterns and takeaways from these stories. Through this book, he has been a guide to people in making them understand life’s biggest transitions so they can survive to find the meaning of life. In the book, he says that life is non-linear and major disruptions in life can happen at any time. Every individual experiences massive disruptions to what he calls lifequakes. These transitions in life can redirect to a new path of opportunities and growth.


9.    How to Become Rich: 12 Lessons I Learnt from Vedic and Puranic Stories by Devdutt Pattanaik

Money is crucial which many individuals struggle to contain. The life hack is to understand how to manage money smartly. Making it easier, Devdutt Pattanaik explains it brilliantly in his book How to Become Rich: 12 Lessons I Learnt from Vedic and Puranic Stories. While the book discusses in detail about the goddess of wealth, Lakshmi, the author has masterfully connected Vedas and mythological stories. Pattanaik needs to be applauded for explaining how money works in the present day. Addressing different topics in 12 chapters, Devdutt Pattanaik has narrated stories in a way that will make you think about your money-spending habits. If you want to clear your financial concepts backed by Hindu Vedas and Puranas, this is a must-read for you. 


10.    The Power Of Writing It Down: A Simple Habit to Unlock Your Brain and Reimagine Your Life by Allison Fallon

Author, writing coach and speaker Allison Fallon has transformed her life after realising the power of daily writing as a practice. Your words can have a lasting impact on your life, and a lot can change when you put words on the page. The author proved the different benefits of writing daily, and how therapeutic it can turn out to be. More so, The Power of Writing It Down is for everyone who has a secret longing to write but doesn’t know where and how to start. The author in his final chapter rightly says, “Because for all the energy and effort and love and passion we put into this world, words are the most lasting thing we get to leave behind."

