Business Spotlight

Big Eyes Coin, Dogecoin, And Shiba Inu Show The Power Of Community In Creating A Token

By leveraging a large and engaged community, crypto founders can create sustained, long-term value


Big Eyes Coin

Cryptocurrencies have been rebranded and reimagined in many ways but the fundamental truth remains that it is, in many ways, a financial product as well as a means of payment. While many innovative practices have been the result of cynical managers and founders, it’s the opposite in the crypto world. 

The sheer love for cats on every inch of the internet is what led to the creation of Big Eyes Coin (BIG) and its complementing aesthetic. The sustained joy generated by a simple image of a Shiba Inu (SHIB) puppy created a meme that has lasted for over a decade, and the Dogecoin (DOGE) token has built itself from that community of meme lovers.  


Big Eyes Coin

What Can Dogecoin And Shiba Inu Teach Us? 

These are two of the biggest meme coins on the market at the moment – the market cap for Dogecoin (DOGE) alone now sits at over $11 billion. This sets a clear precedent for meme coins and their potential access. Whereas Dogecoin has been propelled by strong endorsements from influential people like Elon Musk, Shiba Inu (SHIB) has fostered a large and loyal community. It has an impressive ecosystem, including an upgrade to a layer-2 network (Shibarium), NFT collections, metaverse offerings, and several different tokens, including a governance token, $BONE. This gives its members the ability to shape and direct which way the Shiba Inu ecosystem goes.  



Big Eyes Coin Community Is Engaged In Its Presale 

The Big Eyes team has done well to foster similar levels of community as Shiba Inu and Dogecoin, by involving its community members in decision-making and having active communication pathways, like its thriving Telegram group (linked below).  

Big Eyes benefits from being able to create a like-minded community without relying on NFTs, gaming, and giveaways. While Big Eyes is going to mint NFTs later down the line, it’s currently generating hype from its hard-working social media team and anime-style cute cat themes.  

The proof is in that cat bowl: the pre-sale has already generated $17.5m in funds. The founders have deployed social media and already gathered over 35,000 followers on Twitter since launching in February 2022. In addition to regular social media channels, Big Eyes has a presence on Discord, Telegram, and Medium, giving users the opportunity to become a part of the community and having multiple ports of call for all things Big Eyes related. 

Big Eyes also understands that the token cannot entirely rely on the inflow of new users by word of mouth and viral posts, they need to put some legwork into it. This is why the token has committed 5% of all tokens to a public marketing wallet. It gives holders of the token faith that the founders are committed to increasing its value, userbase, and adoption and will sustainably support its growth. 

Big Eyes Coin

Connected communities of users create more value 

Meme coins and the communities they build take advantage of the fact that almost every user of the tokens end up becoming an advocate of it. Imagine if every buyer of a certain electric shaver filled their social media feed with images of their shaver, art, memes, and constantly waxed lyrical about its qualities. It would be a Godsend for the manufacturer, and could exponentially amplify current marketing activities. 


In many ways, this is happening with Big Eyes Coin, and will take place on a huge scale once the token is released to the public. That does not mean interested parties cannot get in early, since the meme coin’s presale phase is currently on, and has generated $17.5m so far. The token is sure to grow with the community, so it makes sense to get in as early as possible. 

Use discount code “LAUNCHBIGEYES200” to receive a 200% bonus! 

Big Eyes Coin

