Apart from being a formidable force in the real sector, Anand Pandit has also produced some iconic films over the years. In an interview with Outlook, Pandit talks about working with veteran actor Amitabh Bachchan in his upcoming film ‘Chehre’, his decision to release it in theatres amidst the ongoing pandemic, box-office collections and more. Excerpts from the interview:
How excited are about ‘Chehre's release? As a producer, how much do you get bothered about Friday box-office numbers?
Ofcourse, I am excited. There have been many delays in the release owing to the pandemic and finally we are about to bring this passion project to the big screen. As a producer, box-office numbers matter but as this pandemic has taught us, numbers don't count, people do. So, this film is dedicated to all the people who have helped us come this far, who contributed their energy to complete this film and to all the daily wage workers, the exhibitors and cinema owners, the spot boys and pre and post production professionals who have faced so many challenges during these difficult times.
How much of a risk was it for you to decide to release the movie in theatres?
As far as I know, every maker who has made a film for the big screen wants to release it in theatres. I am no exception and regardless of the risks, I feel, it is the right time to start going back to the theatres. The industry's well-being depends on it and I hope more producers join me and do the same.
What about ‘Chehre’ do you think is the USP of the film?
The story is the USP of 'Chehre' and of course the potential it had to become a big screen entertainer. I guess, when the story has such clarity as far as its characters are concerned, it is easy to choose actors who fit the brief. Everyone who is a part of the cast was perfect for their role and Rumy and I were always on the same page. What also excited me was the possibility of working with Mr Bachchan who was the first and only choice to play the lead player in this exciting game of wits.
What do you think Amitabh Bachchan brings to the screen?
Credibility, I think. People know they can expect a top-notch performance from him and that he will always do absolute and complete justice to his role. Generations have watched him on the big screen and have connected with his star power and brilliance for decades and yet he continues to take them by surprise with each new film and role.
Talk to us about the title song in the film..
The poem is so well-written by Rumy Jafry and sums up the powerful theme of the film. The suspense and mysterious elements in the film all come together wonderfully in the score. In April this year, Vishal-Shekhar had recorded the orchestral rendition of the title track with 107 musicians in Prague. Shekhar Ravjiani has composed the tune beautifully. And now Amit ji has lent his matchless voice to add another dimension altogether to the track. He is a perfectionist and you just have to hear the title track to be mesmerised by every intonation, pause and emphasis. His voice was made for poetry.