Outlook Spotlight

UNHERD’ Is A Tale Of Love, Wisdom, And Strength – Kartikeya Ladha

Kartikeya Ladha, one of the nation's most well-known and successful authors, introduces yet another book that tells a story of love and loss, of understanding the darkness and light within us, of travel, adventure, and the unexpected ways that life may surprise, inspire, and encourage us, guiding the readers through the alternating reality of the streets of New York and regions of India.


Kartikeya Ladha

“The truth is that you have the ability to create anything you desire, but you are the obstacle between where you are and where you want to be. Not resources like time, money, or circumstances—you. Do you understand why? It's because your biggest challenge is you. 

The sooner you realize this, the sooner you'll want to change, and the sooner you’ll embrace this, the better” Kartikeya Ladha asserts. 

The successful author of two books and an accidental writer with a large online following around the world, Kartikeya Ladha is now pursuing his writing career to push the boundaries of his dimensionality and give birth to new creations. The writers discuss how materialism and a herd mentality have become urgent requirements. The difficult years of COVID-19 marked the start of his latest book creation. Where unprecedented stress caused by the sudden social isolation; linked loneliness, fear of infection, suffering, and death for oneself and loved ones, grief after bereavement, and financial worries have all been cited as stressors leading to anxiety and depression.  


The author first gained international recognition after the launch of his first book, Dream Beyond Shadows, in late 2018. Dream Beyond Shadows became an Amazon Bestseller in India after capturing people’s imagination with countless insightful stories based on Kartikeya’s experiences during a life-changing expedition to Peru, South America. The book created a path for Kartikeya to encourage thousands to embrace creativity and courage in their lives, and to pursue self-discovery. Kartikeya’s travels within India inspired his second book, Life Unknown - A Passage through India, which takes the readers even further into the deep unknown to face the darkness in life; to be able to recognize the ever-blazing light that shines within them. This book was based on Kartikeya's travels within India. 


 His new book, ‘UNHERD’, a fictional tale of love, wisdom, and strength, is a result of a deepening self-realizing path that Kartikeya has been on, where the sense of ‘I’ is breaking and a sense of interconnectedness can be seen in everything and everyone. This was created keeping in mind the exponential changes our world has gone through in the last few decades.  

UNHERD is not only meant to inspire but also to throw light on the many questions in the minds of countless people - What is our purpose in the world? What is the true meaning of being alive? What truly matters in life? How do I live a happy and fulfilled life? How do I overcome my darkness? How do I bring light to my life, to this world? UNHERD aims to answer these questions in the form of a story that encapsulates romance, philosophy, mystery, adventure, and travel.  

The author said, “All I knew when I started writing UNHERD was that I intended to write a book about the soul. While having money is essential, having good health is just as important. According to my experience with the life trilogy, material growth becomes irrelevant at some point in a society without spiritual growth. In my opinion, we shouldn't overlook the significance of putting our happiness, purpose, and health first while pursuing our desire to accumulate wealth. I am no longer active on social media. I devote my time to honing skills and making in-person connections with people''. 

Kartikeya was raised in the heart of India's vibrant customs and family life. He was born in the famous Indian town of Gwalior. The Scindia School, a legacy of the British Raj era, was where he completed his schooling under a strict educational system, he left India to attend Northeastern University in Boston, U.S.A., where he concentrated on management and entrepreneurship.  


In one of the most successful community solarization programs in the United States, Kartikeya knocked on doors in Brownsville, an area tagged by TIME magazine in 2012 as “Brooklyn’s Most Dangerous Neighborhood.” He educated hundreds of households about climate change and motivated them to take positive action for the environment by embracing renewable energy. Kartikeya quickly became the company’s highest earner and enjoyed all the delights of fast city-living, until an inner voice surfaced from the darkness, compelling him to renounce his long-held plan of building a life in America, and instead seek the truth of human existence.  

His quest for the absolute truth led him to walk an unknown path that inspired travels to faraway lands worldwide. He went beyond life’s usual norms to unearth his calling in this magical world, by initiating an unending discovery of himself as a human being.

